Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 314 Who Sent It 2 ​​More

Chapter 314 Who Sent The Second Watch

The short knife was hit by the white tiger, and it was broken into two in an instant. The tip of the knife hit a wooden frame next to it, and the other piece also fell from the killer waiter's hand and fell to the ground.

Everyone watched this scene in astonishment, they never imagined that a killer dared to sneak in.

After all, the fact that Cao Shirong is here proves that there are quite a few bodyguards of the Cao family here, and they are basically looking for death if they sneak in.

More importantly, people like Bai Hu are still expert guards around Qin Feng, so it's simply whimsical to want to be presumptuous here.

The killer waiter who lost his short knife suddenly became flustered, and he swung his right fist, intending to hit the white tiger.

Baihu flickered, swept over with his right foot, and directly threw the killer waiter on the ground, then squatted down, clasped the opponent's arms with both hands, and unloaded them instantly.

"Ah ah ah..."

The killer waiter wailed a few times, and his face changed suddenly, but he didn't faint.

Cao's bodyguards also stepped forward one after another, and surrounded the killer waiter.

Xie Jun let out a breath, waved his hand to let the bodyguards of Cao's family get out of the way, then looked coldly at the killer waiter, and shouted sharply: "You want to come in and kill me?"

"He probably didn't come to kill you, he probably came to kill me and Young Master Rong, so bring him here."

Qin Feng said lightly.

Baihu immediately grabbed the killer waiter by the back collar, and dragged him directly in front of Qin Feng.

Cao Shirong snorted softly, stared at the killer waiter coldly, and asked sharply, "Say, who sent you here?"

The killer waiter was stunned and didn't dare to say anything.

"Don't say? Is this to show your backbone in front of us or what? If you have that much backbone, I can have your feet removed right now and then throw you into the sea for a shark. If you don't like , I can have someone throw it up the mountain to feed the ants."

Cao Shirong snorted coldly.

"No, I... I was sent by the Zhu family."

The killer waiter answered with a trembling voice.

"The Zhu family?"

Cao Shirong frowned, then turned to look at Qin Feng with a playful face.

"It seems that the Zhu family doesn't take you seriously."

Qin Feng said lightly, and immediately frowned.

"Since that's the case, then we don't have to be polite to the Zhu family, right?"

Cao Shirong gritted his teeth, and immediately turned around and waved to Pei Xiaoyao: "Give me all the information of Chenguang Group."

"Yes, Young Master Rong."

Pei Xiaoyao nodded, then got a computer and a projector, and then got the projection materials for Cao Shirong.

"Brother Feng, what about this killer?"

Cao Shirong frowned.

"Call the police, hand it over to the police station."

Qin Feng fixed his eyes and gestured to Xie Jun. After all, this hotel belongs to Qinglong Group.

Xie Jun understood, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a call to the police.

When the killer waiter saw it, he breathed a sigh of relief, but Qin Feng's next words made him ashamed instantly.

"Don't be happy. In fact, if Young Master Rong throws you into the sea, you still have a chance to escape. Once you are thrown into the police station, with the character of the Zhu family killing people, you may be even more miserable in the prison."

Qin Feng rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"Here, sir! Please let me go!"

The killer waiter immediately begged Qin Feng.

Qin Feng made a gesture to Xie Jun, indicating that Xie Jun should not call the police first, and then continued to say to the killer waiter: "You want to live, don't you?"

"miss you!"

The killer waiter said nervously.

"Then I can give you a chance. Next, you have to cooperate with Young Master Guan and Young Master Xie to help us deal with Chenguang Group."

Qin Feng said coldly.

"Brother Feng, there is no need for him to be a little killer. We have many experts here, and we can solve the problem by ourselves. Otherwise, you can lend me a master of Baihu, who is a master of land."

Cao Shirong looked at the killer waiter disdainfully, then turned to look at Baihu.


The killer waiter has ten thousand grass-mud horses galloping in his heart, and he is only in the Profound Realm, how can he win the master of the Realm Realm?No wonder he was defeated in one fell swoop.

In an instant, cold sweat poured out from his forehead, and the resentment of having his hands removed instantly disappeared.

Because if a master of the realm wants to kill a master of the profound realm, it will not take much trouble, after all, his strength is much higher.

At this moment, he was a little thankful that he was not directly killed, otherwise, he would have no place to cry.

"That can't be done. Baihu is following me. I have other things to do here. It's unnecessary for me to arrange to deal with the Chenguang Group. To me, the Zhu family of the Chenguang Group is nothing but scum."

Qin Feng shook his head and said with a sigh.

People who didn't know him thought Qin Feng was pretending, even Lu Yunshuang and Ye Biqin felt this way, but Cao Shirong didn't dare to refute, because he knew Qin Feng was telling the truth.

"Since that's the case, the next step is to clean up the Chenguang Group's Zhu family, so we can only rely on Young Master Guan and Young Master Xie."

Cao Shirong also sighed.

"Young Master Rong is too polite."

Guan Haoyuan and Xie Jun said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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