Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 308 The mastermind behind the scenes 3 more

Chapter 308
"Ah? This... What the hell is going on with you? Why do you bring people to our orphanage to bully people?"

Zhen Xingchang looked at Lu Lisha, suddenly realized, and deliberately reprimanded her.

"I, I, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, please let me go."

Lu Lisha was startled, and then deliberately cried.

"Wrong? Haha! You almost beat us to death, tell me now that you made a mistake, and treat us as fools?"

Cao Shirong laughed, and glanced sharply at Lu Lisha. He didn't expect that this woman would go so far as to want to act in front of him.

More importantly, it was brought by the dean Zhen Xingchang. Zhen Xingchang obviously wanted him to let Lu Lisha and the others go.

It's a pity that he never thought of letting Lu Lisha and the others go, not to mention that Lu Lisha and the others tried to catch the four of him and kill them just now.

At the beginning of human nature is good.

Or, at the beginning of human beings, nature is evil.

In fact, it doesn't matter. What matters is whether a person's next thought is for good or evil?
Cao Shirong felt that he could not see the slightest intention of being kind in the eyes of these people.

"No, we really got it wrong, got it wrong."

Lu Lisha quickly shook her head at Cao Shirong.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you pretend to be an employee of Xingyuan Real Estate? And you pretend to be the vice president. Even if you are shot, I will ask you to pay for everything."

Lu Yunshuang glared at Lu Lisha and yelled at her.

Lu Lisha turned her head to look at Lu Yunshuang, but did not dare to say anything.

She didn't know whether to lose her entire family or not, but she was overwhelmed by Lu Yunshuang's aura.

What's more, there are dozens of bodyguards in black suits beside Lu Yunshuang. It seems that she knows that Lu Yunshuang is not easy.

As for Lu Yunshuang calling Cao Shirong Young Master Rong, she didn't think Cao Shirong looked like a young master, because Cao Shirong was dressed in ordinary clothes, did not wear jewelry, and did not have bodyguards with him.

"What? Don't dare to say anything? Just now you were clamoring that you were going to kill us."

Cao Shirong sneered, his eyes glanced at Lu Lisha disdainfully, then he looked at those strong men in T-shirts, and waved to Lu Yunshuang.

Lu Yunshuang understood in seconds, and she immediately ordered to the bodyguard in black suit behind her: "Everyone will use knives, and drag these people into the car. Two things, the first one, cripple their limbs and make them hurt." Six hours, the second thing, when the time is up, the person who was handed over to the police station was arrested and shot."

The bodyguards in black suits were ordered, and they immediately stepped forward, first buttoned up five strong men in T-shirts, and carried them out without saying a word.

"Don't! Don't! Don't abolish me, please."

A short-haired man immediately cried out.

Lu Yunshuang waved her hand to signal the bodyguard to stop, and then asked the short-haired man in a cold voice, "If you don't want your limbs to be mutilated, then tell me who is behind the scenes."

"I don't know the mastermind behind the scenes. Sister Sha asked us to do this. If you have any questions, just ask Sister Sha."

The short-haired man replied tremblingly.

"So, all of this is because Sister Sha led you to pretend to be people from our Xingyuan Real Estate, right?"

Lu Yunshuang snorted softly, then turned her head to look at Lu Lisha, her pretty face darkened, instantly covered with frost.

"That's right. Sister Sha asked us to do this. If you want to know anything, you can ask Sister Sha."

The short-haired man nodded.

"So, do you think you need to explain something? Or are you ready to be shot?"

Lu Yunshuang turned to look at Lu Lisha and asked sharply.

"I, we made a mistake, please, President Lu, please let us go."

Lu Lisha still refused to admit it, and begged deliberately.

"It seems that you will not die until you reach the Yellow River. If this is the case, then I have nothing to do with you."

Lu Yunshuang scolded angrily, then waved to the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards got the order and immediately rushed towards Lu Lisha. Lu Lisha's hands had already been removed, and now she couldn't run away at all.

Just at this time, two police cars drove in and lined up behind Lu Yunshuang's motorcade.

When Lu Lisha saw it, she quickly yelled at the police station car, "Help! Help! I'm going to kill someone!"

As the police station car stopped, four police officers walked towards this side.

But none of the four police officers looked at the others, they just greeted Lu Yunshuang.

"This person pretends to be an employee of my Xingyuan Real Estate. I don't know how many people have been scammed. I suggest that she be taken immediately and shot."

Lu Yunshuang snorted softly, then waved to the two bodyguards, signaling them to hand over Lu Lisha to the two police officers.

