Chapter 373
Gao Liuqitai looked at Qin Feng, and couldn't help but tighten his face, because Qin Feng's powerful aura made him tremble.

After all, he still underestimated Qin Feng.

"Mr. Qin, as long as you let me go, we can write off what happened tonight."

Gao Liu Qitai gritted his teeth and said.


Qin Feng sneered, and his eyes were cold for a second: "Then I am very honored?"

"You...Mr. Qin, you can't kill me. My mentor is the Emperor Wu of our Dongsang Kingdom, Jincheng Yingming."

Gao Liuqi said tremblingly, because he had already sensed Qin Feng's killing intent.

"So what? Jincheng is just a wise man. You don't think he can save you when he comes here, do you?"

Qin Feng shook his head, sighed, then squinted his eyes and sneered: "Besides, don't you warriors like to commit seppuku?"


Gao Liu Qitai didn't want to die, he naturally didn't want to commit seppuku, not to mention that his hands were removed now, let alone seppuku.

Looking at Qin Feng, he was instantly speechless.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so quickly, it will be cheaper for you. At that time, I will let you watch how your mentor died. I hope you remember that it was you who led your mentor to die .”

Qin Feng snorted coldly.

Gao Liu Qitai was still speechless, but his mouth was raised, and a trace of excitement flashed across his eyes.

Because in his opinion, people like Qin Feng are definitely not as wise as his mentor Jin Cheng.

Then when the time comes, it will be Qin Feng and the others who will die.

Qin Feng could tell what Gao Liuqitai was thinking at a glance, so he didn't continue talking, but waved to the strong man in white.

"Take it away, treat him well, don't let him bite his tongue and kill himself, after all, he still has to live to see his mentor die."

"Yes, sir."

The burly man in white got the order, and immediately took Gao Liu Qitai into a black off-road vehicle.

Qin Feng turned around and got into the black car, and waved to Huan Wei who was the driver.

Huan Wei started the black car and left here.

The black off-road vehicle did not keep up with Qin Feng.

"Where are you taking me?"

Gao Liuqi asked quickly.

However, the burly man in white didn't respond to Gao Liu Qitai, instead he took out a white towel and stuffed Gao Liu Qitai's mouth.

Water Village Inn.

A woman in black walked forward with a flustered face, and bowed to Musashi Shion.

"Miss, Mr. Qin Feng has left, and all members of the Iga family, except one, have been slaughtered."


Several people were astonished.

"Please explain in detail!"

Musashi Shion waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

The woman in black then told the story in detail.

After listening, several people were all shocked, including Zhu Laosi standing beside Wang Xinman.

"Mr. Qin Feng is so powerful?"

Wang Xinman's eyes were full of admiration. She admired Qin Feng's knowledge and talents, but she never thought that Qin Feng could still know martial arts.

Suddenly, Wang Xinman became even more curious about Qin Feng.

"Sister Musashi, I'm very eager to get to know Mr. Qin Feng now. He actually cleaned up all the people of the Iga family. It's simply too powerful."

Miyata Kimiko exclaimed that although she hadn't met him yet, she had an inexplicable impression of Qin Feng.

"This is strange! Since he can deal with the Iga family by himself, why did he ask Zhou Qinya to let me come over to help deal with the Iga family?"

Musashi Shion frowned and said.

"What's the matter? The Iga family has always been ruthless, but it must be because Mr. Qin Feng doesn't know enough about the Iga family, so I can only ask sister Musashi to help you."

Miyata Kimiko giggled.

"Don't laugh! I'm serious! I'll contact Zhou Qinya tonight and see if I can meet Mr. Qin Feng tomorrow."

"The Iga family is quite annoying, and they won't give up their sneak attack on Mr. Qin Feng just because Mr. Qin Feng succeeds in a duel."

"So, I'm actually curious now, why is Mr. Qin Feng being entangled by the Iga family? I'm afraid Mr. Qin Feng has something that the Iga family wants."

Musashi Shion analyzed with a serious face.

"What would that be?"

Wang Xinman asked.

"It's hard to guess. I don't know if Mr. Qin Feng will tell you if you ask me. But no matter what, it's a good thing to make friends with people like Mr. Qin Feng."

Musashi Ziyuan squinted at Wang Xinman and said in a deep voice.

Wang Xinman nodded slightly, feeling a little proud because she felt that her family had a good relationship with Qin Feng.

The phone rings.

Wang Xinman glanced at it, then raised her head and said to Miyata Kimiko and Musashi Shion, "You two, my family is looking for me, so I'll take my leave first."

Miyata Kimiko nodded to Wang Xinman.

Musashi Ziyuan suddenly asked: "Wang Xinman, will you go to see Mr. Qin Feng tomorrow? If you go too, let's go together?"

"That's not good?"

Wang Xinman was just about to go out, when she heard Musashi Ziyuan's words, her expression froze.

"Let's go together, I think Mr. Qin Feng won't mind."

Musashi Shion said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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