Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 310 The Morning Light Is Prosperous 2 More

Chapter 310 Morning Light is Prosperous
"Sir, what do you mean, Young Master Rong wants to deal with Chenguang Group?"

Lu Yunshuang looked at Qin Feng with a pretty face in surprise, and then turned to look at Cao Shirong.

"That's right, we have to deal with Chenguang Group, and we still need to eradicate Chenguang Group fundamentally. If President Lu is willing to cooperate with us, it will be a great thing for us."

Cao Shirong nodded in recognition.

"Okay. I am willing to cooperate with Young Master Rong."

Lu Yunshuang looked at Cao Shirong with great joy. She really didn't expect that Cao Shirong wanted to eradicate Chenguang Group.

"Brother Feng, the Xinglong Real Estate you are talking about belongs to the real estate developer who bought the land of the orphanage?"

Qin Xiaoyu asked belatedly.

"That's right. It is Xinglong Real Estate. Xinglong Real Estate is under the name of Chenguang Group. Chenguang Group has always done all kinds of evil in Songhe District. Xinglong Real Estate won the land of the orphanage at a low price. It may be because the director Zhen Xingchang owed What about Xinglong Real Estate?"

Qin Feng explained slowly.

"Then if Xinglong Real Estate wants to take back the land, doesn't it mean that the orphans will immediately have no place to live?"

Qin Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it, Xiao Yu. The people I invited here are professionals, and they will handle the orphans properly. The problem is you. Although Zhen Xingchang was arrested, if Zhen Xingchang has other accomplices, maybe I will take revenge on you, so you should follow us."

Cao Shirong sighed.

Qin Xiaoyu frowned deeply upon hearing this, but still nodded to Cao Shirong.

She is still afraid of Zhen Xingchang and the others now, because she didn't expect Zhen Xingchang and the others to hide so deeply.

But she was also very relieved to hear Cao Shirong said that he would deal with the orphans well.

"How about we leave here first, find a hotel box, and then talk slowly?"

Lu Yunshuang quickly suggested.

There was a sound of a car, causing everyone in the group to frown.

The police station cars of Xing Hongzhuo and other police officers had just left, but the vacant space on this side was filled with vans in an instant.

As the convoy stopped, a large group of men in black got out of the car.

"Oops! People from Xinglong Real Estate are here."

Ye Biqin frowned and said.

When Lu Yunshuang heard this, her expression changed instantly, and she quickly looked at Cao Shirong.

"These are the people from Xinglong Real Estate?"

Cao Shirong snorted softly, and looked at the men in black with a playful expression.

Qin Feng didn't say a word, his face was indifferent.

These men in black came over, and when they saw Lu Yunshuang and the others, they were also stunned. After all, the two families could be regarded as deadly rivals, so they naturally knew each other.

A bearded man wearing a black old man's head suit stepped out from among the men in black, with an arrogant expression on his face.

The bearded man couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw Lu Yunshuang, and he laughed.

"Hey, isn't this our President Lu? Why did President Lu come to this place himself? I saw the police station car leaving just now. Could it be that President Lu came here and encountered trouble?"

"If I'm in trouble, I won't bother you."

Lu Yunshuang snorted softly, looking at the bearded man with disdain.

The bearded man sneered, looked at Lu Yunshuang wretchedly, and grunted a few times.

Behind him was a female secretary with long yellowish curly hair and dark blue OL professional attire. When the female secretary saw Lu Yunshuang, her face was gloomy and her eyes were full of jealousy.

But she glanced at Pei Xiaoyao and Qin Xiaoyu, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

"If President Lu is free, why don't we have a good talk?"

"Our door to Chenguang Xinglong has always been open to President Lu, and I, Ao Jianshu, have always hoped to cooperate with President Lu."

"President Lu, don't worry, I still have a strong ability to cooperate in certain aspects."

The bearded man called himself Ao Jianshu, his eyes were still wretched, and he wished he could hug Lu Yunshuang in his arms immediately.

As for Pei Xiaoyao and the others, Ao Jianshu also saw them, but he didn't pay attention to the other party's ordinary clothes.

For him, as long as he can win Lu Yunshuang, he will basically be the number one in the real estate industry in Songhe District from now on.


Lu Yunshuang heard Ao Jianshu's voice, and immediately spat angrily. She had no interest in people like Ao Jianshu at all.

Qin Feng whispered something to Cao Shirong, and then looked at Ao Jianshu playfully.

Cao Shirong frowned, turned around immediately, and walked towards the stairs.

No one went to see Cao Shirong, and now everyone's eyes were on Lu Yunshuang and Ao Jianshu.

"I'm not shameless, how do you know how powerful I am, President Lu?"

