Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 363 Let Her Come In 2 More

Chapter 363 Let Her Come In The Second Watch
Xitang drunk garden.

In a hall, the father and son of the Wang family were asking Qin Feng about the art creation of printmaking.

Yuan Zihan was admiring the paintings created by Qin Feng on the boat before, and she was even delighted to see the details of the two walking into Xitang.

After reading it dozens of times in a row, Yuan Zihan gave these paintings to Huan Wei, and asked Huan Wei to arrange to send them back to the hilltop villa in Donghai City.

Yuan Zihan ran to Qin Feng's side. She knew she didn't understand, so she just watched silently.

But looking at those exquisite prints, she was instantly stunned and couldn't help exclaiming: "It's so beautiful!"

Seeing Yuan Zihan approaching, the Wang family father and son quickly shouted in unison: "Ma'am."

Yuan Zihan smiled awkwardly, covered her small mouth, and waved to the Wang family father and son, signaling that the Wang family father and son should ignore her.

Qin Feng smiled faintly, waved to Yuan Zihan and said, "Zihan, you can go to the outside study hall 'Yixiangzhai', where they have a series of prints by their Wang family."

"Teacher Emperor, those works cannot be seen by Master's wife, they are just small works."

Mr. Wang's son Wang Guoliang hurriedly waved his hands.

"It's okay."

Qin Feng shook his head lightly, and gestured to Huan Wei.

Huan Wei immediately took Yuan Zihan out.

After Yuan Zihan walked away, Qin Feng continued to look at Wang Guoliang, "After dinner, you should leave. No clansmen or tourists are allowed to come here at night, otherwise the killer will accidentally injure innocent people."

"Yes, Master Emperor."

Wang Guoliang was very surprised and nodded quickly.

"Also, if you meet an old man named Jian Yi when you leave, just ask someone to bring him in."

Qin Feng ordered lightly.

Wang Guoliang nodded again.

After a while, when the three of them continued to study the art of printmaking, a bodyguard in black walked in.

"Wang Dong, the eldest lady is here."

The bodyguard in black called a middle-aged man, he was the bodyguard of the middle-aged man in this hall, and his name was Zhu Lao Si.

This middle-aged man is Wang Guoliang's son, Wang Xiujie.

"What is she doing here? Tell her not to come back!"

Wang Xiujie quickly waved to Zhu Laosi.

Zhu Laosi's face froze, not knowing what to say, he turned around and wanted to walk away.

"It's okay, it's okay to let her in."

Qin Feng smiled faintly, and suggested to Wang Xiujie: "I heard that she is very talented. If so, then it's okay for her to come and listen, after all, she is your heir."

"Yes, Master Emperor."

Wang Xiujie nodded, then waved to Zhu Lao Si, "Let her in."

But he still gave Zhu Laosi a wink, and motioned Zhu Laosi to tell his daughter, after all Zhu Laosi also knew his daughter.

Zhu Laosi hurriedly turned and walked away, but glanced at Qin Feng out of the corner of his eye, and was a little shocked, because he had never seen the Wang family father and son value a guest so much.

Soon, a juicy-looking girl with a ball head and a medium build walked in.

This ball-headed girl is Wang Xiujie's daughter, Wang Xinman.

Looking at Qin Feng standing beside her grandfather and father, Wang Xinman was puzzled, who is this man?

Why did my grandfather and father respect this man so much?
After walking to Qin Feng's side and listening to Qin Feng's narration, Wang Xinman was completely shocked, and even felt a sense of enlightenment.

In an instant, Wang Xinman was completely obsessed with Qin Feng's narration of printmaking art. Looking at Qin Feng's creations, she felt for the first time that her printmaking creations were all rubbish.

The phone rang suddenly, causing all four of them to frown.

Wang Xinman stuck out her tongue, because it was her cell phone that was ringing, she hurriedly walked aside with an awkward smile, and answered the phone.

A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Miss Wang, we are sincere, please transfer the copyright of your Jiangnan Xiangyun print to me, and we are willing to buy it at the highest price."

"That's it? My waste product is actually unnecessary. Don't call me again."

Wang Xinman hung up the phone directly.

Now that she has seen Qin Feng's prints, she feels that her prints are too far behind, and selling them is just a shame.

As everyone knows, on the west side of Huanzhen North Road near Xitang, in a black Rolls-Royce saloon, a woman in white with an exquisite hairdo is looking gloomy.

"What's going on? She showed signs of letting go before, why did she suddenly say it's a waste product now? How much does this look down on us Dongsang people? Could it be that we are not even qualified to be a waste product?"

A short-haired woman next to her snorted coldly and said, "Miss, why don't I send someone to arrest her directly?"

The woman in white narrowed her eyes slightly, but with a wave of her right hand, she slapped the short-haired woman's left cheek.

A handprint was instantly left on the left face of the short-haired woman.

"Bage! This trivial matter cannot be done well. Could it be that it can only be done by using force? Once it gets out, won't the reputation of my Miyata family be damaged?"

The woman in white shouted sharply.

"I'm sorry, miss."

The short-haired woman quickly bowed her head and apologized.

(End of this chapter)

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