Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 313 Hotel murder 1 more

Chapter 313

"People from Xinglong Real Estate have always been rampant, but no one has ever gone to my place to make a scene before. This time, they must be in a hurry when this scandal occurs."

Lu Yunshuang said with an embarrassed smile, but she was still surprised, because she really didn't expect that Ao Jianshu would dare to mess around in the orphanage.

"Then do you want Xingyuan Real Estate to be famous once?"

Cao Shirong laughed.

Since the people from Xinglong Real Estate are causing trouble, it means that this incident can also be exploited.

"I can't ask for it."

Lu Yunshuang covered her mouth and smiled, Xingyuan Real Estate was suppressed by Xinglong Real Estate, and now she could be famous, she naturally wished for it.

"Secretary Pei, let the media spread the news about Xingyuan Real Estate immediately! As fast as you can, I want to make it known to the whole city within an hour."

Cao Shirong waved to Pei Xiaoyao.

Pei Xiaoyao was startled, it was the first time she saw Cao Shirong's serious face, she came to her senses, nodded immediately, and made a phone call casually.

Lu Yunshuang's pretty face was astonished. If this really became known to the whole city, then she would really be famous in Xingyuan Real Estate.

In an instant, her heart trembled and she was excited.

Cao Shirong turned to Qin Feng and asked, "Brother Feng, do you want to do anything with Xinglong Real Estate?"

"You might as well let people see what Xinglong Real Estate is doing."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"Yes, Brother Feng."

Cao Shirong nodded, then waved to Cao Qingxiong.

Cao Qingxiong understood, and immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Soon, Cao Qingxiong learned about the situation of Xinglong Real Estate, and even said to Qin Feng and Cao Shirong: "Sir, Young Master Rong, Xinglong Real Estate has already prepared a public relations agency. They intend to sue those who violate privacy by posting videos and taking photos online."

"Just like them, you still want to sue others? Then let people continue to expose Ao Jianshu's expulsion of orphans from the orphanage and his scandal."

Cao Shirong said firmly.

"Young Master Rong, Xinglong Real Estate belongs to the Chenguang Group, and the Chenguang Group may help Ao Jianshu to clear his name. The Chenguang Group is a local snake here, and we have to find a way to deal with the local snake."

Lu Yunshuang quickly suggested.

"That's right, that's why I invited Young Master Guan and Young Master Xie over here. I don't believe that with the Red Flower Group and the Qinglong Group here, they still can't win a mere Chenguang Group."

Cao Shirong said proudly.

Lu Yunshuang looked at Guan Haoyuan and Xie Jun, and smiled awkwardly, because she didn't know these two people. She had heard of them, but she never had the chance to meet them.

Now knowing that the two belonged to the Honghua Group and the Qinglong Group, this made her feel more at ease.

Guan Haoyuan and Xie Jun also nodded to Lu Yunshuang.

"I think President Lu is worried about the Zhu family, a second-rate family. If that's the case, what family can we win over in Songhe District?"

Qin Feng waved his hand to Cao Shirong and asked.

"This, I haven't investigated yet."

Cao Shirong shook his head immediately.

"If you want to eradicate the Chenguang Group and win over the family, I can suggest one."

Ye Biqin, who had been silent all this time, said suddenly.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Ye Biqin.

"Aunt Ye, you have any ideas, but it's okay to say."

Qin Feng smiled faintly.

"The Tang family."

Ye Biqin looked at Qin Feng, squinted her eyes, and slowly explained: "Although the Tang family in Songhe District is not well-known and not powerful, it belongs to the branch of the Tang family in Huacheng in the southern part of Xia Kingdom."

"In the past few years, it's just that the two Zhu families have been too powerful in Songhe District, so other families have a lot of resentment towards the Zhu family."

"If the Tang family can be drawn to our side, then the Tang family will be a great help to us. Moreover, the Tang family does not lack strength, it just lacks luck."

"In the past, I was fortunate enough to know about several project plans of the Tang family, but unfortunately, because of the Chenguang Group, these projects were all aborted, so the Tang family not only has resentment against the Zhu family, but also hates them."

After Qin Feng listened, he nodded slightly, then frowned and said, "Let the Tang family send someone over here immediately."


Ye Biqin smiled faintly, then took out her cell phone and made a call she hadn't made in many years.

"Brother Feng, whose hotel is this? Isn't this private room too pretty?"

Qin Xiaoyu asked with a grin.

Qin Feng waved his hand to Xie Jun.

"This is a property of my family. My name is Xie Jun."

Xie Jun quickly took out a bronzing business card, and handed it to Qin Xiaoyu with both hands.

"This is my business card, my name is Guan Haoyuan."

Guan Haoyuan also quickly handed over a bronzing business card.

Although they didn't know who Qin Xiaoyu was, they naturally didn't dare to underestimate someone who was so close to Qin Feng.

