Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 362 Expansion of Frontiers and Lands 1 More

Chapter 362 Exploiting the Territory and Expansion

Chu Xuan, however, stood motionless like a towering mountain.

Seeing Chu Xuan like this, Zhang Siyou was even more excited, because he also tried his best for this move.

What's more, the two are so close to each other, this kid has no weapons in his hands, so he is dead.

The dagger was indeed fast and fast, approaching Chu Xuan's left heart in the blink of an eye.

But Chu Xuan suddenly stepped out with his right foot, tilted his whole body to the right, and avoided Zhang Siyou's move in an instant.

Zhang Siyou was so flustered that he wanted to chase after Chu Xuan.

But when he wanted to turn around, he found that Chu Xuan swung a golden sharp knife at some point.

The golden sharp knife slashed towards Zhang Siyou's left abdomen.

Zhang Siyou's face changed in shock, and he wanted to avoid it, but he had already leaned forward to suppress Chu Xuan, so he couldn't avoid it at all.

Chu Xuan's knife passed, but it was fast and ruthless.

A cut was made in the shirt, blood splashed out instantly, and Zhang Siyou fell to the left side.

Zhang Siyou fell to the ground, and then began to howl: "Ah...boy..."

His eyes were full of fear staring at Chu Xuan, wishing he could get up immediately, but unfortunately the gash in his abdomen caused him so much pain that he couldn't stand up at all.


Zhang Ye exclaimed, he never expected that Zhang Siyou would lose to Chu Xuan.

Zhu Xianyao turned his head and glanced at Zhang Ye, then continued to swing his dagger and rushed towards Zhang Ye.

When Zhang Ye saw it, he panicked and wanted to turn around and run towards the balcony.

But Zhu Xianyao was as quick as a leopard, and rushed to Zhang Ye's back in an instant, and slashed towards Zhang Ye's back.

Sensing Zhu Xianyao's approach, Zhang Ye quickly turned around and swung his dagger to block.

His dagger was thrown flying by Zhu Xianyao's dagger in an instant, and he was shocked by Zhu Xianyao's strength and quickly retreated five steps, leaning against a calligraphy banner leaning on the snow-white wall.

"Are you..."

Zhang Ye couldn't continue the question before he finished the question, because Zhu Xianyao approached with a stride, and the dagger stabbed straight into Zhang Ye's throat.

Seeing Zhang Ye being killed, Zhang Siyou was instantly terrified and struggled to get up.

Chu Xuan didn't pay attention, but waved to Tarina, motioning for Tarina to go back to the room.

Tarina came back to her senses, hurried in and locked it up.

Zhang Siyou thought that Chu Xuan didn't chase him and he could escape, but he didn't expect that when he rushed to the door of the suite, two daggers stabbed in.

He couldn't dodge, watching two strong men in white stab two holes in his abdomen.

With a thud, Mr. Zhang Siyou knelt on the ground, then fell to the ground and died.

Chu Xuan let out a breath, and gestured to Zhu Xianyao: "Clean them all up, and bring me the laptop."

"Yes, Director Chu."

Zhu Xianyao nodded, then lifted Zhang Ye's body and walked out.

The body of Zhang Siyou at the door was also dragged away by two strong men in white clothes, while two other strong men in white clothes rushed to the balcony and stood on guard on the balcony.

At the same time, ten women in blue shirts came over, and they quickly cleaned up all the blood, and restored everything to its original state.

Chu Xuan walked to a sofa and sat down, looked at a slender woman with long hair and a beautiful face who walked in, and waved.

The long-haired woman is Chu Xuan's secretary, Huo Nanyan.

Seeing Chu Xuan's gesture, she also immediately stepped forward to take out the red wine and drink it for Chu Xuan.

The laptop was also brought over by Huo Nanyan.

Chu Xuan took a sip of the red wine, then turned on his laptop and contacted the person he had arranged.

"Xuan! How's it going outside?"

Chu Xuan heard Ta Linna's call, and he immediately waved to Huo Nanyan.

Huo Nanyan walked over and knocked on the door, "Miss Tarina, you can come out now."

Tarina heard Huo Nanyan's voice, she immediately opened the door, looked at Huo Nanyan with joy, "Are you all right?"

Huo Nanyan smiled faintly, and pointed at Chu Xuan: "Director Chu is already at work."

Ta Linna was a little surprised, nodded to Huo Nanyan, and walked towards Chu Xuan.

But she was surprised to find that the entire hall of the suite was the same as before. If it wasn't for the faint smell of blood, she would have wondered if she was sleepwalking.

"Xuan, what are you busy with? Didn't you say you're not busy with work?"

Sitting down beside Chu Xuan, Talina immediately wrapped her arms around Chu Xuan's waist.

"In addition to killing killers like me, there are also some people who are more rampant. It is not sure who instigated the stealing of secret recipe materials in Linghe Industrial Park. earth."

Chu Xuan looked at Tarina with a solemn face, and said in a deep voice.

Soon, dozens of video grids appeared on the laptop, and the people on the other end of the video were also Linghe pharmaceutical business elites arranged by Chu Xuan.

"Within three days, I want Linghe Pharmaceutical's products to appear in major designated pharmacies. With the help of Mr. Hao, don't be lazy."

"Yes, Director Chu."

Business elites responded to Chu Xuan in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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