Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 309 The Evidence Is Conclusive 1 More

Chapter 309

When the middle-aged police officer saw it, he rushed up immediately, directly buckled Zhen Xingchang's arm backwards, and controlled Zhen Xingchang in an instant.

When Ye Biqin saw it, she quickly ran away and looked at Zhen Xingchang in a daze. She didn't expect that Zhen Xingchang would try to hold her hostage.

"Hmph, for someone like you, you still want to play hostage in front of our Captain Xing Hongzhuo?"

The young police officer snorted and looked at Zhen Xingchang with disdain.

"Xiao Xiao, what are you talking about? Hurry up and get the handcuffs."

Xing Hongzhuo shouted sharply.

Xiao Xiao immediately took out the handcuffs, walked over and handed them to Xing Hongzhuo.

Xing Hongzhuo then handcuffed Zhen Xingchang.

"What are you doing? You can't handcuff me!"

Zhen Xingchang roared loudly, and his expression became even more ferocious.

Qin Feng and the others looked at Ye Biqin, but they were a little surprised because Ye Biqin was well maintained.

Ignoring Ye Biqin's clothes, she actually looks more dignified, with a very attractive oval face, a slender and tall figure, and still has a charming charm.

"I seem to have seen this woman somewhere before."

Cao Shirong muttered.

When Qin Feng heard this, he turned his head to look at Qin Xiaoyu, and asked in a low voice, "This woman is the cleaner here? What's her name?"

When Qin Xiaoyu heard Qin Feng's question, she quickly turned her head and whispered about Ye Biqin to Qin Feng.

At this time, Qin Feng turned on his mobile phone and recorded a video of Ye Biqin.

But everyone's eyes were on Zhen Xingchang's side, so no one would notice Qin Feng.

When Sun Xunxue saw Zhen Xingchang being arrested, she immediately wanted to run out.

But she forgot that there was Lu Yunshuang's black suit bodyguard at the door.

"Catch her! Hmph! In front of me, Lu Yunshuang, do you still want to run away?"

Lu Yunshuang shouted sharply.

Two bodyguards in black suits immediately rushed forward and grabbed Sun Xunxue.

"It's none of my business, let me go!"

Sun Xunxue immediately yelled.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Lu Lisha laughed wildly, she really hadn't thought about it, even Zhen Xingchang and Sun Xunxue were arrested.

"Captain Xing, wait!"

Seeing that Xing Hongzhuo was about to take Zhen Xingchang away, Ye Biqin quickly waved to Xing Hongzhuo.

Xing Hongzhuo was startled for a moment, then turned to look at Ye Biqin.

"Excuse me, are you going to arrest Zhen Xingchang? What did he do?"

Ye Biqin asked nervously.

"Zhen Xingchang was involved in fraud and murder, so we must arrest Zhen Xingchang."

Xing Hongzhuo replied in a deep voice.

"I didn't. I was wronged. I'm the dean of the orphanage. How could I do such a stupid thing?"

Zhen Xingchang immediately refuted and struggled.

But Xing Hongzhuo held onto it very firmly, no matter how hard Zhen Xingchang struggled, it was futile.

"Be honest with me."

Xiao Xiao angrily reprimanded Zhen Xingchang.

"That's right, Captain Xing, if you really want to arrest the dean Zhen Xingchang, then I still have to report."

Ye Biqin gritted her teeth and said.

"Oh! Welcome to report. If you have anything to report, just tell me, I promise to do business properly."

Xing Hongzhuo was a little surprised, he didn't expect Ye Biqin to report, so he immediately turned to look at Xiao Xiao, and handed Zhen Xingchang to Xiao Xiao to catch him.

Ye Biqin immediately told Xing Hongzhuo.

It turned out that Ye Biqin volunteered here because of a friend of hers, Wen Xinmei.

Wen Xinmei used to work as a cleaner in the orphanage, but she was raped by Zhen Xingchang and forced to jump off the building. In the end, Zhen Xingchang said that she had slipped and fell from the building.

So Ye Biqin lurked here to investigate Zhen Xingchang, and she also had a lot of evidence of Zhen Xingchang's crimes.

For example, they abused orphans, sold the land of the orphanage, deliberately attracted young people like Qin Xiaoyu to come over, and tricked the other party into donating hundreds of thousands or millions.

When everyone heard this and looked at Zhen Xingchang, they couldn't help but feel their teeth itch, wishing they could give Zhen Xingchang a beating right away.

"Nonsense! You are slandering me, slandering me!"

Zhen Xingchang roared, refuting Ye Biqin's words.

"I'm not talking nonsense! I have all the evidence. I have videos, and I can send them all to the police station."

Ye Biqin shouted sharply.


Zhen Xingchang was stunned, and looked at Ye Biqin with a horrified expression. He didn't expect that Ye Biqin had evidence against him before he made a move on Ye Biqin.

"The evidence is conclusive, and you won't be allowed to quibble!"

Xing Hongzhuo shouted sharply.

