Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 364 Here Comes a Guest 3 More

Chapter 364 Here Comes The Third Watch
"Send someone to investigate thoroughly immediately, I want to know what happened."

The woman in white ordered sharply.

"Yes, Miss."

The short-haired woman bowed her head in response, then took out her mobile phone and made a call.

But after making the call, the phone rang again. The short-haired woman glanced at the incoming call, frowned instantly, and looked at the woman in white with a look of embarrassment: "Miss, it's Master Musashi's call."

"Hmph! This man is really annoying."

The woman in white took the phone, and immediately connected the phone: "Musashi Yuma, let me tell you, I really don't like you, please stop pestering me. I, Miyata Kimiko, like a man who stands upright, and Not a fool like you."

"Did you hear that? I just said, she won't like you. "

A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone, but it was obviously not for Miyata Kimiko.

Miyata Kimiko's face froze, she recognized the voice from Musashi Yuma's sister Musashi Shion, so she smiled awkwardly, and quickly asked, "Musashi sister, why is it you?"

"Kimiko Miyata, let's meet up. I'm coming to Dongjiang City. I have a small business here. If you don't mind, come out and have a meal together? Or I can go find you."

Musashi Shion on the other end of the phone laughed.

"Sister Musashi, I'm here in Xitang Village, come here, I also have something to do here, and I need your help."

Miyata Kimiko gritted her teeth.

"Oh! If you say that, I'm afraid it's not a small matter. Tell me where you are, and I'll go there right away."

Musashi Shion on the other end smiled lightly.

"Sister, let me go too."

The voice of Musashi Yumao also came from the other end.

"Go away, what were you doing in the past?"

Musashi Shion said angrily, then hung up the phone.

Miyata Kimiko also breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Musashi Shion would not let Musashi Yuma come over.

She threw the phone to the short-haired woman: "Satsuki Hasegawa, pay attention to me, if sister Musashi calls, you have to answer it in time. You can go find a restaurant and make a reservation now."

"Yes, Miss."

The short-haired woman Satsuki Hasegawa picked up the phone, nodded to Kimiko Miyata, and got out of the car.

2 minutes passed.

After answering a phone call, a woman with medium-length hair in the passenger seat turned her head to report to Miyata Kimiko.

"Miss, our people found that there seems to be people from Dongsang country here, and we don't know what activities they are engaged in, and their behavior is very suspicious."

"Don't worry about what other people do. In addition, inform those who conduct thorough investigations and try not to cause trouble. In places like the Xia Kingdom, crouching tigers and hidden dragons have always been there, and we can't be presumptuous."

Miyata Kimiko scolded coldly.

"Yes, miss, I will inform you immediately."

The woman with medium long hair nodded quickly and dialed out the phone.

5 minutes passed.

Hasegawa Satsuki ran back.

"Miss, I have already reserved a seat at the Xitang Water Town Renjia Inn, east of Zuiyuan."

As soon as he came in, Hasegawa Satsuki said hastily before he sat down.

"very good."

Miyata Kimiko nodded, but then frowned and asked, "By the way, what's wrong with Miss Wang?"

"Our people found out that there is a very important guest at Miss Wang's house, that's why Miss Wang hurried home."

Hasegawa Satsuki said nervously with a pretty face.

"A guest? No wonder Miss Wang changed her tone directly. It is very likely that it has something to do with this guest. Send someone to pay attention to me first, but don't provoke the Wang family's guests."

Miyata Kimiko ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes, Miss."

Hasegawa Satsuki nodded, and immediately dialed a phone number to tell Kimiko Miyata what to do.

After making the phone call, she immediately frowned and looked at Miyata Kimiko: "Miss, that guest stays at the Wang's house for dinner. Before that, the Wang's family never invited outsiders to eat, and they never ate at the drunken garden."

"Being able to stay at the Wang's house for dinner shows that that guest is really important to the Wang's family. I'm a little curious, who is the person staying at the Wang's house?"

Miyata Kimiko couldn't help sighing.

at this time.

In the hall, Wang Guoliang told Qin Feng that dinner was ready.

Qin Feng nodded to Wang Guoliang, and immediately waved his hand, signaling Wang Guoliang to send someone to call Yuan Zihan.

Wang Xinman was a little surprised that the dinner was served at this side of the hall, because her grandfather had never held a banquet at this side of the hall, and today was really an unprecedented one.

"Is anyone else here?"

Wang Xinman asked with an awkward smile.

"My wife Yuan Zihan."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"you are married?"

Wang Xinman looked surprised, she thought Qin Feng was unmarried.

"Don't be presumptuous!"

Wang Guoliang yelled at Wang Xinman.

"Yes, Grandpa."

Wang Xinman pursed her mouth, and didn't dare to do it again.

But when she saw Yuan Zihan and the others walking in, she exclaimed instantly: "It's so beautiful! This... This is simply a nine-day fairy descending to earth!"

"Hello there!"

Yuan Zihan nodded to Wang Xinman.

(End of this chapter)

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