Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 360 Want to kill me too 3 more

Chapter 360 Want to kill me too

"Jian Yi, is that old man the number one expert in Han Country, Jian Yi?"

Zhu Xianyao asked Chu Xuan somewhat belatedly.

"That's right, that's Jian Yi. I almost couldn't recognize him. He used to have long hair. He tried it once with my master, and then left Xia Country and returned to their Cold Country."

Chu Xuan sighed quietly.

"But you gave him your husband's contact information..."

Zhu Xianyao frowned and looked at Chu Xuan. He felt a little inappropriate, after all, Qin Feng didn't want to reveal his whereabouts.

As for whether Jian Yi can defeat Qin Feng, he feels that Jian Yi should not have this ability yet.

"Don't worry, sir will definitely not mind. If he minds, then he will definitely call me."

Chu Xuan smiled faintly.

Tarina pulled La Chuxuan's cell phone and said in a low voice, "Xuan, that old man just now is really scary."

"Don't worry! It's all right, he's gone."

Chu Xuan quickly comforted him.

In fact, not to mention Tarina, even he was trembling, but he was just pretending to be calm.

Fortunately, the people he met knew Jian Yi, and Jian Yi didn't kill casually.

"Then shall we still eat?"

Talina gritted her teeth and asked with a frown.

"Of course, you should go to rest after eating. Eat quickly. I know you are hungry. Come, try this Dongpo elbow..."

Chu Xuan laughed, and then poured a glass of wine for Tarina, because Tarina was used to drinking while eating.

After the meal, Tarina also drank a bottle of white wine. She was a little drunk, her pretty face was flushed, she was really pretty.

Chu Xuan supported Tarina to a suite upstairs.

As soon as she came in, Talina pushed Chu Xuan in, pulled Chu Xuan on the big flat couch, and then rode on top of Chu Xuan.

The phone rang suddenly, and Chu Xuan quickly took out the phone, seeing that it was Qin Feng calling, he immediately connected the call.

Qin Feng's faint voice came from the other end of the phone: "Jianyi asked me to inform you that you have been targeted, and someone is likely to attack you. Be careful yourself."

"I see."

Chu Xuan quickly responded, and seeing the phone was hung up, his brows instantly twisted into Sichuan characters. Someone wants to do something?Who could it be?

But soon, Chu Xuan had no time to think, because Tarina had already started the fight on her own initiative.

The temperature in the room soared instantly.

after an hour.

The two stopped fighting, and Tarina lay her head on Chu Xuan's right arm and fell into a deep sleep.

Chu Xuan picked up the phone with his left hand, glanced at it a few times, and then arranged Talina's delicate body, but he fell to the ground and put on his clothes.

Walking out to the lobby of the suite, Chu Xuan drank a glass of water for himself, but suddenly heard a sound from the balcony.

"Come out!"

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony were pulled open, and two strong men in black walked in.

One of the burly men with meatball heads looked at Chu Xuan coldly, and said sharply, "Boy, let people give up raising the Maofeng Group's stock price immediately, otherwise, today is your death day."

"Just because of you two trash, you want to kill me?"

Chu Xuan snorted coldly, and glanced disdainfully at the two strong men in black.

"Brother Ye, there's nothing to talk about with this stunned young man, just let me stab him with a sword."

Another brawny man with a tight head smiled lightly.

The burly man with the ball head frowned, gritted his teeth, and instantly took out a dagger from the back of his waist, and licked his mouth with the dagger.

The brawny man with a flat-inch head swung a short sword, and stared at Chu Xuan with dark eyes.

"Zhu Xianyao!"

Chu Xuan still stared at the two with disdainful eyes, and suddenly shouted sharply.

The door of the suite was pushed open forcefully, and Zhu Xianyao rushed in, throwing a long sword at Chu Xuan at the same time.

Chu Xuan caught the long sword, and immediately stabbed at the burly man with a tight head.

"Siyou, be careful!"

The burly man with the meatball head was called Zhang Ye, and the burly man with the flat-inch head who followed him was his cousin, Zhang Siyou.

Zhang Siyou sneered, he came to attack and kill Chu Xuan, but he never expected that Chu Xuan would dare to attack him!

"Boy! I'll let you kneel down and beg me later!"

Zhang Siyou laughed out loud, and then he swung the dagger in his hand to meet Chu Xuan.

After Zhu Xianyao took a glance, he also swung his dagger and rushed towards Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye's face changed slightly, because he felt that Zhu Xianyao was obviously not simple, so he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately swung his dagger to meet Zhu Xianyao.

In an instant, the four people in the suite hall started fighting.

"Impossible! Who are you?"

Facing Chu Xuan, Zhang Siyou didn't take it seriously at first, but was soon shocked by Chu Xuan's superb swordsmanship.

Chu Xuan did not respond to Zhang Siyou, but swung his long sword with a calm face, and made a fatal blow on Zhang Siyou.

Zhang Siyou couldn't stand it anymore, he stepped back frequently, and was pushed against the snow-white wall in the blink of an eye. Facing Chu Xuan's fierce sword, he felt his heart tremble for the first time.

Chu Xuan is actually better at swordsmanship, and Qin Feng began to use the long sword under the guidance of Qin Feng.

Although he was busy with Linghe Pharmaceutical during this period of time, he did not stop practicing swordsmanship.

"Suffer to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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