Chapter 356
"Aren't you going to Xintiandi Business Center? It's not far away. Don't worry, you'll be there soon."

The driver laughed.

"You are not the driver, open the door for me immediately!"

Yao Duanmu looked at the driver vigilantly, and suddenly felt that he was being reckless for a while, because after the driver took off his peaked cap, he saw that the driver had a round cut.

Ordinary drivers would have short hair, and it is rare to have a round cut like this. He became more and more suspicious of this driver.

This driver is also Zhou Taihui.

Zhou Taihui turned on the air conditioner while driving the car.

Seeing that Zhou Taihui ignored him at all, Yao Duanmu was even more flustered, but he also wanted to find out who this person was.

"Who the hell are you? Who sent you here?"

Bai Yaoyang saw Yao Duanmu so nervous, but felt that Yao Duanmu was a little too nervous.

"Brother Duanmu, are you too nervous?"

Zhou Taihui also said with an embarrassed smile: "Sir, what are you talking about? We got in the car and started off, but the money is counted. Even if you get off the car now, you still have to pay."

"Stop! I'm getting out of the car!"

Yao Duanmu still insisted on getting out of the car.

"You can't park casually here. Let's go ahead. The traffic police are very strict recently. If I park indiscriminately, I will be fined."

Zhou Taihui laughed.

Yao Duanmu didn't say anything after hearing what Zhou Taihui said, but he still looked at Zhou Taihui sharply.

The taxi soon arrived near the platform in front, and the car also stopped.

However, when Yao Duanmu was about to reach out to push the door, he found that he was suddenly powerless.

Bai Yaoyang wanted to say something, but he also found that he was powerless, "What's going on? Why am I suddenly powerless?"

"It's him!"

Yao Duanmu looked at Zhou Taihui in horror, and said sharply, "There is something wrong with this driver."

"Hehe, you ninjas are quite sensitive! But I advise you, don't struggle, sir's medicine is really powerful."

Zhou Taihui said coldly.

"Who are you? Why are you arresting us?"

Yao Duanmu asked quickly.

"What should I do if I don't like answering such a complicated question?"

Zhou Taihui shrugged with an innocent look on his face, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhou Qinya's number.

"Miss, I have trapped the two of them here."

Immediately, Zhou Qinya's snort came from the other end of the phone: "Caught it? Very good, just make a video call to Brother Feng immediately, and ask Brother Feng how to deal with it."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Qinya hung up the phone directly.

Yao Duanmu and Bai Yaoyang were confused about what kind of eldest lady, but when they heard the word Feng Ge, they suddenly realized that this must be Qin Feng.

Zhou Taihui dialed a video call.

Qin Feng's appearance appeared on the other end of the phone.

"Brother Feng, there are two people trapped on my side. My eldest lady asked me to ask you how to deal with it."

Saying that, Zhou Taihui turned the phone video to Yao Duanmu and Bai Yaoyang.

When the two saw Qin Feng in the video, their expressions changed in surprise. They naturally recognized Qin Feng, but they never expected that Zhou Taihui would actually have contact with Qin Feng this week.

"Young Master Yang, long time no see. I didn't expect you to go to the West Lake. I heard you were looking for me?"

Qin Feng at the other end of the video sighed.

"Qin Feng!"

Bai Yaoyang let out a roar, but his body was already slumped on the seat, and he was still powerless.

"You should be wondering why you are so weak, right? That's because you have been hit by my cartilage powder. Within two hours, you will never recover. Of course, I won't let you continue to live for two hours."

Qin Feng at the other end said coldly.

"Qin Feng! What do you mean? You want to kill us? You can't kill me!"

Bai Yaoyang's face suddenly became terrified.

"I can't kill you? What about you?"

Qin Feng sneered and shook his head.

"I am innocent, sir, you have made a mistake, please let me go."

Yao Duanmu hurriedly begged Qin Feng for mercy.

"Innocent? You have been following me for so long and even burned a BMW belonging to the Investigation Bureau. Are you telling me that you are innocent now?"

Qin Feng snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

Yao Duanmu was stunned, he didn't expect Qin Feng to know that he had someone burn a car.

"Young Master Hui, the Bai family already has a Bai Yaoyang, so there is no need for this Bai Yaoyang to exist. As for this Dongsang man, you can let someone hand it over to Team Leader Fan."

Qin Feng gave Zhou Taihui instructions.

"Yes, sir."

Zhou Taihui responded quickly.

"Qin Feng, you can't kill me..."

Bai Yaoyang wanted to shout a few more words, but watched Qin Feng hang up the video call helplessly.

Zhou Taihui put away his phone, rolled down the car window, and snapped his fingers.

Two strong men in Tsing Yi immediately walked towards this side and dragged Yao Duanmu out of the car.

"No! Brother Duanmu, hurry up and get someone to save me!"

Bai Yaoyang looked at Yao Duanmu's back and yelled hastily.

But unfortunately, the taxi was quickly closed.

Zhou Taihui continued to start the taxi and drove towards the front.

Bai Yaoyang struggled desperately, but he couldn't exert any strength at all, even if he wanted to hit the door with his head, it was futile.

(End of this chapter)

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