Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 355 Abandoning the Car and Fleeing 3 More

Chapter 355
"I don't know what's going on. In short, martial law is here. We must find a way to leave the West Lake Scenic Area now."

Yao Duanmu gritted his teeth and immediately picked up his cell phone and made a call.

Bai Yaoyang looked at Yao Duanmu on the phone, and he didn't ask any more questions, but he didn't expect Yao Duanmu to be so nervous all of a sudden.

Yao Duanmu suddenly felt the cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't know if these police officers would come for him and Bai Yaoyang, but he knew that he had to take Bai Yaoyang out of here.

To his astonishment, the phone rang for a long time, but the other party didn't answer it.

"What's going on? Why is no one answering the phone?"

You know, he made a call just now, so why didn't the other party answer the call suddenly?

"Brother Duanmu, what's going on?"

Bai Yaoyang felt something was wrong and asked quickly.

"Maybe something went wrong. I called Biantou, but Biantou didn't answer the phone, but it was Biantou who called me just now. He told me about the martial law. He rarely doesn't answer the phone."

Yao Duanmu frowned and explained in a cold voice.

"Then do you want to call Brother Shun?"

Bai Yaoyang asked quickly.

"No. Now that there is martial law here, we can't call Brother Shun casually, otherwise, once we are arrested, it will be easy to drag Brother Shun into the water."

Yao Duanmu shook his head and did not agree to call Brother Shun, but he did not continue to make calls either.

"Then what do we do now?"

Bai Yaoyang was a little surprised, he never thought that Yao Duanmu would give up calling Brother Shun.

In his impression, he thought that if Yao Duanmu couldn't solve the problem, he would immediately notify Brother Shun.

Did Yao Duanmu have other solutions, so he didn't want to inform Brother Shun?

As for the fear of dragging brother Shun into the water, Bai Yaoyang felt that brother Shun was so mysterious that he would not drag Shun into the water.

"Let's save ourselves now. I'm afraid it's impossible to drive away. Let's just abandon the car."

Yao Duanmu quickly suggested.

Bai Yaoyang had no idea, so he could only follow Yao Duanmu's advice.

After the two abandoned the car, they also quickly walked towards an exit.

a building.

Chu Xuan was answering the phone, while Tarina was watching the lotus pond.

After finishing the phone call, Chu Xuan stepped forward and embraced Tarina from behind.


Talina was fascinated, but was suddenly "surprised" by Chu Xuan, and suddenly exclaimed, her pretty face was full of embarrassment.

"Xuan, are you not busy? What are you calling? You have been calling for a long time."

Tarina asked with a small mouth.

"I can't help it. This is what my husband told me, and I have to complete it. Now that many forces are searching for my husband, I naturally have to contribute to my husband."

Chu Xuan sighed.

"That's as it should be. Xuan, this place is really picturesque. I wish I could live in this kind of place for a long time."

Talina smiled sweetly, and then her eyes swept over the lotus pond beyond the guardrail.

"As long as you like, you can go anywhere you want. However, if you say now, I'm afraid it's not realistic, unless you help me and help Mr. get rid of those forces."

Chu Xuan laughed.

"No problem, as long as the husband needs my help, I can do it anytime. So are we going to find the husband now?"

Tarina nodded quickly.

"We don't have to go anywhere, we just keep playing here."

Naturally, it was impossible for Chu Xuan to take Tarina to find Qin Feng, not to mention Tarina, even he didn't know that Qin Feng was here.

"I'm a little tired, why don't we go to rest first and have something to eat."

Tarina quickly suggested.

Chu Xuan nodded, and then pulled Tarina away.

But when he was about to get into the car, Chu Xuan's cell phone rang again, and he immediately pulled Tarina into the car, and then connected the phone.

It was Luo Anwu who called to discuss the Baijia Maofeng stocks with him.

Seeing that Chu Xuan was so busy, Tarina pinched Chu Xuan's waist, and whispered in Chu Xuan's ear, "Let's go to West Lake Villa later."

Chu Xuan's face froze, but he still nodded slightly.

the other side.

Yao Duanmu and Bai Yaoyang left the West Lake Scenic Area smoothly.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they would be stopped and questioned by the police station, but they didn't expect to escape easily.

"Brother Duanmu, where are we going now?"

Bai Yaoyang looked at the intersection, feeling a little confused, he didn't know where to go.

"Let's call a taxi and go to a second-hand car dealership to buy a car, shall we? Originally, I wanted Biantou to come over. Even if we didn't have a car, Biantou would have a car, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

Yao Duanmu frowned.

The two felt that it was difficult to move an inch, and they didn't know where Qin Feng was, and they couldn't contact Biantou.

Bai Yaoyang also obeyed Yao Duanmu, and then intercepted a taxi.

"Driver, go to Xintiandi Business Center."

After Yao Duanmu sat down, he immediately reported an address to the driver.


The driver started the car immediately, but his eyes showed a hint of slyness, and the door was locked immediately.

"What is this for?"

Yao Duanmu's face changed in surprise, and he frowned at the driver.

(End of this chapter)

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