Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 311 Exclusive news 3 more

Chapter 311 Exclusive news third update
Lu Yunshuang saw that Ao Jianshu wanted to find Zhen Xingchang, but she didn't remind Ao Jianshu about Zhen Xingchang's arrest because she saw Qin Feng gesturing to her.

After Ao Jianshu and the others reached the elevator, she continued to look at Qin Feng.

"Sir, hasn't Zhen Xingchang already..."

"I know."

Qin Feng waved his hand and interrupted Lu Yunshuang, "There's no need to tell them, let them find it by themselves, this kind of people should take the time to figure things out, don't let them know everything in advance."

Lu Yunshuang was stunned, and then continued to turn her head to look at Ao Jianshu and the others, frowning: "But, they know that something happened to Zhen Xingchang, and sooner or later they will take action against the orphanage."

"It doesn't matter if they come sooner or later, Young Master Rong has sent someone here, and they can transfer all the people from the orphanage in half a day. As for the land, they can do whatever they like."

Qin Feng sneered.

When Qin Xiaoyu heard what Qin Feng said, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, she has been a volunteer here for two years. Even if the orphanage is to be demolished, she hopes that the orphans will have a new start instead of being displaced.

Lu Yunshuang nodded slightly. She was sure that Cao Shirong had sent someone over, so she was naturally not that worried.

After all, the Cao family is a super family, and they will not fail to do even trivial things.

"Then we're not leaving now?"

Lu Yunshuang asked with an embarrassed smile, she thought she could invite Qin Feng and the others to chat in the hotel box, but she didn't expect it to take so long.

"If President Lu is in a hurry, he can leave first. We also want to watch all the orphans be removed safely."

Qin Feng smiled faintly.

"Then I can stay and help watch."

Lu Yunshuang smiled awkwardly again. Naturally, she would not leave alone in a foolish way.

How could she be willing to leave after finally getting in touch with someone from a super family like Cao Shirong?
What's more, she could see that Cao Shirong was very respectful to Qin Feng, which proved that Qin Feng also came from a different background, and naturally she would not offend Qin Feng.

Qin Feng turned his head to look at Ye Biqin, and said with a faint smile, "We haven't gone back to Shangpu so soon, don't you mind?"

"I do not mind."

Ye Biqin shook her head lightly, but sighed: "Actually, you asked me to see Wushuang. If I really saw her, I wouldn't know what to say."

"After all, you are her aunt. She should have a lot to say when she sees you. If you are not ready, you can find an excuse not to meet. But people, if you have too many excuses, you will get used to it."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

Ye Biqin didn't say anything, and she didn't refuse to see Ye Wushuang, but she was still a little conflicted.

Cao Shirong came down and gestured to Qin Feng to get it done.

"Call someone and ask them to come over immediately and transfer all the orphans. If Xinglong Real Estate wants this land, then give it to them. By the way, the media must also come in time."

Qin Feng ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes, Brother Feng."

Cao Shirong nodded, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

at this time.

Ao Jianshu and the others had already arrived at Zhen Xingchang's office. Because they were fooled by Cao Shirong, they thought that Zhen Xingchang was out and would not be back until an hour later.

But Ao Jianshu was unwilling to leave like this, so after he sat down on the sofa, he asked Luo Ting to call Zhen Xingchang.

Luo Ting made the phone call, but a strange man's voice came from the other end: "Who are you looking for?"

"Where's Dean Zhen? Tell him to come back immediately. Our President Ao is here."

Luo Ting shouted sharply.

"Oh, looking for Dean Zhen? Dean Zhen can't go back to the orphanage."

The strange man over there frowned.

"What do you mean? Why can't President Zhen come back? Our President Ao has come here in person, and he won't come back?"

Luo Ting was annoyed, Zhen Xingchang didn't come back?

But after asking this question, the other end of the phone hung up.


Luo Ting was furious, and quickly reported to Ao Jianshu: "President Ao, President Zhen is not coming back."

Upon hearing this, Ao Jianshu asked coldly, "What's going on?"

"Well, I don't know what's going on? They say Dean Zhen can't come back! Could it be that Dean Zhen knew we were coming, so he avoided it on purpose?"

Luo Ting said with an awkward smile.

"This old soul is light! Did he know that I would come to collect the land in advance, so he wanted to play disappearance with me? If that's the case, then I won't leave, and I don't believe that he won't come back today."

Ao Jianshu snorted coldly.

