Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 337 Killing Qin Feng Part 1

Chapter 337

A building not far from Dilong Clubhouse, Xinglan Building.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of an office, two strong men in black suits were holding binoculars, staring at the Dilong Club.

When he saw Qin Feng coming out with Yuan Zihan and others, a strong man immediately turned his head and shouted: "Master, Qin Feng has come out."

On the sofa, a blonde curly-haired woman with a hot figure in a small silver vest was pinching the muscles and bones of a young man with precise shots.


The young man let out a low growl, but his face was full of enjoyment, and his whole body was relaxing.

Hearing the strong man's shout, he waved his hand to the blonde curly-haired woman, signaling her to stop, and then, with her support, straightened her waist.

Then, a round-cut man next to him hurriedly fixed his laptop and played a video.

The video played was exactly the scene of Qin Feng and the others getting into the car.

The young man has a handsome face, with a golden yellow haircut with short hair, a mud-yellow Versace suit, and a Rolex diamond-encrusted gold watch on his right wrist.

If Cao Shirong and the others were here, they would find that this young man was none other than the third generation of the Long family, the young master of the Long family, Long Tianhao.

Seeing Qin Feng and the others get into the car, Long Tianhao snorted softly, and his face instantly became dark and terrifying.

"If this Hun Dan dares to join hands with the Cao family and the Zhao family, then to us, he is the enemy of our Long family."

"Master, since that's the case, why don't we immediately send experts to kill Qin Feng?"

The blonde curly-haired woman asked quickly.

This woman is Long Tianhao's personal secretary, Yin Guxue.

Long Tianhao turned his head to look at Yin Guxue, and with a wave of his right hand, he clasped Yin Guxue's swan neck with skin better than snow.

"Qin Feng has so many masters around him now, even the Yihe family can't do anything about it. What master do you think we should send to kill Qin Feng?"

Yin Guxue's pretty face changed slightly, and she quickly said: "I'm sorry, young master, I was too arbitrary."

"Don't point fingers at random in the future. But Qin Feng must die, otherwise he will affect my plan, so Qin Feng must be killed."

Long Tianhao snorted coldly, and then let go of Yin Guxue, but with just this buckle, Yin Guxue's swan neck was instantly blushed.

"Yes, sir."

Yin Guxue nodded quickly, and looked at Long Tianhao coldly with a pretty face, her eyes were full of respect, and she was not dissatisfied at all.

Qin Feng must be killed!

The round-cut man standing next to him is Long Tianhao's assistant, Wen Zhenyu. Hearing Long Tianhao's words, he quickly lowered his head and asked, "Please give instructions, young master."

"First, contact some lone traveler teams. I want them to keep an eye on Qin Feng's every move."

"Second, send a message to the Zhu family of Chenguang Group, saying that I plan to cooperate with them to deal with Cao Shirong."

"Third, find me a chance to kidnap Qin Feng's wife, Yuan Zihan. This kind of beauty should be my crotch plaything."

Long Tianhao said with a strange expression.

"Yes, sir."

Wen Zhenyu nodded, then walked aside, quickly took out his mobile phone, and dialed the number.

"Master, don't you have me now?"

Yin Guxue looked at Long Tianhao with aggrieved and pitiful eyes, and pouted her mouth.

"You are not enough! In short, I must grab Qin Feng's wife. So next, you all have to keep an eye on me, find a chance to attack Qin Feng, and kill Qin Feng."

Long Tianhao laughed.

"Master, you are too bad, what should I do if I like it so much?"

Yin Guxue said in a whimpering voice.

"Then I'll be worse."

Long Tianhao directly pushed Yin Guxue onto the sofa.

When Wen Zhenyu saw it, he quickly waved to the others, signaling them to go out with him.

On the side of the driveway near the Dilong Clubhouse.

A black Toyota pulled up.

A bald man in the driver's seat turned his head to a short-cut man in the back seat and asked, "Leader, shall we not chase after him?"

The short-cut man is none other than Takayanagi Keita.

These two days, because Qin Feng's people have been searching for him, he has been hiding.

"There's no need to track down the past. Now because of the shooting incident of Chenguang Group's Zhu family Zhu Zheshuo and the recent car accident of Xu Zhengxiang, the whole city is strictly investigating."

"Besides, Qin Feng's team is all experts. If we follow up rashly, we will definitely be discovered by Qin Feng's people, and we may be caught at that time."

"Since that's the case, then we might as well give up this opportunity and see what family will take action against Qin Feng."

After all, Gao Liu Qitai waved to the bald man, signaling the bald man to drive, but he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Master, Qin Feng has many experts here, we have decided to cancel tonight's plan."

"Okay. But you have to send someone to keep an eye on Qin Feng. I found out that Qin Feng might go on a trip."

A young man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"So, young master, are you planning to let us attack Qin Feng during the trip? That's no problem."

Gao Liuqi said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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