Ao Jianshu laughed, but his eyes were still fixed on Lu Yunshuang, as if Lu Yunshuang was his prey.


Lu Yunshuang was angry, but she noticed that Cao Shirong had left and didn't know what to do, so she didn't know whether to leave now or not.

"A toad like you is not worthy of our President Lu."

Qin Feng stepped forward and said with a smile.

"What did you say?"

Ao Jianshu's face darkened for a moment, someone called him a toad?Is this kid trying to court death?

"Oh! I'm still a deaf person. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in repeating it to a deaf person like you."

Qin Feng shook his head and said with a sigh.


Qin Xiaoyu immediately covered her mouth and smiled, her waist trembling from the laughter, and she also looked very good-looking.

Ao Jianshu looked at Qin Xiaoyu, and was suddenly bewildered.

But this made Luo Ting, Ao Jianshu's female secretary, a little annoyed. She thought that she could show off by coming here, but she didn't expect that she would be compared to others all at once.

Therefore, Luo Ting scolded Qin Xiaoyu angrily: "What are you laughing at? Our President Ao is also something you, a bumpkin, can laugh at?"

"I just laughed at him!"

Qin Xiaoyu snorted softly, and looked at Luo Ting with a provocative face. Naturally, she could see that Luo Ting wanted to get mad at her, but she was not afraid of Luo Ting.

"Smelly girl, you want to court death, don't you?"

Luo Ting immediately spat angrily.

"Be careful with your tongue! Our little rain is much more fragrant than yours!"

Qin Feng gouged Luo Ting angrily.

Luo Ting looked at Qin Feng, and her face changed instantly, because Qin Feng's eyes made her feel scared, and she didn't dare to refute Qin Feng.

"Good boy! It's your turn to scold my people? Which company do you belong to?"

When Ao Jianshu saw Qin Feng attacking Luo Ting, he became angry instantly.

"I belong to some company, I don't need to report to you."

Qin Feng said with a look of disdain.

"You...you are so weak-hearted, I haven't seen such an arrogant person for a long time, do you believe me or not, let you climb out of Songhe District?"

Ao Jianshu shouted sharply.

"Oh, I really don't believe it. If you are so good, you will be the chairman of Chenguang Group. You are just a waste. You are not worthy of President Lu, and you are not qualified to insult my Xiaoyu."

Qin Feng hummed softly, waved to Qin Xiaoyu, and signaled Qin Xiaoyu to stand behind him.

"President Lu, is this your man? I advise you to be more optimistic, otherwise, I will have someone abolish him directly."

Ao Jianshu turned his head to look at Lu Yunshuang, and said sharply.

"You don't have the ability yet!"

Lu Yunshuang sneered, although she didn't know who Qin Feng was, she knew that Qin Feng was definitely not simple.

"I'm just giving you face. I don't give you face. For a person like him, I don't know how much I can deal with in a year."

Ao Jianshu looked at Lu Yunshuang arrogantly, and then looked at Qin Feng with disdain.

"President Ao, there are some people you can't afford to offend. I advise you to be honest. By the way, I heard that you have taken the land of the orphanage? How about transferring it to me?"

Lu Yunshuang frowned, but she was relieved to see that Qin Feng hadn't lost his temper, and asked Ao Jianshu about the land.

"Oh? Do you want it? All right! One billion, I'll transfer it to you at any time!"

Ao Jianshu laughed, his face was full of jokes, and he looked like he was obviously digging a hole for Lu Yunshuang.

"One billion? You are really a lion. You bought the land for three million, and you want me to spend one billion? Do you think I'm out of my mind?"

Lu Yunshuang snorted softly, her eyes were cold, she naturally couldn't give Ao Jianshu one billion.

If she has one billion yuan, she doesn't know how many pieces of land like an orphanage she can buy, because this kind of land does not belong to the prime location, and it is usually not that expensive at all.

"Can't afford it! That would be such a pity! I thought you were so rich!"

Ao Jianshu said with a look of disdain.

"How about this, President Ao, if you sell Xinglong Real Estate to me, I can offer one billion. If you are not satisfied, I can offer 11 billion."

Lu Yunshuang retorted not to be outdone.

"Hmph! You want our Xinglong Real Estate with a market value of 11 billion for 30 billion? You really think too much!"

Ao Jianshu sneered, but his eyes were extremely sinister. This woman has a really big appetite.

He didn't bother to pay attention to Lu Yunshuang, and walked directly into the lobby of the building.

Luo Ting squinted at Lu Yunshuang, and followed behind Ao Jianshu with a proud face, her mouth still muttering.

"A bunch of bastards."

(End of this chapter)

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