Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 325 Wanting Her to Pay Her Life 1 More

Chapter 325

Inside the van, the curly-haired man was stunned.

He never imagined that someone would surround their van, what the hell is going on?
The two sleeping men in the back row were also awakened, and they all looked at the strong men in white clothes outside the car with astonished expressions.

"Everyone get out of the car!"

Li Nian shouted sharply.

The three men with curly yellow hair immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

"Tell me, who is the team leader and who sent you here? Don't test my patience. If it's a lie, you can consider the consequences yourself."

Li Nian said coldly.

"I'm the team leader, yes, Master Gao Lihui sent us here."

The man with curly yellow hair tremblingly replied.

When Baihu heard this, he immediately went forward and searched the mobile phone of the man with curly yellow hair, and confirmed Gao Lihui's mobile phone number.

Afterwards, Baihu threw the phone to a strong man in white: "Give it to Cao Xiaochuan, let him hurry up."


The burly man in white caught the phone and ran to a pickup truck.

2 minute later.

The burly man in white ran back and handed the phone to Bai Hu.

Baihu handed the mobile phone to the man with curly yellow hair, and said coldly: "We need to lock the signal source of Gao Lihui's mobile phone, so you have to delay this call for 5 minutes, if the call is hung up, you can continue to call me, understand? "

The curly-haired man picked up the phone and dialed Gao Lihui with trembling hands.

"what's up?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Gao Lihui's impatient voice came from the other end.

"Master, that woman hasn't come out yet."

The curly-haired man answered quickly.

Then, the man with curly yellow hair began to argue with Gao Lihui, offering to reduce the price of the bounty, and asked Gao Lihui to give him a few more days.

After hanging up the phone.

The man with curly yellow hair looked at Baihu and asked in a trembling voice, "Brother, is this okay?"


Baihu waved his hand, then ran to the side of a black RV, leaned against the window, and said to Qin Feng in the car: "Sir, Gao Lihui's position has been locked."

"Immediately ask someone to follow Gao Lihui first."

Qin Feng ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes, sir."

Bai Hu responded in a deep voice, and immediately made a call.

Qin Feng turned his head and looked at Ye Biqin beside him: "Go in and see Wushuang now, I have to deal with someone."

Saying that, Qin Feng looked at Qin Xiaoyu again, "You also go into the club room with Uncle Xuanyuan."

"Yes, Brother Feng."

Qin Xiaoyu nodded.

Then, Qin Feng got out of the car directly and got into another black off-road vehicle.

But Q Ba also got in.

"Young master, I'll follow you there. If there's anything I can do to help, I can do it too."

Qin Feng nodded, then waved for someone to drive.

West suburb of Shangpu, Guanyin Mountain, Huayu Community.

In front of a canteen, there was a young man wearing a black mask and black sunglasses sitting at a small table, looking a little lonely.

This young man was Gao Lihui looking at the phone that had been hung up, and wanted to make another call, but he hesitated and gave up.

Flipping through the phone's address book, looking at the notes in the address book, he gritted his teeth instantly.

Because the Xiongwei Group was wiped out by the Honghua Group, everyone in the entire group was killed and arrested, and all forces fell apart. Now he is still running for his life.

He never thought that family ruin would happen to him.

"Ye Wushuang!"

Gao Lihui murmured, his eyes were full of hatred, but unfortunately, the people he sent didn't catch Ye Wushuang, not even Yuan Zihan.

"Just wait, as long as you grab your watch, I will definitely make you regret it for the rest of your life."

Gao Lihui pulled the mask on his chin, then picked up a bottle of beer and drank it down in one gulp.

Afterwards, he dialed Xu Zhengxiang's phone number.

The phone rang for a while before it was connected, and Xu Zhengxiang's nervous voice came from the other end: "Young Master Hui, why did you call? I told you, I'm being followed."

"But I'm about to die of depression here. If my men catch Ye Wushuang, do you still want it?"

Gao Lihui gritted his teeth.

"Of course. However, there are so many bodyguards around her, and you don't have anyone around. How can you catch her? Shao Hui, listen to me, don't worry about Ye Wushuang for now, you hide first, or I'll help you go abroad .”

Xu Zhengxiang at the other end quickly suggested.

"Labor and management won't leave! I won't be reconciled if I don't mess with that bitch Ye Wushuang!"

Gao Lihui shouted sharply.

"No. Young Master Hui, you won't have to worry about no firewood if you stay in the green hills. Now that Ye Wushuang is teaming up with the Honghua Group, they are searching the entire East Sea City for you. It's very dangerous for you to stay in East Sea City."

Xu Zhengxiang said anxiously.

"But my whole family was killed by people from the Honghua Group. It was all done by that bitch Ye Wushuang. I want her to pay for it!"

Gao Lihui said angrily.

"No, listen to me..."

Xu Zhengxiang wanted to say something else, but Gao Lihui hung up the phone directly.

His family was ruined and everything was lost. When he left like this, when will he come back?
Picking up two unopened bottles of beer, Xu Zhengxiang got into a black van, waved to the driver and said, "Old Zhu, drive."

(End of this chapter)

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