Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 332 Young Master Xiang Wants to Escape 8 More

Chapter 332

Qin Xiaoyu looked at Yuan Zihan, and she was stunned for an instant, because even she felt that Yuan Zihan was too beautiful.

Looking at the beautifully curved oval face and the charming sleeping phoenix eyes, she couldn't help being fascinated by Yuan Zihan, and at the same time felt ashamed.

"My name is Yuan Zihan, so you are sister Xiaoyu, right?"

Yuan Zihan smiled slightly and asked kindly.

"Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful. And this sister, you are also so beautiful, what should I do if I feel inferior when I look at you all of a sudden?"

Qin Xiaoyu pouted and said.

"You're pretty too."

Zhou Qinya said with a giggle.

The phone rang, Xianfu glanced at the phone, and then answered it.

Afterwards, Xianfu walked to Zhou Qinya's side, and whispered into Zhou Qinya's ear, "Miss, it's settled, sir, Gao Lihui's body was burned by the setting sun."

"That's good, so Brother Feng is back too, right?"

The corners of Zhou Qinya's mouth curled up, and she waved to Xianfu, signaling Xianfu to step aside.

Xianfu immediately backed away and stood quietly aside.

"Sister Xiaoyu, can you tell me what happened to you in Songhe District? Also, what happened after Brother Feng went there?"

Zhou Qinya pulled Qin Xiaoyu's Rou Yi, and asked with a smile.

When Yuan Zihan heard this, he also quickly looked at Qin Xiaoyu.

Qin Xiaoyu nodded slightly, and then told Zhou Qinya and Yuan Zihan about it.

As for Ye Biqin, she was also pulled aside by Ye Wushuang to talk to each other.

10 minute later.

The door of the box was pushed open, and Qin Feng walked in with someone.

When everyone saw Qin Feng coming in, they also greeted each other and stood up.

Qin Feng quickly waved his hand, motioning for everyone to sit down.

"Brother Feng, I heard that you were targeted by the Zhu family of Chenguang Group in Songhe District? Can you tell me about the situation there?"

Zhou Qinya immediately asked.

Qin Feng nodded, and then started talking to Zhou Qinya.

Xu Family Villa.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Zhengxiang felt uneasy because he never expected to hear Qin Feng's voice on the phone.

Since there was Qin Feng's voice, it meant that Gao Lihui was blocked by Qin Feng's people.

When Xu Ruikun heard about this situation, he couldn't help but sighed: "In this case, we may not be able to save Gao Lihui."

"No, old man. You said that if Qin Feng catches Gao Lihui, will he know that I sent someone to assassinate him before? Then will he send someone to assassinate me?"

Xu Zhengxiang asked nervously.

"This... you sent someone to assassinate him before?"

Xu Ruikun looked at Xu Zhengxiang in astonishment, he didn't know that Xu Zhengxiang still had this condition.

"Yes, Gao Lihui and I have sent people to assassinate Qin Feng several times. If Gao Lihui is captured, Qin Feng will definitely know that I have a part."

Xu Zhengxiang nodded and admitted.

"You are really... Then why are you hesitating now? Pack up your things immediately and leave Donghai City first."

Xu Ruikun waved quickly.

"Yes, old man."

Xu Zhengxiang nodded quickly, and then ran upstairs to pack his things.

Seeing Xu Zhengxiang's panic, Xu Ruikun's expression darkened instantly, he gritted his teeth, and waved to a middle-aged man standing beside him.

"Old Tan, hurry up and prepare the car, let Xiao Xiang be sent away safely immediately, and Xiao Xiang must not be caught."

"Yes, old man."

This middle-aged man is the housekeeper of the Xu family, named Tan Maoshi. He also turned around and walked out immediately after hearing Xu Ruikun's words.

After Xu Zhengxiang packed his things, he immediately ran down in a hurry.

"Master, where should I go?"

"Don't worry about it, I've arranged it for you. After you get in the car, you will be sent to the dock. After that, you have to be careful."

With a cold face, Xu Ruikun shouted sharply.


Xu Zhengxiang nodded, and then walked out.

In front of the villa, a black Mercedes was prepared, and Xu Zhengxiang got in immediately.

The driver started the car and drove out of Xu's villa.

However, as soon as the car left Xu's villa, the news that Xu Zhengxiang was going to escape was spread.

Along the way, Xu Zhengxiang was still uneasy.

He took off the phone card, broke it off, and threw it out of the car window.

Because thinking of Gao Lihui being blocked by Qin Feng, he didn't dare to call Gao Lihui back, so he even changed the phone card.

After changing, Xu Zhengxiang also immediately dialed his old man's phone number and asked where he was going.

However, Xu Ruikun didn't say it clearly, which made Xu Zhengxiang very depressed, so he didn't ask any more questions, and planned to take a nap for half an hour.

After all, it would take at least half an hour's drive from Beituo District to Xiapu Pier.

But before the expressway was on here, the driver noticed a car following him.

"Young Master Xiang, it's too bad, there is a car following us, what should we do?"

"You drive and you ask me? You get rid of it!"

Xu Zhengxiang said angrily.

"No, Shao Xiang, I want to get rid of him, but his driving skills are too good."

The driver looked innocent, because he really didn't expect that the other party was following him so closely and his driving skills were so good.

(End of this chapter)

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