Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 365 I am Jianyi 4

Chapter 365 I am Jianyi Fourth Watch
"Ma'am, please sit down!"

Wang Guoliang did not dare to lose his etiquette, and quickly waved to Yuan Zihan, signaling Yuan Zihan to sit down.

Yuan Zihan also sat down on Qin Feng's left side.

Wang Xinman felt inferior for a moment, she thought she was pretty enough, after all, she also had an oval face and a pair of almond eyes.

But now compared with Yuan Zihan, she instantly felt ashamed in her heart.

"Madam, you are so beautiful."

Wang Xinman didn't want to say anything, but couldn't help but praise.

"you flatter me."

Yuan Zihan nodded and smiled slightly.

"It's really beautiful. You always smile so well. Just now, I saw that your husband is so knowledgeable and talented. I was still thinking, who can be worthy of him? You came here, and I realized what a man is. "

Wang Xinman said with a sigh.

Yuan Zihan smiled again, but said nothing.

"Wang Xinman, if you continue to be presumptuous, I will punish you not to eat."

Wang Guoliang snorted coldly, he was afraid that Qin Fengfeng would be angry.

Qin Feng waved his hand: "There is no need to give her so many restrictions. This will easily make her rebellious and limit her imagination."

"The emperor taught me that."

Wang Guoliang nodded quickly and smiled awkwardly.

Wang Xinman was shocked, what kind of emperor did Grandpa call this man?
Who is this man?

Although she was curious, she didn't dare to ask anything, because she knew that if she continued to ask, her grandfather would definitely be angry.

"Madam, here is my business card."

Wang Xinman quickly handed Yuan Zihan a silver business card.

Yuan Zihan took the silver business card, glanced at it, and then handed the silver business card to Huan Wei who was waiting behind her.

Huan Wei also immediately took out a bronzing business card and handed it to Wang Xinman with both hands.

Wang Xinman received the bronzing business card, but her pretty face changed slightly, because she saw that Yuan Zihan's position was printed on the business card, which turned out to be the chairman of Zifeng Group.

Seeing Yuan Zihan's appearance like this, she couldn't even imagine that Yuan Zihan had any connection with the chairman.

At this moment, she was even more curious about Yuan Zihan.

But because her grandfather and father met again, Wang Xinman didn't dare to ask any more questions after the dinner was over.

After Wang Guoliang greeted Qin Feng, he took Wang Xinman out.

Naturally, Wang Xiujie also walked out with the bodyguards.

The gate of the drunken garden.

As soon as the Wang family and his party came out, they were surrounded by a group of people.

Looking at these men in black, Wang Xiujie couldn't help but change his face.

Wang Guoliang didn't say anything, but with a wave of his right hand, a group of men in green shirts immediately surrounded him.

Next to the man in black, a woman in white got out of a Toyota RV. It was Kimiko Miyata.

"Miss Wang, I wonder if I can ask you to invite you once? I want to have a good chat with you about your work."

Miyata Kimiko nodded to Wang Xinman, then looked at Wang Guoliang and his son, bowed and said, "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry for disturbing you, little girl."

"Grandpa, Dad, she's here to look for me."

Wang Xinman waved to Wang Guoliang and Wang Guoliang, she was also a little surprised, because she never expected that Miyata Kimiko would come to her door.

After speaking, she looked at Miyata Kimiko again, and said in a deep voice, "Then let's go out and talk."

"Fourth Zhu! You accompany her!"

Wang Xiujie felt that Miyata Kimiko was a little weird, coming to block the door at night, which made him uneasy about Wang Xinman.

Soon, a black bridge car drove over.

"Miss Wang can actually just take my car, and I booked a seat at the nearby Water Village Inn."

Miyata Kimiko said with an awkward smile.

"No, I'm used to taking my family's car."

Wang Xinman waved to Miyata Kimiko, and then got into the black bridge car.

Miyata Kimiko didn't dare to say anything, so she just left.

Wang Xiujie watched the cars and the men in black leave, then turned to look at Wang Guoliang, and asked in a low voice, "Father! Didn't these people look for the emperor's teacher?"

"No. Let's leave it alone, let's leave first. Since the emperor doesn't want us to take care of it, let's leave it alone."

Wang Guoliang said in a deep voice.

"Yes, father."

Wang Xiujie nodded quickly, and then got into a black Mercedes Benz with Wang Guoliang.

As for the door, only two bodyguards in black were left behind.

After Wang Guoliang's car drove away, a Black Knight Business Hotel drove over.

As the car stopped, Jian Yi got out of the car and sternly said to the two black-clothed bodyguards at the door: "I am Jian Yi, and I have an appointment with Mr. Qin Feng."

The two bodyguards in black frowned upon hearing this, and one of them quickly waved his hand and said, "Please come inside."

Jian Yi nodded, and then walked in with two bodyguards in black.

The two bodyguards in black were carrying Jian Yi, looking a little nervous, because they knew that Jian Yi was not easy.

There are three entrances in the garden, but the two bodyguards in black just brought Jian Yi to the small brick bridge that only allowed one person to pass, and then stopped.

"Master Jianyi, Mr. Qin Feng is waiting for you inside."

(End of this chapter)

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