Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 324 Being Followed 6 More

Chapter 324
Following Cao Shirong's arrangements, Qin Feng also separated from Cao Shirong and his party, and left the supreme box with Ye Biqin, Qin Xiaoyu, Xuanyuan Cheng, and Q Ba.

In front of the hotel building, as soon as Qin Feng got into the black RV, Bai Hu immediately turned to Qin Feng and said, "Sir, someone is following us. I'm not sure which one is from the Zhu family."

"Don't worry about them, let's talk about it when we go back to Shangpu."

Qin Feng waved to Bai Hu, and then made a call.

Bai Hu nodded, and then asked someone to drive.

Offices in a building not far away.

A strong bald man was holding binoculars, staring at Qin Feng as he got into the car, then nervously took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Old man, Qin Feng is in the car now. It seems that he is leaving the hotel. I didn't see Cao Shirong coming out. There are two women beside him. Do I need to send someone to follow him?"

"Follow up! What happens next, you have to report it as soon as possible, but you don't have to report it to me, just report it to Mr. Wang."

Zhu Hongming's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, old man."

The bald man quickly responded.

The phone was hung up by Zhu Hongming on the other end. The bald man let out a sigh of relief, then immediately dialed Mr. Wang's phone and told Mr. Wang about the matter.

After making this call, the bald man left the office.

However, the bald man didn't know that when he was staring at Qin Feng, Qin Feng's people were also staring at him.

In the black RV.

Qin Feng also received the news that a car was following him.

"Let Uncle Hua and the others stop each other before getting on the highway."

"Yes, sir."

Bai Hu immediately notified Uncle Hua on the walkie-talkie.

The journey was smooth, and it took just over 30 minutes to arrive at the Shangpu Expressway.

Qin Feng immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed Yuan Zihan's number.

Dilong Clubhouse.

In a compartment.

Yuan Zihan put down his phone and smiled at Ye Wushuang: "They're back here."

Ye Wushuang nodded, feeling a little excited, because she was about to meet her aunt for many years.

But Yuan Zihan was a little worried, not because Qin Feng came back, but because he seemed to be being followed today.

Ye Wushuang saw that Yuan Zihan was a little absent-minded, and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Say, should we tell my husband about being followed?"

Yuan Zihan frowned.

"I'll tell you."

Zhou Qinya sighed, then picked up the phone, dialed Qin Feng's number, and told them about being followed today.

"I see."

Qin Feng on the other end of the phone replied in a deep voice.

The phone was then hung up.

"It's over. I guess, Brother Feng may find him out soon, so don't worry if you are my sister-in-law."

Zhou Qinya tilted her head to look at Yuan Zihan, and said with a smile.

"According to his personality, of course he will find people out. I'm also worried. After all, Ya Shi also came out today."

Yuan Zihan sighed.

"You are really worrying. Don't say that Miss Wushuang is here. Even if I am here, I will never let anyone hurt you. The key is who sent the follower."

Zhou Qinya pursed her lips and said.

"Don't think about it. When Brother Feng catches someone, you'll know who it is."

Ye Wushuang smiled lightly.

The empty space in front of the first building diagonally opposite the Dilong Clubhouse.

In a brown van, there were four strong men, and the two in the back were sleeping with their eyes closed, snoring loudly.

The two people in the front row were holding binoculars and staring at the door of the Dilong Club, not daring to relax for a second.

There was a man with curly yellow hair sitting in the passenger seat. His cell phone rang suddenly, so he put down the binoculars and connected the call without looking at it.

A man's angry voice came from the other end of the phone: "What the hell is going on with you? It's been a day, and you still haven't caught a woman?"

"Young master, it's not that we don't want to arrest people. They have too many bodyguards, and we have no way to start, and they have never been separated. If you let us rob people, we can't do it."

The man with curly yellow hair quickly explained.

"I don't care what you do! You must catch that Yuan Zihan for me, and then I will give you another 500 million."

The man on the other end of the phone snapped.

"Alright young master, don't worry, we will definitely catch that woman tonight."

The man with yellow curly hair quickly agreed and made a promise, but in fact, the 500 million bounty was too exciting for him.

The phone is hung up.

The man with curly yellow hair turned his head and patted the arm of a man with a short crew cut in the back row, and said coldly: "Tiger, go down and buy some takeaways, it's going to be dark now."

Tiger, a man with a short crew cut, woke up, startled for a moment, and then got out of the car.

But as soon as he got out of the car, he saw a convoy of cars driving towards this direction at an astonishing speed, blocking their brown van in the blink of an eye.

As the convoy stopped, Bai Hu and others got out of the car in an instant, and surrounded the brown van in no time.

The man with short crew cut raised his hands in an instant, because a short knife was already placed on his neck like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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