Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 375 The World Can Learn 1 More

Chapter 375

"Cai Shao, don't look at me like that, I will be shy."

Wei Lu said blushingly.

"Hmph, I sent a lot of people out, and I don't believe that I can't find Qin Feng and his wife. After Qin Feng is killed, I will disclose our relationship with my parents, and then you will be Mrs. Fan."

The corner of Fan Mingcai's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile.

Of course, he also has another purpose, which is to take down Yuan Zihan.

Ever since he heard that Yuan Zihan was as beautiful as a celestial being, he has been eager to win Yuan Zihan all the time.

Now that Yuan Zihan and Qin Feng were traveling in Dongjiang City so close, he naturally felt that this was his chance.

Wei Lu was attracted by Fan Mingcai's words, and she naturally wanted to be Mrs. Fan, so she courted Fan Mingcai all the time.

After the first batch of blue-clothed men sent out failed to follow her, she immediately followed Fan Mingcai to the West Lake.

"Cai Shao, can I really be Mrs. Fan?"

Wei Lu couldn't help but asked excitedly.

"Of course! You are the most loyal to me, unless one day you betray me."

Fan Mingcai laughed.

"No. The world is a lesson. I am sincere and loyal to Cai Shao. I will never betray Cai Shao."

Wei Lu quickly made a statement, waving her right hand, as if swearing.

"very good."

Fan Mingcai nodded, his face became even more gloomy and terrifying, "But I heard that Yuan Zihan is beautiful and beautiful, and I want her to become my plaything, so that Qin Feng will never regret offending my Fan family, so you must help me .”

Wei Lu naturally knew that Fan Mingcai was lustful, so she nodded: "No problem."

As long as she became Mrs. Fan, it would not be a problem for Fan Mingcai to play with other women.

The convoy drove away from here and arrived at the Hongding Holiday Hotel.

As soon as she walked to the front hall of the hotel, Wei Lu's phone rang. She took out the phone and glanced at it, but hung up.

Fan Mingcai noticed that Wei Lu's face changed slightly, and asked with a frown, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's my mother looking for me! I'm doing business with you, Cai Shao, so I can't let my mother delay the matter."

Wei Lu frowned.

"Not bad! I will comfort you later, haha."

Fan Mingcai laughed, took Weilu to the hotel reception desk, and booked a top-level suite.

Afterwards, led by the waiter, the two and the bodyguards of the Fan family went upstairs to the top suite.

Unexpectedly, just after entering the top-level suite, Weilu's cell phone rang again, and she hung up immediately.

As a result, the phone rang several times in a row, but her phone couldn't be turned off because it had to answer calls from Fan Mingcai's staff.

"Cai Shao, let me listen to the phone, or my mother will keep calling."

Wei Lu gestured to Fan Mingcai and smiled awkwardly.


Fan Mingcai waved to Wei Lu, and then he sat down on the sofa and turned on his cell phone.

After coming over to West Lake, his cell phone was turned off immediately, so as soon as he turned it on, he saw countless missed calls.

Then, a phone call came in. Fan Mingcai glanced at it and saw that it was from the new housekeeper Liu Yingjie, so he immediately connected the phone.

Liu Yingjie's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone: "Master Cai, is that you? We have called you many times, but we have been unable to get through. Where are you now?"

"What are you calling me for? I'm at the West Lake Scenic Area!"

Fan Mingcai said lightly.

"Did you run to the West Lake scenic area? Are you safe now? The master thought you were taken away by Qin Feng, and he was planning to call the police."

Liu Yingjie on the other end said nervously.

"Don't call the police. You tell them to leave me alone, I'm just here to relax in the West Lake Scenic Area."

Fan Mingcai frowned and said, he came to intercept Qin Feng, if he called the police, what would he do?

"Yes, Master Cai."

Liu Yingjie responded quickly.

Fan Mingcai didn't give Liu Yingjie a chance to continue talking, so he hung up the phone directly.

On the other side, Wei Lu, who was talking on the phone, had a gloomy expression and gritted her teeth, as if she had encountered something very unpleasant.

Putting down her phone, Wei Lu came over, bowed her head to Fan Mingcai and asked, "Young Master Cai, I'm afraid I have to go out for a while. My mother has to come here to look for me. If I don't handle my mother's affairs well, I'm afraid my mother will Make a big fuss, and it will affect your plan at that time."

"Why is it so troublesome?"

Fan Mingcai frowned, but pulled Wei Lu past him, "You can go out, but you have to finish your business before going out."

As he spoke, he immediately pushed Weilu down on the sofa.

In less than half an hour, the two ended their fight.

Fan Mingcai was lying on the sofa weakly.

Wei Lu quickly got up, got dressed, and left the top suite.

When she arrived in front of the hotel building, she immediately drove a black BMW and left the hotel.

10 minute later.

Weilu drove to the nearby Amitabha Temple Park and stopped on Amitabha Temple Road.

Standing by the side of the road was an old woman holding a black umbrella, her face was gloomy and terrifying. When she saw the BMW stop, she immediately waved her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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