Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 312 Getting Involved 4 More

Chapter 312 Involvement
When Luo Ting saw it, her delicate body trembled and her breath was held for an instant, because she had never encountered such a situation before.

In the past, they relied on themselves as members of the Chenguang Group, and wherever they went, they were always humble and courteous to them.

But now, they were actually exposed, which made them fearful and uneasy, and also made them furious.

"President Ao, we don't have to be afraid, we are the victims! We must immediately ask their website to delete the video, and everything should be fine after deleting it."

Ao Jianshu nodded when he heard Luo Ting's words, but immediately yelled at Luo Ting: "Then why don't you let them delete it quickly?"

"Yes, I'll call and ask them to delete it."

Luo Ting nodded in panic, then began to check the source of the video.

Ao Jianshu stood up, turned his head and glared at the bodyguards in black suits, "What's going on with you?"

The two bodyguards he woke up just now have already woken up all the other bodyguards.

Hearing Ao Jianshu's words, one of the bodyguards tremblingly said, "President Ao, we were knocked out by the opponent alone. I'm afraid that person is a master?"

"One person knocked you all out? Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

Ao Jianshu's face suddenly changed. He has fifteen bodyguards here, but he can't beat one of them?

"President Ao, we're really joking. They put us all down by themselves. No matter what we do, it's impossible for us to lie to you, right?"

Another bodyguard quickly explained.

"But, he is so powerful alone? How is this possible?"

Ao Jianshu still couldn't believe it.

"President Ao, I think what they said is true, but I think it may be Lu Yunshuang's conspiracy. Because of the land, she hired experts to deal with us."

"Besides, we were secretly photographed and posted on the Internet. It must be Lu Yunshuang who did it. She is killing us all."

"I really didn't expect that she even called the reporters over. Now that a scandal broke out here, it is likely to affect the land auction in the eastern suburbs in a week's time."

Luo Ting analyzed slowly.

Ao Jianshu suddenly realized, and instantly became furious: "What a poisonous woman, Lu Yunshuang. It turned out that she came to frame us for the land in the eastern suburbs at all costs."

But after a pause, he immediately frowned and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

"Now, we must immediately ask people to do public relations to suppress the video. Of course, the best way is, President Ao, you publicly say that you are my boyfriend, so no matter how nonsense those reporters say, it is all about our privacy. violations, we have the right to sue them."

Luo Ting said excitedly.

"Okay, then do as you said. I am not married, they took our videos and photos, that is a disrespect for our privacy, whoever dares to spread the word, that is against our Xinglong Real Estate, and against our Chenguang Group .”

Ao Jianshu said angrily with a ferocious face.

Luo Ting nodded, and then continued to make calls.

But what they didn't know was that when they were analyzing and chatting, a large number of people had already blocked the main entrance and exit of the orphanage.

Songhe District, Xinghua Street, Bauhinia Hotel.

When Qin Feng and his party arrived at the hotel, Cao Qingxiong was already waiting with his people.

"Sir, Young Master Rong!"

Cao Qingxiong watched Qin Feng, Cao Shirong and others get out of the car, and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

"Let's talk about it in the box upstairs."

Cao Shirong waved to Cao Qingxiong.

Cao Qingxiong nodded quickly, then retreated, letting Qin Feng, Cao Shirong and others go in first.

Qin Xiaoyu and Ye Biqin didn't feel much about Cao Qingxiong's arrival.

But Lu Yunshuang was shocked, after all, this was a big guy that she couldn't even come into contact with.

But now, this big guy is actually waiting.

In the vestibule.

Two young men walked over quickly, it was Guan Haoyuan and Xie Jun, and they also greeted Qin Feng and Cao Shirong one after another.

Cao Shirong also waved to the two of them, signaling them to go upstairs first.

Soon, the group arrived at the supreme box on the ninth floor.

As soon as he entered the box and sat down, Cao Shirong received the news. The media not only took photos, but also beat Ao Jianshu and Luo Ting.

Of course, some reporters sought asylum for Cao Shirong.

Cao Shirong immediately told Qin Feng the matter.

"Brother Feng, do we want to protect these reporters? Although the orphanage did not capture those reporters due to a power outage, those reporters were captured by the surveillance at the intersection. Ao Jianshu has already sent someone to search for the reporters."

