Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 338 Refused to join forces 2 more

Chapter 338 Refused to cooperate with the second update
"No matter who Qin Feng takes on his trip, he will definitely take his wife with him. If so, then his wife will be his burden. Then you have to seize the opportunity and kill Qin Feng."

The young man on the other end of the phone ordered sharply.

"Qin Feng's wife? If his wife passes by, then our plan to kill Qin Feng will be much bigger."

Gao Liu Qitai said with a happy face.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, I will also send you more people. After killing Qin Feng and getting the first emperor's dragon and phoenix map, our Yihe family will get rich."

The young man at the other end laughed, and after a pause, he immediately gritted his teeth and said, "At that time, I will kill that bitch Iga Liuli with my own hands."

"Yes, sir."

Gao Liu Qitai hastily replied in a deep voice.

"If there is a special situation, it must be reported to me immediately."

The young man warned, then hung up the phone.

Gao Liuqitai frowned, and couldn't help but look sad, muttering to himself: "Could it be that Iga Liuli is coming to Donghai City?"

The bald man was surprised when he heard Gao Liuqita's words: "Iga Liuli is coming? Team leader, will she attack us?"

"You can drive, don't worry about this. Iga Ruri doesn't know what we are doing, how could she attack us?"

Gao Liuqi gave the bald man a blank look.

Afterwards, Keita Takayanagi picked up the phone again, made another call, and told their young master Iga Toshiro what to say.

The entrance of Xinglan Building.

Long Tianhao walked out with Yin Guxue in his arms, and got into a black RV.

Wen Zhenyu followed and sat in the passenger seat, but just as he fastened his seat belt, he received a call.

After listening to the call, he frowned instantly, and quickly reported to Long Tianhao in the back row.

"Master, the Zhu family of Chenguang Group refuses to join forces with us."

"What did you say? Refuse to join forces?"

Long Tianhao narrowed his eyes slightly, he chuckled, and the corners of his mouth twitched immediately: "Interesting! The Zhu family of Chenguang Group has such a backbone. I really want to know who is supporting them."

"Master, isn't the Zhu family of Chenguang Group too arrogant? How about we send someone to deal with them?"

Wen Zhenyu quickly suggested.


Long Tianhao shook his head lightly, and a trace of teasing flashed across his face, "Since the Zhu family of Chenguang Group is against Cao Shirong, they can be regarded as our allies after all. How can we punish them?"

Wen Zhenyu was startled, then nodded and said: "Then what do you mean, young master..."

"Not only can we not deal with them, but we also need to help them deal with Cao Shirong. Only by killing Cao Shirong can the Cao family become passive."

Long Tianhao said coldly.

"Yes, sir."

Wen Zhenyu nodded quickly.

"Young master, what about the Zhou family? It seems that the Zhou family has also mixed with Qin Feng."

Yin Guxue quickly reminded Long Tianhao.

Long Tianhao frowned, his face was instantly clouded, and then he sighed faintly: "Zhou Qinya is the woman I like. Besides, the Zhou family is not simple, and it has developed amazingly over the years. We should not directly confront the Zhou family. .”

"What if Zhou Qinya insists on fighting us?"

Yin Guxue frowned.

"Then there is no other way. For my Long family to rule the world, even the Zhou family and Zhou Qinya cannot become my stumbling block. I must kick them all away."

Long Tianhao said with a ferocious face.

Yin Guxue's small mouth squirmed, wanting to ask something, but she didn't say it in the end.

Thinking of Zhou Qinya, she was also very jealous, because he didn't know why, Zhou Qinya fascinated Long Tianhao very much.

Also because Zhou Qinya appeared at the Emperor Dragon Clubhouse tonight, Long Tianhao came here in person.

Seeing that Yin Guxue didn't make a sound, Long Tianhao waved his hand and said, "Contact me with Mr. Xiong from Lebang Group. Also, immediately send someone to find out who is the one who bought Wahuang Villa."

"Yes, master, I will contact Young Master Xiong right now."

Yin Guxue nodded quickly, picked up the phone immediately, and made a call with quick fingers.

Soon, Yin Guxue made a call and handed the phone to Long Tianhao.

Long Tianhao took the phone and asked in a cold voice: "Young Master Xiong, have you contacted anyone at Wahuang Villa? Can you buy Wahuang Villa?"

Immediately, a young man's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone: "Master Long, the people from Wahuang Villa refuse to meet, and they also refuse to sell Wahuang Villa."

"What? Rejected? Do you think you have too little money?"

Long Tianhao's face darkened slightly, and his eyes were instantly darkened. I was rejected consecutively tonight?
"It shouldn't be because they think the money is low. They refused to contact, so I don't know who they bought the Wahuang Villa, but I heard that it was a consortium from overseas."

The young man at the other end quickly explained.

"Overseas forces? Do you dare to be so arrogant when you come to Donghai City? It doesn't seem easy, you continue to contact me, and I will send people to the government office to investigate."

Long Tianhao ordered in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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