Chapter 357

"Don't waste your energy, do you think I will let you out of the car?"

Zhou Taihui glanced at the rearview mirror, and couldn't help grinning.

"This gentleman, please let me go, I can give you as much money as you want."

Bai Yaoyang realized that struggling was futile, so he also decided to bow his head to Zhou Taihui.

"Give me money? The question is, do you have money?"

Zhou Taihui snorted softly, and looked at Bai Yaoyang in the rearview mirror with disdain.

"Yes! My Bai family is rich!"

Bai Yaoyang thought he had a chance, so he said hastily.

"The Bai family? You are just a person with no identity now. Where did you come from the Bai family? If you are penniless, don't try to survive. What's more, it is Brother Feng you offended."

Zhou Taihui shook his head lightly, stepped on the gas pedal immediately, and the taxi rushed out immediately.

10 minute later.

The taxi arrived at the crematorium.

Zhou Taihui grabbed Bai Yaoyang by the back collar and dragged Bai Yaoyang out of the car.

"Take it easy! Take it easy! You... no, what is this place?"

Bai Yaoyang glanced at it, and immediately felt that this place looked familiar.

"Don't think about it! This is a crematorium. If you have any last words, say them sooner."

Zhou Taihui chuckled, but the smile stopped soon, and asked in a cold voice: "If you have the information about that ninja, if you have met anyone, you can tell me, maybe I will consider letting you go."

"Ninja? You mean Yao Duanmu? I didn't know he was a ninja!"

Bai Yaoyang looked confused, he really didn't know Yao Duanmu's identity.

"So you don't know anything else, and haven't met anyone else?"

Zhou Taihui continued to ask.

"Yes! I have seen one, called Brother Shun. But I have only seen it twice, this gentleman, please, take me to see Qin Feng, I don't want to die! I really don't want to die!"

Bai Yaoyang's eyes were full of horror, and he begged in a trembling voice.

"Brother Shun, I remember. However, I didn't say that I would let you go. I just said that I would consider it."

Zhou Taihui sneered, and continued to drag Bai Yaoyang into the entrance of the crematorium's furnace.

"No! I don't want to die! Please let me go! I really don't want to die..."

Bai Yaoyang continued to beg.

At the entrance of the stove, there were two men in white clothes waiting.

Zhou Taihui swung a dagger and directly stabbed Bai Yaoyang in the abdomen.

Bai Yaoyang's eyes widened, blood surged up instantly, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

He never thought that one day he would die at the crematorium.

Zhou Taihui grabbed Bai Yaoyang's clothes, and lifted Bai Yaoyang directly: "I'll give you a ride."

Following Zhou Taihui's wave of his hands, Bai Yaoyang immediately placed a stretcher next to the two men in white.

Bai Yaoyang fell on the stretcher cart and died instantly. The two men in white directly pushed Bai Yaoyang to the entrance of the stove, and then pushed Bai Yaoyang into the raging fire.

Zhou Taihui watched Bai Yaoyang being burned, then turned around and walked out, returning to the taxi.

After driving the taxi out of the front area of ​​the crematorium, Zhou Taihui took out his mobile phone when he reached the driveway outside, dialed Zhou Qinya's number, and reported the matter.

"That's enough. The rest of the Dongsang people's affairs will be left to Team Leader Fan."

Zhou Qinya on the other end of the phone said coldly.

"Yes, Miss."

Zhou Taihui responded, and then hung up the phone.

at this time.

In a conference room on the first floor of an office building.

Yao Duanmu had already been tied up and restrained by two strong men in white clothes, unable to move at all.

"I beg you! Let me go! You arrested the wrong person, I am not the person you are looking for..."

Yao Duanmu was powerless and had no hope of escaping, so he could only beg to two strong men in white clothes.

However, the two strong men in white seemed to be wooden men, and they didn't respond to Yao Duanmu at all.

After half an hour.

The door of the conference room was pushed open.

A man with a square face walked in with a few people in high spirits.

These people are exactly Fan Tiejun's group.

When Fan Tiejun saw Yao Duanmu, the corners of his mouth curled up instantly, and he sneered, "Hey! This is the person who burned our car? How arrogant!"

Yao Duanmu's expression froze instantly when he saw Fan Tiejun and the others. In fact, he didn't recognize Fan Tiejun and the others, but he knew that these were the people he had offended.

Fan Tiejun came over, pulled a chair and sat down, then stared at Yao Duanmu coldly.

Yao Duanmu smiled awkwardly, but didn't say anything.

"What? You sent someone to burn our BMWs, shouldn't you give me an apology?"

Fan Tiejun asked in a cold voice.

"I'm sorry sir. I was wrong about this, please let me go."

Yao Duanmu begged.

"Let you go? When you sent people to burn our BMW, did you let our BMW go? And those people you killed, did you let them go? Let's be honest, we will report to the prosecutor's office You apply for a light sentence."

Fan Tiejun said coldly.

Yao Duanmu's face froze, how could he be willing to confess and be convicted like this?
So, he simply shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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