"The reporter still dares to hit Ao Jianshu?"

Lu Yunshuang was very surprised.

Qin Feng handed the surveillance video to Lu Yunshuang.

When Lu Yunshuang saw the video, she blushed instantly, because she never thought that Ao Jianshu would do such a thing in the dean's office.

She immediately understood why the reporter wanted to beat Ao Jianshu.

"Since the reporters are here to help us, then I think Young Master Rong should protect them."

Cao Shirong frowned when he heard Lu Yunshuang's words, and continued to look at Qin Feng.

"In this world, no one protects strangers forever. What's more, journalists are a very complicated group. If we help them, once they turn to Ao Jianshu, they will become our bribes. , which would be bad for us."

Qin Feng smiled faintly.

"Brother Feng, what do you mean..."

Cao Shirong was a little confused for a while.

"Pretend that you haven't received the news for the time being, don't worry about it, and then let the reporter and the people on Ao Jianshu's side make trouble."

"At the same time, we can take advantage of the trend to publicize the matter widely, to the point where people and gods are indignant. Only in this way can Ao Jianshu and the others really become the targets of verbal criticism."

"When Ao Jianshu becomes a street rat, it's much better than simply sending someone to protect reporters. We don't exist to protect reporters. Keeping reporters is the responsibility of the police station, not yours."

Qin Feng smiled and explained in one breath.

Cao Shirong was stunned, nodded deeply, and agreed: "I was almost fooled, if they tricked me, it would be a disaster."

After speaking, Cao Shirong immediately waved to Pei Xiaoyao: "Just do what Brother Feng said. Inform the police officers to protect those reporters, and let people continue to spread the news about Xinglong Real Estate's robbery of the orphanage."

"Yes, Young Master Rong."

Pei Xiaoyao nodded, then took out her mobile phone and made a call.

Qin Feng turned his head to look at Lu Yunshuang, and sighed: "President Lu, if you are involved in this matter, Ao Jianshu may cast his eyes on you. After all, he doesn't know us, so he will think , You sent people to do these things."

When Lu Yunshuang heard this, her face froze slightly. She really hadn't thought about this question.

"Brother Feng, have we implicated President Lu?"

Qin Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue and asked with an awkward smile.

"That's right. We've got President Lu involved. After all, Ao Jianshu doesn't pay attention to us, so he can only think that this is all done by President Lu."

Qin Feng nodded.

"Actually, it can't be said that we are involved. Ao Jianshu has always targeted us at Xingyuan Real Estate. Even if he misunderstood him, it can't be called a big deal."

Lu Yunshuang waved Qin Feng quickly.

"No, it's different from your previous trouble with Xingyuan Real Estate. This time, Ao Jianshu's scandal was revealed, and with the expulsion of the orphans in the orphanage, Ao Jianshu will not only misunderstand you, but even hold grudges You, so you may be in danger of your life from now on, so you have to be careful."

Qin Feng quickly reminded.

"I see."

Lu Yunshuang nodded quickly.

But as soon as this side finished speaking, her cell phone rang, and after a glance, she connected the call.

A young woman's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone: "President, something happened. The people from Xinglong Real Estate came to our place and made a big fuss. They want to find out where you are."

"Stop them, and if they dare to mess around, call the police immediately. Don't be afraid of them, as long as they are wrong, I will make them pay the price."

Lu Yunshuang ordered sharply.

"Yes, President."

The young woman at the other end responded quickly.

Lu Yunshuang hung up the phone, frowned and looked at Qin Feng, "Sir, people from Xinglong Real Estate went to Xingyuan Real Estate to make trouble."

"Well! I heard it. It's good for you to deal with it this way, and you're right, don't be afraid of them, because Young Master Rong is behind you."

Qin Feng laughed at Lu Yunshuang.

"This Xinglong Real Estate is really rampant. How dare you go to your company and make a big fuss?"

Cao Shirong was a little surprised, he really didn't expect Ao Jianshu to make a move.

It's a pity that Ao Jianshu thought that Lu Yunshuang did these things, but in fact they were all done by him and Qin Feng.

So people like Ao Jianshu found the wrong person, Ao Jianshu should have someone come to him.

(End of this chapter)

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