Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 349 Very Suspicious 1 More

Chapter 349 Very Suspicious

On the other side, Bai Yaoyang and Yao Duanmu got off the highway from a ramp.

Afterwards, the two went straight to a second-hand car city and bought a white off-road vehicle again.

This time, Yao Duanmu drove the car himself and contacted the staff to get the direction of Qin Feng's motorcade.

But after only driving 200 meters, Yao Duanmu found a black BMW following him.

"A car is following, be careful."

Yao Duanmu quickly reminded Bai Yaoyang.

"Tracking us? Are we being targeted?"

Bai Yaoyang was a little dazed, he didn't expect that he and Yao Duanmu would be targeted, after all, they got off the highway.

"It is very likely that they are being targeted. We must find a way to get rid of them. Qin Feng's convoy drove from the east to the west, and the west Chang'an District is connected to Dongjiang City."

"We got off at the expressway section of Tianhui District. If we want to catch up with Qin Feng's motorcade, we must return to the expressway quickly. Otherwise, it will be a bit difficult for us to continue to catch up after the Qinfeng motorcade gets off the expressway."

"As for the follower, you don't have to worry too much. We can just find a hotel and change clothes and leave."

Yao Duanmu spoke quickly, and then immediately drove the white off-road vehicle towards the nearest hotel.

As the white off-road vehicle stopped, Bai Yaoyang immediately followed Yao Duanmu's hotel, Xinxing Hotel.

The black BMW stopped, and four tall men in purple shirts got out of the car.

One of the men with a square face waved to the other three: "Follow them immediately, those two are very suspicious."

The other three were ordered to rush into the Xinxing Hotel.

The man with the square face walked to the reception desk of the hotel and shouted sharply: "We are from the Investigation Bureau. Immediately send me the video of the two men who went in just now."

The waitress at the front desk saw the ID card waved by the man with the Chinese character face, and her expression changed suddenly.

In the end, she obeyed the man with the square face and adjusted the video surveillance, and even got Yao Duanmu's ID photo for opening the room.

However, the ID photo scanned onto the Internet was not named Yao Duanmu, but Lin Duanyao.

Not long after, the three men ordered by the man with the square face also came down from upstairs.

"Team Leader Fan, we didn't see anyone."

A bald man frowned.

"Didn't see anyone?"

The man with the square face sank, and immediately waved to the other two men: "Shixiong, ah Guo, hurry up and chase after the back door, they should have run from behind. Hmph, you want to slip under the nose of me, Fan Tiejun? no way!"

The two men were ordered, and they ran out of the hotel immediately.

"Team Leader Fan, what should I do?"

The bald man asked quickly.

"Is that... the BMW outside your car?"

asked the waitress at the front desk suddenly.

"is ours."

When Fan Tiejun heard this, he nodded quickly, and leaned over to take a look at the monitor at the front desk.

Seeing someone throwing something at his black BMW, his expression changed instantly, and he ran out immediately.

The bald man saw it and ran out.

Unfortunately, it was already too late. When they ran out, the black BMW was instantly set on fire because gasoline was poured on it.


Fan Tiejun scolded angrily, and when he saw the two running away, he immediately gestured to the bald man: "You put out the fire, I'll go after it!"

After Fan Tiejun chased him out, the bald man immediately found a fire extinguisher and sprayed it on the burning black BMW.

While the bald man was busy, Yao Duanmu walked out with Bai Yaoyang who was wearing a cleaner's blue dress, and then the two got into the car and left.

When the bald man saw the white off-road vehicle start, he hurriedly chased after it: "Stop! Stop for me!"

Yao Duanmu naturally wouldn't stop, instead he accelerated and drove the car out.

After driving the car for a while, his cell phone rang, so he slowed down and answered the call.

"Brother Duanmu, who is calling?"

Seeing Yao Duanmu answering the phone, Bai Yaoyang immediately asked.

"Good news, our people have received news that Qin Feng's motorcade may be going to the West Lake of Hangzhou, Dongjiang City, so let's hurry there now."

Yao Duanmu said excitedly.

"Okay! Then let's go there quickly. But, the person who followed behind just now won't come after him again?"

Bai Yaoyang frowned and asked, when he left just now, he also noticed that the other party's black BMW was already on fire.

Because this was all arranged by Yao Duanmu, he didn't know how many people Yao Duanmu had arranged, but seeing that even the BMW was on fire, he felt that it was too exciting.

"Whether they will come after me or not, I can't guarantee it, but if they want to seek death, then we are not vegetarians, just trust me, Duanmu."

Yao Duanmu said in a deep voice, and continued to drive to the expressway.

"The only person I trust now is Duanmu brother."

Bai Yaoyang nodded and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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