Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 346 Honeymoon Travel 2 More

Chapter 346
"Are you a genius doctor? Who are you kidding? You trash, get Yuan Zihan out of the car immediately."

Yuan Jiayan roared, what kind of genius doctor is Qin Feng?What an international joke!

She would never believe that Qin Feng is a miracle doctor!
If Qin Feng had been a genius doctor, he would not have been regarded as the king of soft food back then, so Qin Feng was lying.

"Qin Feng! If I was wrong before, you can tell Jiayan the whereabouts of Miracle Doctor."

Zhang Daoxing gritted his teeth.

After all, Yuan Jiayan was his eldest daughter, and he didn't want his daughter to become an ugly girl.

Yuan Huimei didn't say anything, but looked at Qin Feng pleadingly.

Qin Feng chuckled: "Back then when Zihan was disfigured, did you help Zihan? You didn't help, and you kept saying you were ugly."

Zhang Daoxing and Yuan Huimei fell silent.

But they felt that Qin Feng was trying to settle accounts?

Yuan Jiayan poked her neck and said angrily: "Qin Feng, what is the meaning of this? Is it so difficult for you to tell the whereabouts of the genius doctor?"

"is it hard?"

Qin Feng squinted his eyes at Yuan Jiayan, and his eyes became sharp in an instant.

"My daughter is sick, can you help my daughter? Zihan went to ask for help to borrow money, but you kept cursing and adding insult to injury, telling the old lady not to help."

"If I hadn't come back and saw it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that you are so vicious. Even, I almost lost a daughter."

"Let me tell you the whereabouts of the genius doctor, what can you do? You should be glad that I don't care about it, otherwise, you wouldn't even be able to enter the hospital."

"If you have the skills, you can go find some miracle doctor by yourself. As long as you have nothing to do with us, then I don't bother to pay attention to you, but if you dare to pester me again, then don't blame me for being rude."

After speaking, Qin Feng walked back to the black car without waiting for Yuan Jiayan's response.

"Qin Feng! You Ruanfan King, don't think that you are great because you have money now, you are a piece of trash."

"Yuan Zihan, come out! Come out quickly! I must know the whereabouts of the genius doctor, so tell me quickly!"

"Let go! Let me go immediately!"

Yuan Jiayan glared at the black RV and kept roaring like a madman.

But unfortunately, being detained by two security guards, she couldn't get close to the black car at all.

And as Qin Feng got into the car, the convoy continued to drive out.

Zhang Daoxing and Yuan Huimei looked at the leaving motorcade, their expressions froze, because neither of them could have imagined that Qin Feng would be so ruthless.

The two security guards released Yuan Jiayan after the convoy had gone far away.

Yuan Jiayan walked over, took Yuan Huimei's arm, gritted her teeth and asked, "Where are Qin Feng and the others going?"

Yuan Huimei shook her head, how could she know where Qin Feng was going?
"They just held a wedding banquet a few days ago, and they are probably going on a honeymoon trip."

Zhang Daoxing frowned.

"Honeymoon? Then what should I do? What about my face? Ahhh..."

Yuan Jiayan's eyes widened, then she grabbed her hair with both hands and roared angrily.

She even wanted to chase Qin Feng's motorcade, but was stopped by Zhang Daoxing.

"Don't chase! People don't want to tell you the whereabouts of the genius doctor. Even if you catch up, it's useless. Give up!"

Zhang Daoxing said with a sigh.

As a man, he naturally knew better than anyone else what kind of mood Qin Feng felt when he said that.

Even if they continue to catch up, Qin Feng will not change his decision, because their attitude towards Qin Feng was really bad before.

Yuan Jiayan's delicate body froze, she looked at Qin Feng's motorcade with a pretty face, her eyes were full of hatred, as if Qin Feng had caused her to be disfigured.

But in fact, if Qin Feng hadn't sent someone to rescue her, Diao Qianli would have killed her long ago.

"Qin Feng! You are so weak! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

Yuan Jiayan gritted her teeth and said angrily towards Qin Feng's motorcade that disappeared in the driveway.

She was disfigured and hospitalized, but Qin Feng got married and had a honeymoon. To her, this was simply the biggest irony in the world.

Zhang Daoxing's cell phone rang, and he quickly gestured to Yuan Huimei, signaling Yuan Huimei to grab Yuan Jiayan, and then he walked aside to answer the phone.

The phone was connected, but no one spoke on the other end, which made Zhang Daoxing very puzzled.

"Who? I hung up the phone without saying anything."

"Mr. Zhang! Don't worry about who I am. I want to join hands with you to deal with Qin Feng. What do you think?"

A mutated man's voice came from the other end of the phone, and he couldn't tell what age he was.

"I join forces with you? Hehe, I don't even know who you are, why should I listen to you?"

Zhang Daoxing snorted softly, but wondered, when did he say to deal with Qin Feng?
"Oh! Qin Feng has hurt your daughter so badly, yet you don't even bother to take revenge on Qin Feng. Are you that great?"

The man on the other end of the phone laughed.

"I don't care who you are, don't call me again in the future."

Zhang Daoxing roared angrily, and then hung up the phone, but he was very puzzled, who is the other party?

(End of this chapter)

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