Chapter 366

In a Toyota RV.

A young woman with long purple chestnut hair and a purple gauze dress smiled lightly and said, "The ones just now were Wang Xinman and her family? What about Wang's guests?"

This young woman is none other than Musashi Shion who has come over.

Miyata Kimiko shook her head and said, "I didn't see the forgotten guests. I guess the Wang family's guests are still in the drunken garden."

Musashi Ziyuan frowned slightly, and asked lightly: "Then how sure are you that you can win the work Wang Xinman is holding Jiangnan Xiangyun?"

"I'm not sure. Because she has already rejected me, so I'm a little worried now, whether she has already sold to some customers."

Miyata Kimiko said with a sigh.

"No, I guess her work should not be sold, so don't worry about it, and ask after you go to the inn."

Musashi Shion quickly comforted her.

Because the Shuixiangrenjia Inn is nearby, it is actually just a car around a bend.

After the two of them settled down, they got out of the Toyota RV, and Wang Xinman was already waiting in the front hall of the inn.

It is said to be an inn, but in fact, some ancient glazed tile decorations were built at the entrance of the building, and the lobby inside is still decorated in a modern style.

Miyata Kimiko walked in, nodded to Wang Xinman, and then gestured for Wang Xinman to take the elevator to the upstairs box together.

Wang Xinman frowned when she saw a strange woman following her, but she didn't say much.

Soon, the group arrived at a box on the third floor.

After sitting down, Miyata Kimiko introduced Musashi Shion to Wang Xinman.

Afterwards, Miyata Kimiko also continued to ask about the prints.

"Miss Miyata, I originally planned to sell it to you."

Wang Xinman lowered his head and sighed.

"So you've sold your work?"

Miyata Kimiko looked at Wang Xinman in surprise.

"No. I only found out tonight that my self-righteous works are nothing in front of him."

Wang Xinman spoke slowly, thinking of Qin Feng, her heart was also full of admiration.

"What the hell are you..."

Miyata Kimiko looked puzzled, but she was also dumbfounded for a moment, because Musashi Shion waved her hand.

"So, Miss Wang, you mean, you think you are inferior to him, so who are you?"

Musashi Ziyuan asked Wang Xinman with a faint smile.

"he is……"

Wang Xinman looked at Musashi Ziyuan, and was a little wary at once, but she still said, "I don't know who he is, I just know his name is Qin Feng. My family respects him very much. As for the others, you don't have to ask." gone."

"Qin Feng? Is there such a person in the print industry?"

Shion Musashi turned to look at Kimiko Miyata.

Miyata Kimiko shook her head. She was quite familiar with the talents in the print industry in Xia Kingdom, but she had never heard of Qin Feng.

"Miss Wang, you seem to be deliberately fabricating someone like this, so you are honorably rejecting my sister, Miyata Kimiko, right?"

Musashi Shion sneered coldly.

"You said I lied to her? Do I have to?"

Wang Xinman chuckled, but her eyes showed contempt, then she took out her phone, opened a photo on the phone, and handed the phone to Kimiko Miyata.

Miyata Kimiko picked up the phone and looked at it immediately, but after just a glance, her expression suddenly changed.

"This... this is simply perfect!"

"What's going on? Good?"

Musashi Shion looked at Miyata Kimiko in surprise, she didn't understand the art of printmaking, but it was the first time she saw Miyata Kimiko so shocked.

"It's not very good. It's just that his attainments are so high that it's unimaginable. I thought Miss Wang's attainments were already very good, but this person's is simply perfect to the extreme. This is a master." level above."

Miyata Kimiko said excitedly.

She turned to look at Musashi Ziyuan, and continued: "If you look at the level of your warriors, it is above the level of Emperor Wu."

"so smart?"

Musashi Shion was very surprised, she never thought that Miyata Kimiko would give such a high evaluation.

Miyata Kimiko turned her head to look at Wang Xinman, and asked tremblingly, "Miss Wang, can you introduce me to this Qin Feng?"

"This...I'm afraid it's unlikely. I don't know him very well, so it's not appropriate to introduce him to you rashly."

Wang Xinman hastily refused.

When Miyata Kimiko heard this, she was immediately disappointed.

A woman in black came over and bowed to Musashi Shion.

"Miss, Miss Miyata's people discovered that the person is from the Iga family, and their target is Mr. Qin Feng in the drunken garden."

"What did you say?"

Musashi Shion looked surprised, the Iga family wanted to assassinate Qin Feng?

Who is this Qin Feng?Why did it cause the Iga family to hunt down and kill them?

"You are talking about Mr. Qin Feng in my drunken garden? What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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