Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 339 Travel Plan 3 More

Chapter 339
Along the way, Qin Feng and the others didn't find anyone coming to intercept them, so the car returned to the villa on the top of the mountain smoothly.

After entering the hall, Yuan Zihan immediately sat down with Qin Xiaoyu, ordered a maid to pour tea, and arranged for two maids to go up to the third floor to clean up the room.

"Sister-in-law, do you live in such a big villa?"

Qin Xiaoyu looked at the hall with a pretty face in astonishment, then stuck out her tongue and looked at Yuan Zihan playfully.

"It's okay, actually I'm not used to it, it's your Brother Feng who must live in such a big villa."

Yuan Zihan smiled faintly, and then motioned for Qin Xiaoyu to drink tea.

Just as Qin Xiaoyu picked up the teacup, she found Jiang Zhiling, Jiang Shiyao and others walking down. She couldn't help being a little surprised. Who are these people?

She was already surprised that Yuan Zihan had four female bodyguards. After all, Yuan Zihan and his daughter Yuan Yashi usually travel without female bodyguards to protect them.

Especially Yuan Zihan is so heavenly and beautiful, even a woman would be moved by seeing it, let alone a man!
But when she saw Jiang Zhiling and the others, she thought it was the Yuan family, so she just nodded slightly.

"Hi, sisters. I'm Qin Xiaoyu."

"I'm not my sister. Judging by your appearance, you should be older than me. I'm only 19 years old, and my name is Jiang Shiyao."

Jiang Shiyao approached, and immediately said with a giggle.

"Jiang Shiyao? Are you not from the Yuan family?"

Qin Xiaoyu's expression froze instantly, and he looked at Jiang Shiyao with a smirk.

"I am Qin Feng's junior sister."

Jiang Shiyao shook her head lightly, and then introduced the others to Qin Xiaoyu.

Only then did Qin Xiaoyu know the identities of the others, and then let out a sigh of relief, because she didn't feel very good about the Yuan family, and she already knew about Qin Feng's marriage.

"So, you can play with me tomorrow."

Seeing Qin Xiaoyu startled, Jiang Shiyao quickly sat down and hugged Qin Xiaoyu's slender waist.

Qin Xiaoyu's delicate body trembled slightly, and she immediately felt that Jiang Shiyao was a little familiar.

But in fact, Jiang Shiyao heard that Qin Xiaoyu was the one who guarded the old house for Qin Feng's mother, so she had a good impression of Qin Xiaoyu. If Qin Xiaoyu was from Yuan's family, then she might not have a good impression of Qin Xiaoyu either.

She admired Qin Feng the most, and the Yuan family didn't treat Qin Feng well before, so she naturally didn't like the Yuan family either.

If it wasn't because Yuan Zihan was also abandoned by the Yuan family before, and because Yuan Zihan gave birth to Yuan Yashi, then she might not even have a good impression of Yuan Zihan.

"No, Shiyao, I'm ticklish! I've never hugged anyone like this before."

Qin Xiaoyu was still not used to being embraced by Jiang Shiyao, and she blushed instantly.

"I just love holding you."

Jiang Shiyao pouted, unwilling to let go of Qin Xiaoyu, and at the same time turned her head to look at Qin Feng who was squinting beside her: "Senior brother, I heard that you are very dangerous in Songhe District? What fool is so presumptuous, dare to To provoke you? How about I go over and clean him up?"

"Someone has already taken care of this matter, so don't take care of it."

Qin Feng shook his head quickly.

"Brother Rong is managing this matter."

Qin Xiaoyu smiled slightly at Jiang Shiyao.

"Brother Rong? You're talking about that big dude Cao Shirong? He's a fool, what can he do?"

Jiang Shiyao said with some disdain.

Qin Feng turned his head and glanced at Qin Xiaoyu, with a displeased expression on his face, "Don't talk nonsense."

When Qin Xiaoyu saw it, he fell silent for an instant.

"What nonsense! Sister Xiaoyu is right to tell the truth. I like Sister Xiaoyu more and more, because Sister Xiaoyu and I are very honest."

Jiang Shiyao said with a chuckle.


Yuan Zihan couldn't help but sneered, because Jiang Shiyao's personality is very straightforward, she is indeed a very honest person, but she is also very impulsive, the opposite of Qin Xiaoyu's quiet personality, and she is easy to attack at every turn.

"sister in law!"

Jiang Shiyao saw Yuan Zihan covering her mouth and laughing, then she let out a coquettish annoyance, pouted her mouth and looked at Yuan Zihan as if she was extremely aggrieved.

But thinking of something, Jiang Shiyao quickly asked again: "By the way, sister-in-law, are you going on a trip tomorrow? Or, take me with you? I can do anything, please!"

"No, the plan for tomorrow has already been made, and I can't take you with me. You should go play with Xiao Yu tomorrow."

Qin Feng quickly waved his hands.

"Brother, I also want to be together."

Jiang Shiyao frowned slightly, and felt a little uncomfortable when Qin Feng refused to follow her. After all, she really wanted to follow Qin Feng, because she knew that Qin Feng's travel plan might be related to Qin Feng's parents.

As Qin Feng's junior sister, she also helped Qin Feng find out about his parents.

"No, no. If you don't want to take Xiaoyu to play, then you can stay at home tomorrow."

Qin Feng still waved his hands resolutely.

"I don't want it, I want to go out with sister Xiaoyu."

Jiang Shiyao shook her head.

Shangpu Street, Night Bar.

Gao Liuqitai and the two were sitting in a booth, quietly sipping red wine.

The phone rang suddenly, Gao Liu Qitai glanced at it, then connected the phone, then lowered his head to answer.

Hearing the travel plan mentioned on the phone, he instantly became overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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