Chapter 376 The Second Change of the Thousand Hands Team
Wei Lu frowned, and her face became gloomy for a moment. She opened the door and got out of the car, and she strode towards the old woman.

When Wei Lu approached, the old woman immediately waved her right hand and slapped Wei Lu's left cheek.

"Fight! If you fight, what will happen to Cai Shao?"

The old woman's palm paused in the air, but instead of pulling it out, she retracted it.

"I'm a person with little money now. Soon, I will become Mrs. Fan with money and status. It won't do you any good if you delay me at this time."

Wei Lu snorted softly, and glanced at the old woman with disdain.

"Really? You will be Mrs. Fan? Did that kid agree to marry you?"

The old woman looked at Wei Lu in astonishment, she never thought that Wei Lu would have the chance to become Mrs. Fan.

"Of course it's true! How can this kind of thing be a joke? So, don't spoil my good deeds, you ask me to come out here, and if you have anything to say, talk about it earlier, and I have to go back to serve Shao Cai after I finish talking."

Wei Lu raised her head proudly.

"Smelly girl, don't think that you are great if you have the opportunity to become Mrs. Fan. If I hadn't cultivated you, you would be where you are today? Besides, you can't always spoil him with a man. He will only be separated occasionally. Miss you even more."

The old woman sneered and raised her head proudly.

"But we still have things to do during this period of time. I've delayed the plan of Cai Shao, so I'll just..."

Wei Lu wanted to explain a few words, but was interrupted by the old woman.

"No plan is so serious that you don't have time to chat with me, right?"

The old woman looked at Wei Lu with dark eyes.

Wei Lu's face froze, and she didn't say anything.

The old woman snorted softly, then waved her hand, motioning Weilu to look at the road sign.

The street sign said "Mituo Temple Road", Wei Lu didn't know what the old woman meant, so she still didn't say anything.

"Do you know where this is? This is Mituo Temple, which has a history of more than 100 years. It is also known as the four major temples in Hangzhou along with Lingyin Temple, Jingci Temple and Faxi Temple."

"However, more than ten years ago, this area was just a shanty town. Because the temple was abandoned, many people built it here and there. It was less than 400 square meters, but there were more than [-] households. I also lived here. You too, but you were still young at the time, so you probably have no memory."

"It's easy to change a place, but I hope you remember that your life is mine, and all your means are also cultivated by me. Don't forget the thousands of people in our shantytown just because of a mere man." hand team."

The old woman spoke slowly, but the tone of the last few words was icy cold.

"Mom, I'm still betraying the team, right? You can't watch me live well, but you still have to go hunting with you?"

Wei Lu lowered her head and said with a frown.

"Of course I don't force you to hunt with us every day. After all, you are living a good life now. However, when you are done with Fan Mingcai, I have a plan. You must come out to help once."

The old woman said coldly.

"I see."

Wei Lu nodded, and could only agree to the old woman's request with a frown. After all, she was also the old woman's apprentice, and the master asked for everything, so how could she not agree?

"Although you think Fan Mingcai can handle it, let me remind you that if the Fan family offends someone who shouldn't be offended, the deeper you get in, the more dead end you will have. I may not even be able to save you at that time."

The old woman said with a solemn face.

Then the old woman held up the black umbrella.

A black van then drove over.

As the car door opened, a glamorous woman with mid-length hair in a black wallet, miniskirt and black stockings stepped down and walked straight to the old woman.

"Old Guanyin."

The old woman's expression froze, she glared at the long-haired woman angrily, and said sharply, "Did I let you get out of the car? Go back and copy the Amitabha Sutra for me a hundred times."

When Wei Lu heard this, her face froze immediately. She was the most obedient disciple under the old woman's name before, so she was not punished for copying.

But she knew that in the park of Amitabha Temple, there were stone inscriptions of the Amitabha Sutra. At that time, the densely packed stone inscriptions made her feel apprehensive.

"Yes, old Guanyin."

The woman with mid-length hair didn't refute, she quickly lowered her head, and then retreated into the car.

The old woman glanced at Wei Lu before turning around and getting into the car.

Wei Lu watched the car leave, sighed, and immediately returned to the BMW.

Ten minutes later, she was back at the hotel, straight back to the top suite.

Fan Mingcai was a little surprised when he saw Wei Lu coming, "You're back so soon?"

"My mother asked me to borrow money, and she naturally left after getting the money."

Wei Lu said with an awkward smile.

"Just borrow money? Tell me after you ask for money, and I'll have someone transfer the money to her directly. Now that you're back, let someone order something to eat. I'm hungry now."

Fan Mingcai still looked weak, not even wearing clothes, and whispered instructions to Weilu.

(End of this chapter)

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