Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 354 The Two Uniques in the World 2 More

Chapter 354
On Laifeng Bridge.

Qin Feng's cell phone rang, and he answered the call without looking at it.

"Sir! The Zhang family offered a bounty of 10 million to hunt you down. In addition, 100 minutes ago, they paid [-] million to find your whereabouts."

Xuanwu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It seems that the Zhang family can't wait to kill me. Didn't the Fan family and Zhu family make any moves?"

Qin Feng laughed.

"The Zhu family hasn't noticed any movement yet. The group of people in blue clothes that Q Ba left behind to intercept were sent by the Fan family, and according to the confession of the people in blue clothes over there, it is very likely that they were sent by Fan Mingcai." , now the Fan family thinks that you murdered Mr. Fan, Fan Saijun and Fan Mingde."

Xuanwu at the other end quickly explained.

"If they had evidence that I did it, they would have called the police and arrested me long ago. Huh, it's not that easy for them to plant the blame on me due to their own internal turmoil. Send someone to keep an eye on the Fan family and the Zhu family .”

Qin Feng said coldly.

"Yes, sir."

Xuanwu replied in a deep voice, then hung up the phone.

Qin Feng put away his mobile phone, looked at Yuan Zihan, who was lying on the edge of the bridge and watching the long river, and said with a faint smile, "Want a cruise?"

Unexpectedly, Yuan Zihan shook his head: "No, I like to look at it like this."

"Stop watching, let's go, let's find a boat and sit slowly."

Qin Feng smiled, and then pulled Yuan Zihan to a platform.

After a while, the two of them boarded a small boat, and the boat swayed gently along the river. The woman who was rocking the oar was wearing a Tsing Yi ancient cloth shirt, and looked at Yuan Zihan with some astonishment.

"Ma'am, you are simply a nine-day fairy."

Yuan Zihan smiled awkwardly when she heard the woman who was shaking the scull, but didn't say anything.

The woman who swayed the scull did not continue to talk about Yuan Zihan, she clicked her tongue twice, and then sang a song.

Yuan Zihan was stunned, she suddenly felt that the life of this scull woman was really nourishing and enjoyable.

Suddenly, the boat pulled over and stopped, Yuan Zihan turned her head to look, but saw Huan Wei brought a drawing board on the platform by the shore.

In addition, there is an old man with short hair and gray temples, and a middle-aged man with a half-bald head and a medium build, waiting beside him with joyful expressions.

However, they didn't even have a place to talk.

Qin Feng took Huan Wei to bring the drawing board, then picked up the charcoal pencil and began to draw.

"Honey, you...you know how to draw?"

Yuan Zihan's pretty face was astonished, she really didn't expect Qin Feng to be able to paint.

But she didn't even know that Qin Fengfeng was not only proficient in painting, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was proficient in eighteen martial arts.

Huan Wei did not leave, but followed on the boat.

The boat continued to move, and the woman who rowed the oar was rowing the oars, but she didn't dare to ask any more questions.

But she was a little surprised, because she knew those two people, they were the father and son of the Wang family from Xitang Zuiyuan.

The Wang family has always been proficient in calligraphy and printmaking art creations, and they are well-known here, but she never thought that the two would stand on the shore platform so respectfully.

Even when she drove the boat far away, the two of them still remained in place.

On this side, Yuan Zihan was stunned, because she saw that Qin Feng painted very quickly, and some of the old corridors and sheds that she and Qin Feng walked through just now were all painted by Qin Feng.

Huan Wei watched from the side, silently, reaching out to catch Qin Feng's finished painting from time to time, for fear that she would miss it.

Because these "corridors, sheds and ancient alleys" created by Qin Feng are so beautiful and full of artistic conception.

Originally, the ancient alleys with corridors and sheds can be called "double wonders in the world", but these "ancient corridors and sheds" seem to be living in Qin Feng's paintings at this moment.

All the characters in the painting are lifelike, especially Yuan Zihan in the painting, who seems to have become a fairy in the painting.

at this time.

On the West Lake side of Hangzhou, Yao Duanmu and Bai Yaoyang have been driving to search for people.

But it turned out that they couldn't find Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan at all. After the Qin Fengche team stayed at Sudi Chunxiao for a long time, they still couldn't see Qin Feng.

"Wow! Where did Qin Feng's soul go? Could it be that they stayed in the car all this time?"

Bai Yaoyang gritted his teeth and said.

"It's possible. After all, his wife is so beautiful. It's normal to come here without getting out of the car."

Yao Duanmu said with an embarrassed smile, he was not sure whether Qin Feng was here, but he still had to appease Bai Yaoyang's emotions.

"Wait, if I catch Yuan Zihan, I will let Qin Feng's soul know that his wife can only be trampled under my feet."

Bai Yaoyang snorted lightly.

Yao Duanmu's cell phone rang, and he immediately waved to Bai Yaoyang, and then answered the call.

As soon as the phone was connected, a man's urgent voice came from the other end: "Yao Datou, something has happened. The West Lake is on alert. There are police officers everywhere now. You should leave quickly."


Yao Duanmu was astonished, he didn't expect that the West Lake would be under martial law suddenly, so he immediately started the car, trying to leave here.

It's a pity that there are a group of police officers at the exit of each road section here, intercepting the entry and exit of vehicles and conducting inspections.

"what's the situation?"

Bai Yaoyang looked confused.

(End of this chapter)

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