"But what if he really doesn't come back today? Then President Ao, don't you want to wait here for a day? Or, leave this trivial matter to me?"

Luo Ting quickly suggested.

Ao Jianshu squinted at Luo Ting and waved to Luo Ting.

After Luo Ting approached, he immediately grabbed Luo Ting's Rou Yi and pulled her directly into his arms.

"Since the old soul won't come back, I will have a good time with you here."

Luo Ting was hugged by Ao Jianshu, her delicate body trembled slightly, her pretty face blushed immediately, "President Ao, let's lock the door first."

"Go quickly."

Ao Jianshu quickly let go of Luo Ting.

Luo Ting immediately ran to lock the door, and then ran back to Ao Jianshu's side.

The two of them didn't know that there was a camera looking at them in a potted plant on Zhen Xingchang's desk.


Qin Feng and the others waited until the people arranged by Cao Shirong came, and then they all stood aside, watching these people bring all the orphans into the car.

The media were also arranged to take pictures of the orphans, but only Qin Xiaoyu and Lu Yunshuang were actually interviewed.

As the president of Xingyuan Real Estate, Lu Yunshuang is naturally old-fashioned when it comes to dealing with the media.

And Qin Xiaoyu has already been guided by Qin Feng, and knows how to respond to these media.

The cooperation of the two instantly highlighted the problem of orphans, and at the same time attracted attention to Xinglong Real Estate.

Although Ao Jianshu left many bodyguards downstairs, they were all knocked out by Qin Feng alone.

When all the orphans were taken away from the orphanage, Qin Feng and the others drove away from the orphanage.

At the same time, before leaving, Cao Shirong also broke the news to the media. Ao Jianshu was having a good time in Zhen Xingchang's dean's office, and gave the media a piece of surveillance video.

When the media heard the news, they all flocked to the dean's office.

Ao Jianshu had just fought with Luo Ting, and both of them were exhausted. When they suddenly saw the media rushing in, they were stunned for a moment.

The media kept taking pictures of the two of them.

The two came back to their senses, looking for clothes to cover their bodies.

"What are you doing? Get out! Get out immediately! Bodyguard!"

Ao Jianshu yelled at the media.

Unexpectedly, this practice made the media even more indignant.

"Hehe, do you really regard the orphanage as their back garden?"

"Actually, it's true, because they bought the orphanage at a low price, which was originally their back garden."

"It's just too hateful. All the orphans are threatened to leave, but they are having a good time upstairs."

"This time it's really wild news. It's an exclusive news. The co-director conspired to seize the orphanage and drive away all the orphans. This kind of unscrupulous real estate developer is really okay."

Ao Jianshu and Luo Ting were at a loss when they heard what the media said.

They don't know what drives away the orphans. Even if they know, it should be normal for them. After all, this land belongs to them, and the orphans should leave here.

"Enough of you! This is the property of our Xinglong Real Estate. I don't care what orphans you talk about, you have to get out. Also, I can sue you if you break into a private house."

Ao Jianshu continued to yell at the media.

This made the media even more furious.

Somebody threw a bottle of water at Ao Jianshu, and then other people also threw things at Ao Jianshu.

Of course, the media smashed it and all ran away.

"The soul is pale!"

Ao Jianshu was beaten to the point of bleeding. Seeing the media run away, he almost chased them out, but turned back when he realized that he was naked.

"President Ao, what's going on?"

Luo Ting was also hit and her arm was scratched, and she looked at Ao Jianshu with a pretty face.

"You ask me, who do I ask? Hurry up and get dressed and go down to have a look."

Ao Jianshu shouted sharply, then picked up his clothes and put them on.

Luo Ting frowned, and could only put on her clothes with a bitter face.

When the two went down, they found that there was no one else in the orphanage, only their bodyguards were lying on the front hall floor.

"what is happening?"

Ao Jianshu was so annoyed that he immediately walked towards the bodyguards and kicked them awake.

Luo Ting found the phone ringing, she immediately took out the phone and answered it.

But after only hearing a few words, she was instantly flustered.

"President Ao, something happened. We were not only photographed, but also videotaped. Now there are videos of the two of us on the Internet."

"What did you say?"

Ao Jianshu was startled for a moment, ran over quickly, and snatched Luo Ting's phone.

Seeing the video on his phone, his legs instantly softened and he knelt down on the ground.

"It's over! It's really over now! If the group finds out, we're dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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