Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 315 The Tang Family Comes 3 More

Chapter 315
"Take him down first, it's annoying to see."

Cao Shirong ignored Guan Haoyuan and Xie Jun, but waved to Cao's bodyguard.

"Yes, Young Master Rong."

Cao's bodyguard got the order, and immediately stepped forward and dragged the killer waiter out.

"Spread the news that the killer failed and was captured. The Zhu family will bow to you, but you can't forgive them and let them pay tens of billions."

Qin Feng smiled faintly.

"Ten billion?"

When Cao Shirong heard this, he was immediately surprised and said, "I'm afraid this is impossible?"

"Then it depends on whether your life is worth tens of billions, Shao Rong. If you think you are not worth it, you can ask them to pay you millions."

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"No. It's not that I can shout as much as I want, right? Brother Feng, what you mean is to let them retreat in spite of difficulties?"

Cao Shirong asked inexplicably.

"It's not to retreat in spite of the difficulties, but to make them completely annoyed. They don't want to pay tens of billions of compensation, so they have to fight with you. If this is the case, then you have a chance to take them down."

Qin Feng explained with a smile.

"So that's it. As long as they refute me, I have a chance to attack them, right? This can be justified, after all, they sent people to assassinate me."

Cao Shirong looked at Qin Feng in a daze, and felt relieved for a while. Although he knew that it was impossible to pry him for tens of billions, he liked to pry him like this.

"The Zhu family will bow to Brother Rong?"

Qin Xiaoyu asked with a look of surprise.

"Young Master Rong is the Cao family in North Yancheng. The Zhu family of the Chenguang Group is just an underground force in Songhe District. Naturally, it is not as good as the Cao family. Therefore, the Zhu family of the Chenguang Group is likely to bow to the Cao family, that is, to Rong Rong. Don't bow your head. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the Zhu family of Chenguang Group is arrogant and refuses to bow to Young Master Rong."

Lu Yunshuang quickly explained to Qin Xiaoyu.

After getting in touch, she found that Qin Xiaoyu was a very ordinary girl who didn't know anything about the big family.

"Is that so? It turns out that Brother Rong is also very good."

Qin Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue and said with a sneer.

"I'm not so good, they sent people to kill them. It seems that Brother Feng is right, I have to ask them to pay tens of billions in compensation."

Cao Shirong sighed.

A man in Tsing Yi came in, bowed his head to Xie Jun and said, "Master, the people from the Tang family are asking to see you."

When Xie Jun heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Let them come up."

Cao Shirong frowned slightly, and looked at Ye Biqin. Although he knew Ye Wushuang, he was not familiar with Ye Biqin, and he was not sure what the role of the Tang family Ye Biqin introduced.

Qin Feng didn't say anything, he leaned back on the sofa, squinted his eyes slightly, as if he was asleep.


Three people were brought in, two women and one man.

A middle-aged woman with short black hair, wearing a fashionable white casual outfit, looks natural and generous, with a dignified and demure appearance.

A young woman with caramel-colored slightly curly shoulder-length hair, wearing a black lace short-sleeved pullover, black hot pants, tall and slender, with fair and rosy skin, and a very sweet and beautiful appearance.

A young man with a fashionable corn perm hairstyle and a white Armani suit looks handsome and handsome.

When the three arrived, they didn't dare to sit indiscriminately, but greeted everyone.

Ye Biqin stood up, walked over, and hugged the middle-aged woman.

Then, she turned around and introduced to Qin Feng and Cao Shirong: "Sir, Young Master Rong, this is Bao Shulei, the second daughter-in-law of the Tang family."

Tang Shulei immediately nodded to Qin Feng and Cao Shirong, and then waved for the young men and women behind them to introduce themselves.

Everyone immediately knew that the woman's name was Tang Xinyue, and the man's name was Tang Taiyi. Both of them were the children of Tang Zhentian, the head of the Tang family, and Bao Shulei was their aunt.

Qin Feng waved his hand and said lightly, "Sit down."

The three of them sat on the sofa opposite Qin Feng and the others under Ye Biqin's signal.

Although Qin Feng spoke softly, the faces of the three of them were slightly stiff. Qin Feng's aura was very strong, and they all felt a sense of oppression in their hearts.

They knew about Cao Shirong, but who was this Qin Feng?

For a moment, they were all curious.

"Next, we will attack the Chenguang Group, and we need the cooperation of your Tang family. Is your Tang family okay?"

Cao Shirong asked in a deep voice.

"Chenguang Group? Maybe something happened to Chenguang's Xinglong Real Estate, and it was caused by you, Young Master Rong?"

Bao Shulei said in surprise.

"Auntie, it's not just Xinglong Real Estate. I heard that Zhu Zheshuo was deposed and is still in the hospital."

Tang Xinyue hastily sighed to Bao Shulei.

"So, you, Young Master Rong, did this all? You can rest assured, Young Master Rong, as long as our Tang family is useful, our Tang family will definitely cooperate with Young Master Rong."

Bao Shulei said firmly.

"So can your words represent the Tang family?"

Qin Feng still squinted his eyes and asked quietly.

"When Biqin asked me to come here, she just said that there were a few big figures who would be involved in the future development of the Tang family. In order to develop in the future, she also asked me to ask the old head of the Tang family for instructions, so I can call the shots."

Bao Shulei nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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