Chapter 348

Yao Duanmu immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed the number, and arranged for someone to go to clear it, but when a siren sounded, his expression changed in shock.

"Get out of the car, let's change the car in front and leave here first, otherwise, it will be bad if the traffic police officers come over and check you strictly."


Bai Yaoyang did not dare to hesitate, he immediately followed Yao Duanmu out of the car and walked forward.

Although there were many car accidents ahead, there were still some cars that just bumped into each other but did not drive away immediately.

Therefore, after the two passed by, they immediately found a car and paid a sum of money to the driver of the car to take them away from the highway.

But what Bai Yaoyang and Yao Duanmu didn't know was that because they got out of the car suddenly, it also attracted the attention of others.

In front of the expressway, Qin Feng's motorcade headed west.

However, the speed of Qin Feng's motorcade has tended to be normal, and did not accelerate any further.

However, there is still a group of cars following closely behind, and these cars came from another highway intersection.

"Sir, there is a group of blue vans following behind us."

Huan Wei continued to report to Qin Feng.


Qin Feng shook his head at Huan Wei and made a silent gesture.

This time he learned that there was another team following him, so he didn't let people continue to speed up the car.

After all, if you continue to speed up the car, it is easy to cause too many accidents in the opposing team, which is not a good thing.

More importantly, Yuan Zihan seems to have taken a nap, and he doesn't want the speeding to affect Yuan Zihan.

Huan Wei looked at Yuan Zihan, and immediately shut up, then took the mobile phone and passed Qin Feng's instructions.

But after a while, Huan Wei received a message from Q Ba.

Huan Wei turned around and handed the phone to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took the phone, glanced at the message on it, and then replied, and then returned the phone to Huan Wei.

The three off-road vehicles at the rear of Qin Feng's motorcade drove side by side and slowed down.

On one of the off-road vehicles, Q Ba was full of resentment, rubbing his fists, and muttering to himself coldly.

"Hmph, if you dare to follow our young master, you must block them all."

Shi Zhiwei, who was sitting next to him, and Liu Zhan, who was in the driver's seat, could feel that the Q bully obviously wanted to get mad.

In fact, not to mention Q bullies, even they wanted to go crazy. No one expected that after throwing off a group of black teams, there would be teams daring to follow them.

Following the sudden bangs in the sky, the three off-road vehicles stopped instantly, blocking the expressway.

The blue convoy at the rear all stopped at once.

In one of the vans, a bald man immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Master, our side has been intercepted."

Immediately there was a young man's roar on the other end of the phone: "What are you eating? I don't care what happens to you, just follow Qin Feng, hurry up!"

"Yes, sir."

The bald man immediately replied in a deep voice.

The phone is hung up.

The bald man immediately sent an order to go down.

"Quick! Everyone must keep up with Qin Feng!"

Several blue vans immediately crashed into the black off-road vehicle.

Q Ba had already got off the car. He seemed to be holding a silver steel pipe, but as his figure shook, the silver steel pipe was instantly thrown in two and turned into a long stick.

With one kick on the ground, Q-Ba threw it towards the windshield of the one in the middle of the three blue vans.

The windshield was shattered instantly.

The driver of the van also slammed the car on the brakes. Seeing the long stick being struck away, especially when it turned into a bully gun in an instant, he didn't even dare to take a breath.

When he saw the windshield being shattered and saw the sharp point of the Overlord gun piercing the headrest of the seat next to his ear, he was so frightened that he opened the door and got out of the car, and scrambled away.

As for the other people in the car, they all jumped out of the car in fright.

"I go!"

Shi Zhiwei, Liu Zhan and others were amazed when they saw how mighty the Q Bull was.

"Hun Dan! What are you running for? Get on me! No one can stop us!"

The bald man got out of the car, glanced at Q Ba, and immediately waved to the other men in blue vans in blue.

The men in blue got out of the car one after another and surrounded Q Ba.


Shi Zhiwei and the others also got out of the car and rushed towards the men in blue.

But Q Ba holds a mutated three-section cudgel, which can be used as a three-section cudgel, and can also be transformed into the shape of an Overlord Spear, instantly frightening those men in blue.

Although the men in blue surrounded them, few of them could resist the attack of Q Ba.

Bang bang bang!
The highway here is not very spacious, and with so many cars crowded here, it is not so convenient to shoot, but Q Ba's shots are fast, and his three-section stick keeps hitting those car windows.

Slag splash!

The man in blue was also instantly sent flying by Q Ba, and several people who were rushing over were also sent flying.

The bald man couldn't help but froze when he saw Q Ba, "What kind of weird guy is this! Why is he so powerful?"

(End of this chapter)

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