Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 347 High-speed chase 3 more

Chapter 347

"Whose phone number?"

Seeing Zhang Daoxing's appearance, Yuan Huimei immediately questioned him.

"I don't know, it's probably a neuropathy."

Zhang Daoxing shook his head, but he did not tell Yuan Huimei the content of the call.

"What should we do now?"

Yuan Huimei was still catching the crazy Yuan Jiayan, she was really at a loss now.

"Take her back to the hospital first, otherwise, the wound will burst and it will be even more troublesome. Let's work harder and find Tang Shengshou for help."

Zhang Daoxing suggested.

Yuan Huimei nodded, after all, she had no other choice.

On the roof of a building.

The young man in a black sportswear, wearing a black mask and hat put down his phone, his eyes darkened instantly.

This young man is none other than Bai Yaoyang.

Once, he thought that he could marry Yuan Jiayan and piss off Qin Feng to death.

Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, things have changed, and now the Bai family is in critical condition, and Yuan Jiayan's face is injured, and he is even more like a rat crossing the street.

However, Qin Feng, whom he had always disliked, got married in a big way, and even took Yuan Zihan on a honeymoon trip.

He was the one who called Zhang Daoxing just now, but he never imagined that Zhang Daoxing would refuse to cooperate with Qin Feng.

"Don't think about it, it's not suitable for us to meet Qin Feng for the time being, otherwise, we may suffer a loss."

A short-haired man next to him sighed.

This flat-headed man is also Yao Duanmu, because Bai Yaoyang wants to come here, he can't hold back Bai Yaoyang, so he can only bring Bai Yaoyang here.

As for Bai Yaoyang wanting to take a look at Bai Maofeng, that's impossible.

So many people are staring at Bai Maofeng, if Bai Yaoyang passes by, it will only expose Bai Yaoyang, and he will definitely be followed by Qin Feng's people at that time.

"Brother Duanmu, at the hospital, we must let my old man be cured. Besides, I have an idea now."

Bai Yaoyang suddenly turned his head and looked at Yao Duanmu with a cold face.

"What do you want to do?"

Yao Duanmu frowned, suddenly he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I want to follow Qin Feng. You should know that if Qin Feng is on a honeymoon trip, then for us, this is the best chance to attack and kill him."

The corners of Bai Yaoyang's mouth curled up, and he said with a ferocious expression.

"Following Qin Feng? No, it's too big of a deal. Unless Brother Shun agrees, otherwise, I can't guarantee that you won't have any accidents on the way. If something happens to you, what should I do with Brother Shun?"

Yao Duanmu shook his head.

"Then you call Brother Shun now and ask Brother Shun if it's okay? You know, this is really a good opportunity. If we miss this opportunity, we won't have such a good opportunity in the future. "

Bai Yaoyang quickly persuaded.

Yao Duanmu hesitated for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

After a while, after finishing the phone call, he looked at Bai Yaoyang, nodded and said, "Brother Shun agreed, but all plans along the way must be approved by Brother Shun."

"I have no opinion."

Bai Yaoyang also nodded, and immediately let out a breath.

Yao Duanmu's cell phone rang again, and he connected it immediately, but after hearing a few words, his face was overjoyed.

"Good news, someone has followed Qin Feng, let's go! Let's follow him now."

Yao Duanmu waved his hand and immediately walked towards the entrance of the rooftop.

Bai Yaoyang also followed immediately.

Qin Feng Racing Team.

In the black RV.

Yuan Zihan didn't ask about Yuan Jiayan just now, she has been lying on the leveled seat as Qin Feng said.

Qin Feng didn't mention Yuan Jiayan anymore, but lay down beside Yuan Zihan.

"Sir, someone is following our convoy."

Huan Wei in the passenger seat turned to report to Qin Feng.

"Tracking? Then let our team go faster, and let Chu Xuan's team be more careful."

Qin Feng ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes, sir."

Huan Wei nodded, and then gave orders.

Soon, Qin Feng's motorcade got on the highway.

There is a black team that has been chasing Qin Feng's team.

The two convoys started a chase on the high speed.

But what is puzzling is that Qin Feng's motorcade shuttled easily and freely on the high speed, while the black motorcade behind kept colliding with each other, causing frequent accidents.

Even Bai Yaoyang and the others wanted to catch up, but were too tired by the black convoy to move forward.

"Fuck him! What's going on? Who hired this garbage convoy? No car can keep up with Qin Feng's convoy?"

A black Mercedes drove up, and Yao Duanmu answered a call with a surprised expression on his face. He never thought that he would be stuck on the highway.

"Brother Duanmu, what should we do now?"

Bai Yaoyang was so anxious that he didn't even know where Qin Feng had gone.

"Don't worry, some of us are watching Qin Feng's convoy, and we will know where Qin Feng is going. The key is because of this damn high-speed chase, how we get out is the key."

Yao Duanmu said with a frown.

"This...then hurry up and ask someone to go to the front to clear it, otherwise, Qin Feng and the others will all get out of the car."

Bai Yaoyang gritted his teeth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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