Chapter 372
A hotel roof.

Keita Takayanagi came back to his senses, and his body trembled instantly, because he didn't expect that Takuro Yamamoto's surprise attack failed.

"Leader, what shall we do now?"

Takao Yusho next to him asked tremblingly.

"What else can I do? My mentor won't be here until tomorrow night. Hurry up and call Fujishima Yu to see how they are doing. We have to leave here."

Gao Liuqita said as he walked towards the entrance of the rooftop.

Takao Yusho nodded, took out his mobile phone to make a call, and followed Takayanagi Keita downstairs.

When the two arrived downstairs, they immediately got into the Toyota RV.

At this moment, several figures rushed towards this side.

When Gao Liuqitai saw it, his expression changed suddenly, and he sternly shouted at the driver: "Drive! Drive fast!"

The driver also sensed that something was wrong, stepped on the gas pedal quickly, and drove the car out.

The other cars also started immediately.

But it's a pity that this is Xitang, and their convoy drove into the community here, and the lanes in the community were originally narrow.

I don't know what hit it, the driver's door was hit instantly, causing the driver to step on the brakes.

The car crashed into the wall of a hotel. The wall was made of rock, so the front of the car was instantly sunken.

Gao Liuqita and others in the car all jumped out of the car.

Other cars also stopped one after another, and the black-clothed ninja in the car got off with a sullen face.

Eight strong men in white rushed over, swung their short knives, and slashed directly.

"Kill, kill Qin Feng's bodyguards!"

Keita Takayanagi roared angrily, commanding the black-clothed ninjas to attack the eight white-clothed burly men.

The black-clothed ninjas took out their ninja swords and Taidao one after another, and rushed towards the white-clothed burly man.

The two groups of people fought together in an instant.

Gao Liu Qitai swung a Taidao, but did not rush forward, but watched from the side.

He used a telescope to see it on the rooftop just now, so he wanted to see how powerful these strong men in white were.

However, after just a few glances, his expression changed instantly, because these strong men in white clothes were too powerful.

"Impossible! How could Qin Feng have such a master? Could it be the master sent by the Cao family?"

Kaoru Keita muttered to himself.

"Team leader! We can't go on like this! Let's retreat quickly, shall we?"

Takao Yusho quickly suggested.


Gao Liuqitai came back to his senses, and immediately roared, trying to retreat.

However, two strong men in white clothes rushed over and blocked the way of Keita Takayanagi and Yusho Takao, forcing Keita Takayanagi and Yusho Takao to make a move.

Although there was a duel in the courtyard of Zuiyuan, the two strong men in white clothes were still amazing in skill and full of strength.

Gao Liu Qitai swung the sword, and slashed at the strong man in white with a ferocious expression.

Although Gao Liu Qitai went all out, the gap soon became apparent, the strength of the strong man in white was far above him.

"No! I'm the best martial king in Dongsang, how could I lose to you? Go to hell!"

When he was angry and frightened, Keita Takayanagi was even more ruthless in his attacks, and his moves could be described as deadly.

If the opponent was a wooden dummy, he might have to be split in half.

But after more than 30 consecutive duels, Keita Takayanagi was knocked out by a strong man in white and crashed into a black van.

The window shattered and glass shattered.

Gao Liuqita spat out a mouthful of blood, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Team leader! Help me..."

Takao Yusho was hit by another strong man in white and fell to the ground.

Keita Takayanagi looked at Yusho Takao, but he couldn't go forward to save them, but he glanced at the others, and he found that the other party was crushing strongly.

In the past, when he went out to receive missions, it was always his people who crushed each other strongly.

But now, when they met Qin Feng's people, his people were crushed by Qin Feng's people time and time again.

Who is this Qin Feng?Why was Qin Fengfeng so lucky to be supported by the masters of the Cao family?
Gao Liu Qitai didn't know that these were not Cao family masters at all, but Qin Feng's people.


Takao Yusho let out a wail, was stabbed twice in the body, and died immediately.

Gao Liu Qitai came back to his senses, got up quickly, and wanted to continue to escape.

But the burly man in white who was confronting him stepped forward and grabbed his right arm, then took it off directly.


Gao Liu Qitai turned his head to look at the strong man in white, his face turned pale instantly.

The burly man in white was not polite, and then took off Gao Liuqitai's left arm.

Gao Liuqi was so painful that he staggered and almost fell, but he didn't faint.

The burly man in white clasped Gao Liu Qitai's collar, and dragged towards the drunken garden.

The other strong men in white packed up the ninjas in black and followed immediately.

Gao Liu Qitai suddenly felt desperate, he never thought that he would be captured by mistake.

Moreover, his hands were still abolished.

at this time.

The gate of the drunken garden.

Qin Feng has already put Yuan Zihan into the black car.

Seeing Gao Liuqitai being dragged over at the original intersection, his brows furrowed instantly.

"It's you who have been sending people to target me everywhere?"

Qin Feng asked in a cold voice to Gao Liuqi who had dragged him closer.

(End of this chapter)

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