Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 350 You Are Abolished 2 More

Chapter 350 You Are Abandoned
In the black RV.

Qin Feng frowned when he received a call from Xuanwu, "Send me the high-resolution picture of the suspicious person!"

After a while, Qin Feng received the high-resolution pictures of Yao Duanmu and Bai Yaoyang.

He didn't know Yao Duanmu, but he recognized Bai Yaoyang at a glance.

So he immediately replied to Xuanwu's phone call: "The person who is a little taller and wearing a light gray peaked cap is most likely Bai Yaoyang. Let someone follow them and never let them slip away. Follow my instructions later and guide them to follow him." come over."

"Yes, sir."

Xuanwu on the other end of the phone responded in a deep voice.

Qin Feng hung up the phone, dialed Luo Anwu again, explained to Luo Anwu, and asked Luo Anwu to continue to raise the shares of Baijia.

"Sir, there is no way for us to keep raising the stock of Baijia like this. The other party has been buying in all the time. At that time, all the stocks will be with the other party."

"It doesn't matter, keep raising me."

Then, Qin Feng gave Cao Shirong and Qinglong another phone call, asking them to deal with the affairs of the Bai family, and at the same time spread the news that he and Yuan Zihan were going to Hangzhou West Lake.

After the phone call, Qin Feng explained to Huan Wei again, and then took a nap.

After 10 minutes, Huan Wei woke up Qin Feng, turned on a laptop at the same time, and called out a news report.

This news report is also Qin Feng who made Cao Shirong come up with temporary news.

"Because of the adjustments made by the government, the situation of Maofeng stock is good. The young master Bai Yaoyang has also been guaranteed, and he is about to leave the police station and take over the Maofeng Group..."

over a driveway.

The white off-road vehicle was driving rapidly, heading towards a high-speed entrance.

Yao Duanmu's cell phone rang, and he answered it without looking at it, but when he heard the news from the earphone, his face froze instantly.

Bai Yaoyang didn't have a mobile phone, and he was bored in the car. Seeing Yao Duanmu's strange expression, he quickly asked, "Brother Duanmu, what's wrong?"

"Something has happened, you have been abolished!"

Yao Duanmu said coldly.

"I was abolished? Am I not here?"

Bai Yaoyang's expression was inexplicable, and he couldn't turn his head around all of a sudden.

"I'm talking about your substitute. Your substitute was guaranteed at the Tianhui District Police Station. Now Maofeng Group is also very strange. The stock price has not fallen, but has been skyrocketing. Once your substitute leaves the Tianhui District Police Department, it will take over the Maofeng Group."

Yao Duanmu shouted sharply with an excited face.

"What? Why did he take over the Maofeng Group? No, Brother Duanmu, is this your young master's arrangement?"

Bai Yaoyang asked quickly.

"No. If it was our young master's arrangement, I wouldn't tell you like this. I just received a call from brother Shun, and your substitute has news. "

Yao Duanmu gritted his teeth, and handed his mobile phone to Bai Yaoyang, "You search the news yourself."

Bai Yaoyang picked up the phone and immediately searched for news.

When he saw the substitute Ping Shao appear in the news, saying that he was about to go out to take over the Maofeng Group, he suddenly felt a roar in his brain.

"Brother Duanmu, what's going on?"

Bai Yaoyang turned to look at Yao Duanmu.

"It may be that Qin Feng sent someone to do it. Once the substitute comes out and takes over the Maofeng Group, then the Maofeng Group will have nothing to do with you."

Yao Duanmu sighed and said quietly.

None of my business?
Thinking of being replaced, Bai Yaoyang's expression turned gloomy. How could he be willing to let someone take away the property of the Bai family?

"Brother Duanmu, what if we go down the Tianhui District Expressway and go directly to the hospital to see my old man?"

An idea came to Bai Yaoyang's mind, and he hurriedly asked Yao Duanmu.

"Don't even think about it. Because if you go there, you will definitely be arrested. At that time, even our young master will not be able to redeem you."

Yao Duanmu shook his head.

Bai Yaoyang felt a little palpitating when he thought of being arrested, but when he thought about the property, he immediately gritted his teeth and said, "But, Qin Feng let that double occupy my Bai family's property..."

In the middle of the conversation, Yao Duanmu interrupted.

"So what? If you still want to inherit your family's property, it's impossible. Do you think Qin Fengfeng let you inherit your family's property?"

Bai Yaoyang was stunned.

After a while, Bai Yaoyang came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Feng! It's all Qin Feng's Hudan! Brother Duanmu, where is that Hudan now? I must kill him!"

"I heard that we went to Hangzhou West Lake, so let's go to Hangzhou West Lake first, and you sit down."

Yao Duanmu frowned, and then stepped on the gas pedal.

However, when they arrived at the West Lake in Hangzhou, they didn't get any news about Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's motorcade had indeed come to Hangzhou West Lake, but Yao Duanmu failed to confirm that Qin Feng was in Hangzhou West Lake when he contacted the person on the other side.

"Damn! Qin Feng may not be in the West Lake! I thought he had already arrived at the scenic spot on the West Lake, but I didn't expect..."

Yao Duanmu gritted his teeth and looked up at Bai Yaoyang, then shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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