Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 351 Not in West Lake Part 3

Chapter 351
"What did you say? Qin Feng isn't in West Lake? Then what's the use of us coming here?"

Bai Yaoyang's face was gloomy, a little excited.

He never imagined that Qin Feng would not be here at all after running all the way to Hangzhou West Lake.

"I said it's possible. Maybe it's not necessarily that the news over there is wrong. After all, Qin Feng is traveling with so many people, and it is difficult to determine whether it is Qin Feng at the first time."

Yao Duanmu looked embarrassed, he did not expect such a situation.

But if Qin Feng wasn't in Hangzhou West Lake, where did Qin Feng go?
Bai Yaoyang wanted to ask something else, but Yao Duanmu's cell phone rang, and he immediately returned the phone to Yao Duanmu.

Yao Duanmu caught the phone and immediately answered it.

But after only listening to a few words, his complexion changed drastically in an instant, then he squinted at Bai Yaoyang, and replied to the other end of the phone: "I see, I will watch him."

The phone is hung up.

"Brother Duanmu, what's the matter?"

Bai Yaoyang felt that something must have happened to Yao Duanmu's phone call.

"It was brother Shun's call just now. Let me watch you and don't make you impulsive. Besides, I just received a message that your substitute has returned to Bai's house."

Yao Duanmu said in a deep voice.

"You said he returned to the Bai family? What the hell, he was imprisoned for me. Why did he return to the Bai family?"

Bai Yaoyang looked indignant, but he was very helpless, after all, he had already been replaced by Yao Duanmu's plan of exchanging the civet cat for the prince.

"This must have been arranged by Qin Feng. It's useless for you to be angry now. Think about it yourself, if you continue to stay at the police station, what will happen to you?"

Yao Duanmu said sharply.

Bai Yaoyang clenched his teeth and didn't say anything.

"Our biggest problem now is to find Qin Feng."

Yao Duanmu quickly reminded.

"That's right! We need to find Qin Feng now! When we find Qin Feng, I must kill him!"

Bai Yaoyang gritted his teeth and said.

Yao Duanmu nodded, and did not continue to talk about Qin Feng, because seeing that Bai Yaoyang's mood had stabilized, he continued to drive around.

Since he didn't know where Qin Feng was, he didn't know where to drive. In the end, he contacted the people here and drove towards the Su Causeway Spring Dawn scenic spot where Qin Feng's motorcade stopped.

However, what Yao Duanmu didn't know was that when their car entered the West Lake of Hangzhou, it had already attracted a lot of attention.

In fact, let alone Yao Duanmu and Bai Yaoyang couldn't find Qin Feng, even Zhu Xiangjiang couldn't find Qin Feng.

On a small road, a black Mercedes drove up, and Zhu Xiangjiang was losing his temper.

"What? Haven't seen Qin Feng yet? How are you doing things? Is Qin Feng in the convoy?"

Holding the mobile phone, Zhu Xiangjiang was yelling at the other end of the phone. He never imagined that Qin Feng's motorcade was coming here, but Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan could not be seen getting off the car.

"Sir, we will definitely keep a close eye on him. If Qin Feng gets off the car, we will report immediately."

A nervous voice of a middle-aged man came from the other end of the phone.

Zhu Xiangjiang was so angry that he hung up the phone directly, but he calmed down quickly.

He felt that if Qin Feng came to West Lake, then it was impossible for Qin Feng not to get out of the car, but the Qin Feng motorcade has been here for so long, it has been an hour, and they still haven't got off the car, which proves that Qin Feng is probably not in the car .

Thinking of the person he arranged to lose Qin Feng, he was also very annoyed.

Just at this moment, a phone call came in.

Zhu Xiangjiang glanced at the phone, his face suddenly changed, and then he answered the phone with an awkward smile.

An old man's deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "I heard that Qin Feng went to Hangzhou West Lake? How is the situation now?"

"Old man, Qin Feng's motorcade did arrive at the West Lake of Hangzhou, but our people did not find Qin Feng."

Zhu Xiangjiang responded with an awkward smile.

"What did you say? Didn't find Qin Feng? What do you mean?"

The old man on the other end of the phone was amazed.

"Grandpa, we didn't see Qin Feng getting off the car. Qin Feng may not be in the convoy anymore. But the convoy has been followed by people since it got off the expressway, so I guess, it is very likely that he left the convoy before getting off the expressway."

Zhu Xiangjiang continued to explain.

"So, you mean, Qin Feng is not in West Lake? When the convoy arrived in West Lake, Qin Feng went to other places before the convoy got off the expressway?"

The old man quickly figured it out.

"That's right. Because I didn't see Qin Feng getting off the car, it is very likely that Qin Feng got off the car early, and I have already spread my hands to look for it."

Zhu Xiangjiang responded with a stiff smile.

"No matter what, you must follow up with Qin Feng. If you have a chance, then kill Qin Feng. You must never let Qin Feng survive."

The old man said in a cold voice.

"Don't worry, old man, I will definitely kill Qin Feng."

Zhu Xiangjiang quickly responded swearing.

The phone was hung up, and Zhu Xiangjiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he also immediately spread out his people to find Qin Feng, intending to search the West Lake, and if Qin Feng was not there, he would send people to look for him elsewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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