Cao Qingxiong took a look and quickly handed over a business card.

Qin Xiaoyu accepted the three business cards with an awkward smile, and quickly nodded to the three of them respectively.

Seeing this, Lu Yunshuang felt envious, and she was also very curious, who is this Qin Feng?

After Ye Biqin made the call, she nodded to Qin Feng, "The other party will be here in 15 minutes."

Qin Feng also nodded, but his expression was not the slightest bit turbulent. Although Ye Biqin was hiding in Songhe District, he knew that it should be fine for Ye Biqin to ask the Tang family to send someone over.

The next step is to wait for the development of Xinglong Real Estate, because Cao Shirong sent people to launch a media campaign, and Xinglong Real Estate will definitely not be much better.

Cao Shirong was on the phone, and he was also contacting the family in Songhe District.

After making the phone call, he immediately waved his hand to Xie Jun, "Someone bring some good wine. Today, if you want to bet on the big show of Xinglong Real Estate, you have to let Chenguang Group take off a layer of skin."


Xie Jun quickly waved to a fat, long-haired woman in a black OL suit who was waiting next to her: "Two boxes of the best red wine."

The long-haired woman is the general manager of the Bauhinia Hotel, Zhang Wanman, and she couldn't help being surprised when she heard Xie Jun's request.

But seeing Cao Shirong, a member of the super family here, and Qin Feng, a mysterious person, and her little general manager, she didn't dare to say anything, so she quickly turned around and made arrangements.

After Pei Xiaoyao made the phone call, she has been paying attention to the news. When she received the news, she quickly said to Cao Shirong: "Young Master Rong, good news, Xinglong Real Estate has been strictly investigated."

"Strict investigation? This is really good news. Hmph, not to mention robbing the land of the orphanage, but still messing around in the orphanage, I don't believe that Ao Jianshu will be any better."

Cao Shirong laughed.

"What is the reaction of Chenguang Group?"

Qin Feng asked with a frown.

"Sir, please wait a moment."

Pei Xiaoyao hurriedly nodded, then searched the news immediately, and quickly reported: "Chenguang Group is holding a public relations meeting, to disregard the relationship, saying that this is Ao Jianshu's personal work, and now this matter has been on the news."

"Turn on the TV news."

Cao Shirong quickly waved to Cao Qingxiong.

Cao Qingxiong immediately turned on the LCD TV on the wall and called up the news.

In the news, Ao Jianshu was being arrested, and Ao Jianshu was still clamoring: "I was wronged! Why did you arrest me?"

Seeing Ao Jianshu's ugly appearance, everyone frowned slightly.

"This person has not admitted his mistake when he was arrested."

Lu Yunshuang snorted softly, and looked at Ao Jianshu in the news with disdain.

During this period of time, she had been pestered by Ao Jianshu, and now seeing Ao Jianshu being arrested, she suddenly felt very happy.

"Brother Feng, can those orphans be settled?"

Qin Xiaoyu was touched and asked Qin Feng quickly.

"Don't worry, Young Master Rong has already been resettled. There are so many orphans, it is impossible for us to take people to see them one by one."

"Everyone will have their own destiny, and what happens in the future depends on their own fortune."

"As for us, we have overcome the first difficulty now. You have to be careful until the Chenguang Group collapses."

Qin Feng explained calmly.

Qin Xiaoyu nodded, she naturally knew that she couldn't take care of such an orphan, but she lost the Qingsong Welfare Institute all of a sudden, and she was also a little disappointed.

After all, she has been a volunteer there for two years, and she still has feelings for Qingsong Orphanage.

It's just that she never imagined that things would become like this today.

If Zhen Xingchang is really a good dean, maybe he can get support from Cao Shirong and Qin Feng, then the situation should be very good, right?
It's a pity that Zhen Xingchang chose to take risks and fill his own pockets, instead of sincerely seeking benefits for the orphanage.

"You don't have to sigh about the past, you should think about what you should do in the future. As for the volunteers in the orphanage, you can continue to do it when your job is stable in the future."

Qin Feng saw Qin Xiaoyu's loss, and quickly comforted him.

"I see."

Qin Xiaoyu's eyes were slightly red, and she nodded quickly.

The door of the box was opened, and a tall waiter walked in pushing a dining car.

Xie Jun saw it, stood up immediately, waved to the waiter quickly, and walked over.

"Push it over here quickly, and serve wine for Mr. Rong and Young Master Rong."

"Xie Jun, be careful!"

Qin Feng suddenly shouted sharply.

Xie Jun was startled, and his expression changed instantly, because he saw the waiter take out a short knife from the dining car, and stabbed him straight.

When Baihu saw it, he rushed over with a stride, and slashed at it with a short double-edged knife.

(End of this chapter)

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