One of the middle-aged police officers stepped forward, nodded to Lu Yunshuang and said, "President Lu, don't worry, we've been strictly investigating recently, and we can shoot anyone who commits the most heinous crimes that night."

"That's fine."

Lu Yunshuang nodded slightly, and looked at Lu Lisha with disdain.

Lu Lisha wasn't in a panic just now, she felt that Lu Yunshuang might not be able to pull her away and destroy her, maybe it was just to scare them on purpose.

But now, looking at these police officers, Lu Lisha was completely flustered, especially when she heard that she was going to be shot that night.

"No! Please forgive me, I know I was wrong."

However, the middle-aged police officer ignored Lu Lisha's words, and waved directly to the two detained police officers, "Take them away."

"do not want!"

Lu Lisha roared, and quickly turned her head to reprimand Zhen Xingchang: "Zhen Xingchang, how long are you going to hide it? You hurry up and save me! I'm your own sister!"

"and many more!"

Cao Shirong quickly waved to the police officers.


The middle-aged police officer immediately shouted sharply.

Lu Lisha saw the two police officers who detained her stop, and she immediately continued to look at Zhen Xingchang.

Zhen Xingchang's face froze, and he said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm talking nonsense? You want to watch me die, don't you?"

Lu Lisha roared at Zhen Xingchang.

"Sister Sha!"

Sun Xunxue looked at Lu Lisha with an embarrassed expression, and she didn't know what to say.

"Sister, sister! I'm your mother!"

Lu Lisha also roared at Sun Xunxue.


Qin Xiaoyu was astonished. She thought that Sun Xunxue was just an ordinary receptionist, but she never thought that Sun Xunxue was actually the niece of the dean Zhen Xingchang.

What made her even more unexpected was that this Lu Lisha was actually Sun Xunxue's mother.

"Okay, I get it, you guys are going to partner up and plan to cheat us for 2000 million, right? It seems that this is not the first time."

Cao Shirong said deliberately surprised.

"Since this is the case, then the crime of fraud must be indispensable. I suggest that this kind of person should directly ransack the house and shoot him."

Pei Xiaoyao followed suit.

When those strong men in T-shirts heard this, their legs became weak with fright, and they knelt down and begged for mercy.

"I was forced. Sister Sha asked me to do this."

"I was also forced by Sister Sha. She lied to me that there would be a big deal."

"This is my first time here, please give me a chance."

Lu Lisha's face changed in surprise, she didn't expect that all these strong men would point their finger at her.

"I want to report. This is what my brother told me to do. He told me that these two men won 2000 million in the lottery, and asked me to lead someone to catch them, and then steal 2000 million before killing them."

When Qin Xiaoyu heard this, her pretty face instantly became horrified. Although Qin Feng had confirmed the matter before, she also heard it through the bug.

But seeing Lu Lisha say it with her own eyes was even more shocking, and she was extremely shocked.

The dean actually tried to kill someone for the 2000 million. Why is the dean so vicious?

Thinking like this, she turned her head to look at the dean Zhen Xingchang, but she suddenly felt that Zhen Xingchang in front of her was very strange.

Zhen Xingchang was extremely indignant, he never expected that Lu Lisha would blow him out.

But how could he allow himself to be caught by these police officers?
So he immediately turned around and wanted to run towards the stairs.

"He wants to run away!"

Cao Shirong immediately exclaimed.

The middle-aged police officer rushed over with one person, trying to catch Zhen Xingchang.

Zhen Xingchang noticed that someone was chasing him, so he immediately grabbed a cleaner who was walking downstairs. This was a middle-aged woman named Ye Biqin.

"Ah...what are you doing?"

Ye Biqin was suddenly caught by Zhen Xingchang, and immediately exclaimed.

"Principal Zhen, don't mess around, you release the hostage immediately."

The middle-aged police officer immediately waved at Zhen Xingchang and said calmly.

"Fart! Back off immediately, back off!"

Zhen Xingchang yelled at the two middle-aged police officers, and his face instantly turned red and ferocious.

The middle-aged police officer quickly waved to the young police officer next to him, signaling the young police officer to back off.

When Qin Feng saw it, he immediately swung a silver needle and threw it towards Zhen Xingchang's wrist.


Zhen Xingchang suddenly felt pain in his wrist, and looked down, only to find that his arm was frozen, and there was an extra silver needle.

Then, a few silver needles were added to his body and legs, and he couldn't move for an instant.

"Who? Who threw a hidden weapon at me?"

(End of this chapter)

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