Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 333 1 Step Late 1 Updates

Chapter 333 One step too late

When Xu Zhengxiang heard this, he frowned instantly, then turned his head and glanced at a black car that was following him.

"Drive me faster, we must not let them catch up!"

"Yes, Young Master Xiang."

The driver quickly replied, but in fact he is already the fastest here, and he is not sure if the speed is too fast, which may easily lead to a car accident.

And it's easy to get traffic jams here at night, especially when you're on the highway.

Xu Zhengxiang watched the black man on his side run up to the high speed. Although the other party followed, it seemed that he had no intention of intercepting him, so he also breathed a sigh of relief.

In the back of the black RV.

Hu Jisheng, who was driving, glanced at Chen Mingqi who was sitting next to him, and asked, "Brother Qi, do you want to intercept him at the highway?"

"No need. Brother Qinglong said, we just need to follow him. No matter where he goes, we can't lose him. As for cleaning him up, Brother Qinglong will arrange someone else."

Chen Mingqi shook his head slightly and explained.

Because he needed to watch the road after getting on the highway, he didn't intend to take a nap, but took out his phone and reported the news to Qinglong.

The phone also rang suddenly, it was Sun Xirong calling, he hesitated, he didn't know whether to answer it or not, after all he was busy tracking it now.

In the end, he still hung up the phone, and then sent a text message to Sun Xirong, "Busy at work".

Sun Xirong at the other end also immediately replied to the text message, "Then I'll wait until you finish your work."

"Did sister-in-law text you?"

Hu Jisheng squinted and said with a smile.

"Concentrate on driving and don't worry about it."

Chen Mingqi's expression turned serious, and he shouted sharply, but then said in a low voice: "Be careful, I found that we are not the only ones following Xu Zhengxiang."

Seeing Chen Mingqi's serious look, Hu Jisheng immediately restrained his playful smile, "Yes, Brother Qi."

After a while, Hu Jisheng's cell phone rang, but he didn't answer it because he knew it must be Weng Rujing.

Follow Xu Zhengxiang all the way, from Xu's villa to the high-speed exit on the Xiapu side.

But as soon as they got off the highway, two small trucks blocked their way.

"Wow Cao! Brother Qi, they intercepted us on purpose, what should we do?"

Hu Jisheng spat angrily.

The Guangming brothers sitting in the back row were also very indignant when they heard this, and they touched the dagger at their waists one after another.

"Ah Guang, Ah Ming, get out of the car and have a look, be careful."

Chen Ming frowned, and gave instructions to Brother Guangming.

Brother Guangming immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

Chen Mingqi immediately picked up his cell phone, dialed Qinglong's number, and told Qinglong about the matter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Brother Guangming walked over, he saw a large number of men in black coming out of two small trucks, and the two quickly backed away.

But the men in black surrounded them, and immediately surrounded Chen Mingqi and them all.

Chen Mingqi also hurriedly got out of the car, and yelled at the men in black: "Who are you, what are you doing to stop us?"

The men in black didn't respond at all, they all swung their sharp knives and slashed at Chen Mingqi and them.

"I go!"

Chen Mingqi's expression changed, and he quickly waved to Hu Jisheng and the others: "Brothers, go!"

Although the four were surrounded by so many people, they were not afraid.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and those men in green clothes seemed to rush out from all directions, and rushed towards Chen Mingqi in an instant.

"we are coming!"

Brother Xiang shouted over.

The faces of the men in black all changed in surprise, because it was their turn to be surrounded by the men in green.

In front.

Hei rushed up, and the driver felt relieved when he found that the black RV was not following him.

"Xiang Shao, that car is not chasing us anymore."

"That's good."

Xu Zhengxiang nodded, but in fact, he had seen it a long time ago. Two pickup trucks helped him intercept the black RV.

He thought that it was arranged by his old man, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and wanted to call the old man.

Suddenly, there was a sound of traffic, and at a crossroad, a dump truck rammed straight towards the big black Benz.

When the driver saw it, his expression changed instantly, and he wanted to turn the car around, but it was too fast, and it was too late.

The big black Benz was knocked into the air, and the whole car was hit by a dump truck into the flower belt on the side of the road.

All passing cars stopped after seeing the accident.

The driveway here was blocked in an instant.

Lin Xuancheng, who was wearing a black mask on the dump truck, saw it and quickly got off the truck.

He ran over and moved the driver out first. The front side of the car was not serious.

The driver only bumped his head, and because of the airbag, there is no danger to his life.

But Chen Mingqi, who was behind, was bleeding from the head, and the rear door of the car was dented.

"It's over, we are one step late."

In a blue van, a man with a ball head frowned, quickly took out his mobile phone, and nervously reported: "Master, Xu Zhengxiang is dead."

(End of this chapter)

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