Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 352 People in Xitang 4 More

Chapter 352
Near a high-speed exit.

Two of the black RVs in Qin Feng's motorcade were parked on the side of the driveway near a small village.

"Why don't you drive?"

Yuan Zihan woke up and turned around, noticing that the car was not moving, she quickly asked Qin Feng who was lying beside her.

"Take a break for an hour, after all, you slept so soundly, and there are too many cars following us, so we will hide here."

Qin Feng explained slowly, and smiled at Yuan Zihan.

"Where are we going now?"

Yuan Zihan frowned slightly, she felt that Qin Feng stopped the car in order to take care of her emotions.

She didn't look outside, and she didn't know that there were only two cars in the convoy.

"If you've had enough sleep, let's go to Xitang for a while now."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"it is good."

Yuan Zihan nodded, she didn't know where Qin Feng was going, anyway, she followed Qin Feng to get it wherever Qin Feng told her to go.

As a result, two black RVs also set off immediately.

But as soon as the car started, Qin Feng received a call from Qinglong and learned that someone was searching for him and Yuan Zihan on the West Lake.

"Give me a thorough investigation. I want to see how many forces are after me. If all those forces come to deal with me, I will not be afraid. I am worried that some forces will deal with Young Master Rong."

Qin Feng said coldly to Qinglong on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, sir, I will let people count."

The Qinglong on the other end quickly agreed.

The phone was hung up, Qin Feng put down the phone, then turned to look at the curious Yuan Zihan beside him.

"Honey, someone wants to attack Young Master Rong?"

Yuan Zihan asked quickly.

"Did you forget what I said last night? The Zhu Family of Chenguang Group will definitely deal with Rong Shao. Although I have reserved manpower, it is difficult to say what happens if something happens."

Qin Feng frowned.

"Then there is nothing here?"

Yuan Zihan gritted her teeth. She didn't have the opportunity to travel with Qin Feng before. Now that she comes out, she naturally doesn't want to be disturbed.

"Our side has got rid of those people who are following us, so there is no problem for the time being. However, those people are still searching for us, so we all have to be careful."

Qin Feng smiled lightly, and then put his arms around Yuan Zihan's shoulders.

Yuan Zihan blushed for a moment, but she didn't break free, instead leaning on Qin Feng's arms with peace of mind.

10 minute later.

Two black RVs arrived at Xitang Village.

"Is this an ancient town?"

Yuan Zihan raised his eyes and looked outside, seeing the intact and low ancient buildings, he felt a little happy for a moment.

But when she thought of something, she quickly asked again: "By the way, Chu Xuan and Tarina are also here?"

"No, they didn't come here. They are now in West Lake, and we are in Xitang."

Qin Feng shook his head lightly and said lightly.

"Are we in Xitang? Is this Xitang? It's so quiet here, I feel like I was in the downtown area yesterday, in the clubhouse, and now I'm in a paradise."

Yuan Zihan smiled sweetly, and watched from the car window.

"Get out of the car, let's walk in."

Qin Feng pulled Yuan Zihan, pushed the door and got out of the car.

In an instant, Yuan Zihan happily stepped into Xitang like a bird out of the cage.

Xiao Qiao, flowing water, people, the streets here are mostly built along the river, and the buildings are row upon row, everything is picturesque.

Yuan Zihan took Qin Feng's hand back, walked up to the Anjing Bridge, looked at the rippling green waves and the people by the water, but his eyes turned red in vain.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Yuan Zihan was about to cry, Qin Feng asked quickly.

"It's okay, I just got sand in my eyes."

Yuan Zihan shook his head quickly.

"Don't cry, I will accompany you. If you feel wronged in the future, I will accompany you to see the prosperity of the world."

Qin Feng embraced Yuan Zihan's slender waist, pressed against Yuan Zihan's left ear, and said in a low voice.

"it is good."

Yuan Zihan nodded slightly, her pretty face flushed instantly.

Chang'an District, Heng'an Garden Villa Area, Zhang's Villa.

In the lobby of the villa, Zhang Shilong was answering the phone.

But after listening to the report from the other end, he instantly became furious.

"You lost people? And there was a serious car accident on the highway? Then why are you calling me? Why don't you die?"

After cursing angrily, Zhang Shilong also hung up the phone immediately.

The housekeeper Tao Qizheng who was waiting beside him didn't dare to say anything. Although he didn't know who Zhang Shilong sent, he knew that the people Zhang Shilong sent must be to follow Qin Feng.

Because Zhang Tianjiao's legs were crippled, the entire Zhang family became tense, and Zhang Shilong was even more hostile.

Zhang Xingxiu, who was lying on the Taishi chair, snorted softly: "What's going on?"

Zhang Shilong looked at Zhang Xingxiu, bowed his head and recounted the conversation just now.

"There are so many people, even Qin Feng's motorcade can't keep up? These wastes are really doing more than they are doing!"

Zhang Xingxiu frowned, raised his chubby body, waved Tao Qizheng quickly, and said: "It seems that it is impossible to rely on these trash like them, please contact Master Jianyi immediately."

"Yes, old man."

Tao Qi was nodding, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

(End of this chapter)

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