Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 377 Finding Qin Feng 3 More

Chapter 377
Wei Lu nodded, then turned around to find the waiter and called for dinner.

After the two had dinner, they started fighting again, and Wei Lu also forgot all the old woman's words.

But even though Fan Mingcai took the functional medicine, the battle was over in less than half an hour.

The two had just rested for a while when Fan Mingcai's cell phone rang.

Wei Lu hurriedly took over Fan Mingcai's cell phone, saw Lao Ji's name on it, and quickly handed it to Fan Mingcai.

Fan Mingcai glanced at it, and then connected the phone.

"Cai Shao, I found Qin Feng's trace."

Old Ji on the other end of the phone said excitedly.

"Have you found Qin Feng? Where is his soul?"

Fan Mingcai asked with a frown, his face darkened in an instant, after searching for a whole day, he didn't know where Qin Feng was.

"I don't know where Qin Feng is for the time being, but I'm here in Xitang. Someone saw Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan today and took pictures of them, so I guess that Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan should still be in Xitang. I'll send you the photo."

Old Ji said excitedly.

As the phone was hung up, Fan Mingcai also let out a sigh of relief. Although he was not sure about Qin Feng's exact location, at least he knew that Qin Feng was probably in Xitang.

"If we can lock Qin Feng tonight, then we will be able to deal with Qin Feng tomorrow."

Fan Mingcai looked at Wei Lu and squeezed Wei Lu's chin.

"That's great."

Wei Lu said excitedly with a pretty face that she is now waiting for Fan Mingcai to kill Qin Feng, and then Fan Mingcai will disclose their relationship, so that she can quickly become Mrs. Fan.

Otherwise, Fan Mingcai has kept their relationship secret, and she is just a female secretary next to Fan Mingcai.

For a person like her, as long as she becomes a regular, it is the greatest guarantee.

Soon, Lao Ji sent photos of Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan.

Fan Mingcai was stunned when he saw Yuan Zihan sitting on the cruise ship, wearing ancient Hanfu, like a nine-day fairy descending to earth.

Beautiful scenery.

Beautiful to the heart and spleen.

He wished he could hug Yuan Zihan into his arms immediately.

Such a beautiful woman, why is it Qin Feng's and not his?

Wei Lu's face froze.

She didn't take other women seriously at first, but tonight, she knew she was wrong.

When she saw the middle-length hair woman getting out of the old woman's car just now, she felt that she was much inferior.

Seeing Yuan Zihan in the photo now, she immediately felt ashamed. Compared to Yuan Zihan, she was like a clown.

If Fan Mingcai really got Yuan Zihan, then she would never have the chance to become Mrs. Fan.

"This kind of woman must never be obtained by Fan Mingcai, otherwise my status will definitely become hers."

Wei Lu made a decision in an instant. If she had the chance, she would definitely have someone kill Yuan Zihan.

Naturally, Fan Mingcai would not do this. Instead, he hoped to occupy Yuan Zihan, and then hide her in the golden house.

Just looking at these photos, Fan Mingcai had a feeling again, and he immediately replied Lao Ji's text message, telling Lao Ji to find out the exact location of Qin Feng and the others.

Then, Fan Mingcai threw the phone away, hugged Weilu and walked into a bedroom.

Xitang New Street.

In front of a snack bar.

Jian Yi sat alone and ate the dim sum.

Under the bright night, the lights are bright.

The streets here are also very prosperous at night, full of people's voices, and there are bursts of laughter from time to time.

Jian Yi frowned, and turned to look at a table not far away, because the people at that table were too noisy.

"Brother Ye, can we get the money?"

A short-cut man asked a bald man.

"Of course. Old Ji promised, saying that if we complete this order, we can get 100 million."

The bald man, Brother Ye, sneered, looked at the short-cut man with disdain, and said proudly.

"Wow! Real or fake? There is still 100 million?"

The short-haired man said in surprise.

"One million is just a small amount of money. Old Ji is helping the big boss, so we are indispensable. Besides, the one I found today is really a peerless beauty. It's really cheap for that boy Qin Feng."

Ye Ge gritted his teeth and said.

Jian Yi didn't care at first, but when he heard Brother Ye mention Qin Feng, he immediately put down his chopsticks and listened to their conversation quietly.

"That's right, that kid was lucky enough to marry into Yuan's family. I didn't expect that he would come to Xitang with his wife today."

A short-haired man snorted softly.

"Old Wei, you won't be envious. But Qin Feng seems to know the Wang family in Zuiyuan. It's better for us not to provoke the Wang family. After all, the Wang family is quite powerful here."

Brother Ye frowned.

The short-haired man nodded and said nothing.

"Brother Ye, after killing Qin Feng, can we really get 100 million?"

The short-cut man asked in a low voice.

Kill Qin Feng?
Jian Yi's face darkened, and then he glanced at the people at the table, his brows furrowed, his eyes full of disdain.

These people don't have the slightest aura of warriors, and they also want to kill Qin Feng?
(End of this chapter)

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