Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 361 Kneel Down For Me 4 More

Chapter 361
The long sword was swung out from Chu Xuan's hand, and the blade of the sword swung towards Zhang Siyou's left side forcefully.

Zhang Siyou's face was terrified, because the sword was too fast, and he was limited by the wall, like a beast under siege, so he could only dodge to the right.

When dodging, his short sword also retreated with his steps, and swung towards Chu Xuan's long sword, taking Chu Xuan's move.

Sparks fly!

Chu Xuan's long sword perfectly suppressed Zhang Siyou's short sword.

Feeling Chu Xuan's strength, Zhang Siyou was also extremely surprised, anxious and annoyed.

Normally, he was the only one who suppressed the reward target, but now, he was suppressed by Chu Xuan instead?

Didn't it mean that this kid is only a director?He thought Chu Xuan was an ordinary office worker, but he didn't expect Chu Xuan to be so powerful.

"Good boy! It's not that easy for you to kill me!"

With a thud, Zhang Siyou suddenly made a wrong step and even wanted to get close to Chu Xuan, stabbing at Chu Xuan's left side.

It's a pity that Chu Xuan was not a wooden dummy. When he moved his footsteps, his whole body spun, and the long sword in his hand also spun along with his body.

Zhang Siyou's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

Zhang Siyou staggered backwards and retreated, getting stuck at the door of the first bedroom.

The bedroom door opened suddenly, and Talina looked at Zhang Siyou at the door, her expression changed instantly, and she hurriedly wanted to close the door.

Zhang Siyou's face brightened, and he continued to take a step back, and the short sword in his hand struck Tarina's neck.

"Don't move!"

Chu Xuan frowned. He didn't expect that Tarina would come out suddenly, let alone that Talina would be held hostage by Zhang Siyou.

For a moment, he didn't dare to act rashly, but stared at Zhang Siyou coldly.

"Haha! Boy! You are crazy, come on!"

Zhang Siyou looked at Chu Xuan provocatively.

Chu Xuan's swordsmanship was so superb that he was always pressed and beaten. He had never tried such a frustrating duel.

But it was different now, he could see that Chu Xuan was obviously nervous about this foreign woman.

That being the case, this foreign woman is his trump card against Chu Xuan.

On the other side, Zhu Xianyao was still fighting against Zhang Ye.

Both of them shot quickly and ruthlessly, but the difference was that Zhang Ye was soon at a disadvantage, while Zhu Xianyao was still as powerful as a rainbow.

"who are you?"

Zhang Ye's face was full of shock, his body was hit by countless knives, and he kept dodging the sharpness of Zhu Xianyao's dagger.

"The dead don't need to talk."

Zhu Xianyao hummed softly, his chin was raised high, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, and his eyes were obviously full of disdain.

"The soul is pale!"

Zhang Ye spat angrily, gritted his teeth instantly, and continued to strike at Zhu Xianyao.

He thought he had hope of defeating Zhu Xianyao, but he didn't know that Zhu Xianyao didn't try his best.

After more than ten moves in a row, Zhu Xianyao suddenly increased his strength, knocked Zhang Ye's dagger away, and slashed at Zhang Ye's heart.

Zhang Ye wanted to retreat and dodge, but it was too late, so he could only watch helplessly as he was subjected to this trick.

A knife was stabbed in the heart in an instant, blood spattered, and his people were also instantly blown out.

Zhu Xianyao was not in a hurry, and watched as Zhang Ye slammed into a sofa, and fell to the floor together with the sofa.

Turning his head and glanced at Chu Xuan, he saw that Chu Xuan was confronting Zhang Siyou, but he didn't step forward to intervene.

"Let go of her!"

Chu Xuan sternly shouted at Zhang Siyou.

"Kneel down for me! Then you cripple your hands! Hurry up! Otherwise, I'll wipe her neck off with a single sword."

Zhang Siyou also shouted sharply, but his voice was obviously a little nervous, because when he saw Chu Xuan, his eyes were like hungry wolves.

Tarina didn't dare to move, but her delicate body was still trembling. She never thought that she would be held hostage.

Looking at Chu Xuan, she felt a pang of pain in her heart. This man did not choose to give up on her. She really did not misjudge this man.

"you dare?"

Chu Xuan's face was cold, and he clenched his fists instantly.

The phone rang suddenly, he took out the phone and glanced at it, and found that it was Qin Feng calling, and he answered it immediately.

"Sir, I'm a bit busy with two trash mixed in here."

Qin Feng's faint voice came from the other end of the phone: "Quick battle and quick decision, the move of the long river falling into the sun does not require a long sword to be used, do you understand?"

Before Chu Xuan could respond, the other end immediately hung up the phone.

"Boy, are you calling the police? Throw away the long sword in your hand, hurry up!"

Zhang Siyou's face was terrified. He glanced at Zhang Ye and saw Zhang Ye crawling up covered in blood.

Chu Xuan threw the long sword on the ground, still staring at Zhang Siyou intently.

"I said let her go!"

Seeing Chu Xuan throw away the long sword, Zhang Ye quickly shouted at Zhang Siyou: "Kill that kid quickly."

When Tarina heard this, she was in a panic. Did these people come to attack and kill Chu Xuan?
"Haha! Kid, you are going to die!"

Zhang Siyou laughed loudly, then swung his long sword and stabbed directly at Chu Xuan's left heart.

(End of this chapter)

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