Qin Feng frowned, and after sending out the video, he waved his hand and said, "I also have evidence that the dean is the mastermind who bought the murder."

When everyone heard this, they also looked towards Qin Feng.

Cao Shirong immediately took out his mobile phone and played the recording made by Qin Feng's bug.

"Impossible, this is a fake, fake, synthetic voice, the law will not accept it."

Zhen Xingchang scratched his neck and roared angrily.

"Whether it's true or not, I believe the police station will naturally appraise it, and you won't be allowed to deny it."

Qin Feng sneered, and looked at Zhen Xingchang playfully, wanting to deny it?
"You wronged me, I didn't do this at all, I didn't!"

Zhen Xingchang insisted that he was wronged, and continued to roar.

"Take it away!"

Cao Shirong waved to Xing Hongzhuo.

Xing Hongzhuo nodded, then signaled Xiao Xiao and the others to take him out.

Soon, the strong men in T-shirts in the front hall and Zhen Xingchang were all taken out.

"I didn't expect them to be such vicious people. I'm sorry, Brother Rong. I refuted you before, thinking that you were speaking ill of the dean, but I didn't expect the dean to be really a bad person."

Qin Xiaoyu looked at Cao Shirong with tears streaming down his face, feeling sad in his heart.

"You girl, why are you crying? You refute me, and I don't blame you. Now that the dean and the others have been arrested, you should be happy, otherwise the person who was murdered by the dean will never die."

Cao Shirong looked at Qin Xiaoyu with a smile, and then said with emotion.

This was also the first time he sighed like this, because he never thought that Zhen Xingchang would actually be involved in killing people before, and he thought that Zhen Xingchang and others were just looking for money for a while.

Qin Feng wanted to say something, but his phone rang. He took out the phone and glanced at it, then squinted at Ye Biqin.

Seeing that Zhen Xingchang was arrested, Ye Biqin was so excited that she wanted to chase him out and watch Zhen Xingchang being taken into the police car.

However, a voice stopped Ye Biqin.

"Ms. Ye Biqin, have you been hiding here in Donghai City for several years?"

Qin Feng stepped forward and asked indifferently.

"several years?"

Cao Shirong suddenly heard Qin Feng's words, and quickly asked: "Brother Feng, did she do something wrong?"

Ye Biqin turned her head to look at Qin Feng, she frowned instantly, her face was embarrassed, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

"She did commit a crime, but she didn't kill and set fire."

Qin Feng waved to Cao Shirong, and then continued to say to Ye Biqin: "Come with us later, and go back to Shangpu when we finish our work. Wushuang wants to see you."

"I see."

Ye Biqin clenched her teeth, nodded slightly, and a complicated look flashed across her eyes.

"So you are Miss Wushuang's aunt, no wonder you look so familiar to me."

Cao Shirong looked at Ye Biqin in a daze. He really didn't think of Ye Wushuang just now, but he didn't expect Qin Feng to see it.

But to be honest, Ye Biqin and Ye Wushuang both have oval faces, and it seems that their temperaments are really similar.

"That's right. I'm Ye Wushuang's aunt. Rong Shao, your eyesight needs to be strengthened."

Ye Biqin nodded to Cao Shirong.

"Haha, that's that! But no matter how I strengthen it, I can't compare to Brother Feng. What's more, I can't even compare to Sister Wushuang. Sister Wushuang has to bow to Brother Feng."

Cao Shirong laughed.

Ye Biqin's eyes lit up, and she narrowed her eyes to look at Qin Feng.

Qin Xiaoyu watched from the side, she didn't expect that Qin Feng and the others knew Ye Biqin, and as for Ye Wushuang, she didn't know who it was.

"Brother Feng, now that the dean and the others have been arrested, what will happen to the Qingsong Welfare Institute?"

Qin Xiaoyu said nervously.

Qin Feng smiled faintly, and quickly gestured to Cao Shirong.

"Xiao Yu, don't worry, I've already arranged for people to come over and handle these orphans properly, but the land of this orphanage has been sold, so..."

Cao Shirong quickly comforted Qin Xiaoyu, but he still didn't know what was going on with the land matter.

Qin Feng glanced at the phone, then turned to look at Lu Yunshuang, and asked, "President Lu, how are you doing with Xingyuan Real Estate and Xinglong Real Estate?"

Because it was actually Xinglong Real Estate, not Xingyuan Real Estate that bought the land for the orphanage.

But this Xinglong Real Estate is actually an industry under the name of Chenguang Group.

"The relationship is not very good, or it may be a bit stiff. After all, we are an industry, and usually many places overlap. The land I am eyeing, they will also be eyeing, and sometimes they will directly snatch it from me."

Lu Yunshuang said with an embarrassed smile.

When Qin Feng heard this, he immediately raised the corners of his mouth, smiled faintly, and pointed at Cao Shirong.

"In this case, I think we need your assistance. I wonder if you are willing to assist Young Master Rong to deal with Chenguang Group?"

(End of this chapter)

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