Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 378 You Are Not Worthy 4

Chapter 378 You Are Not Worthy of Fourth Watch
With a wave of his right hand, Jian Yi flicked a chopstick towards Brother Ye.

The chopsticks hit Brother Ye on the right side of the face and neck.


Brother Ye wailed, then turned his head to look in the direction where the chopsticks came from.

Several short-cut men also looked over.

When he saw that Jian Yi was just a person and an old man, Brother Ye was instantly annoyed.

"Old man, were you throwing the chopsticks just now?"

After speaking, Brother Ye stood up and walked towards Jianyi.

The short-cut man immediately followed Brother Ye and immediately surrounded Jian Yi.

When the other customers saw it, they avoided it one after another.

Jian Yi didn't say a word, just drank a glass of rice wine by himself, and then drank it down.

"Old man, I'm asking you something! Did you throw the chopsticks?"

Seeing Jian Yi's indifferent attitude, Ye Ge felt even more angry.

"Brother Ye, it must be him. There is only one chopstick in front of him."

The short-cut man hastily reminded him.

"Wow Cao! How dare you throw chopsticks at me, ignore me, and not apologize to me? You want to court death, don't you?"

Brother Ye roared at Jian Yi.

Jian Yi still ignored him, and drank another glass of rice wine in one gulp.

Seeing Jian Yi's attitude, Brother Ye immediately felt that Jian Yi did it on purpose, so he waved his hand, trying to grab Jian Yi's back collar.

"What are you doing?"

A voice came over suddenly.

It turned out that someone told the owner of the snack bar, so the owner of the snack bar ran out.

The boss is tall, with a beer belly, a long face with a cold face, and a pair of tiger eyes glanced at Brother Ye and the others.

"Why do so many of you bully an old man?"


Brother Ye looked at the boss, but he didn't refute, because he found that the other men who came out with the boss were all tall and big, so he naturally knew that this must not be easy to mess with.

But he turned his head and glanced at Jian Yi, and a ruthless look flashed across him instantly.

The short-cut man saw Ye Ge gesturing, and they all followed Ye Ge to check out and leave.

Of course, they didn't go far, but returned to their van.

Jian Yi didn't look at Ye Ge and the others, nor did he look at the boss and the others, he was still drinking on his own, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with him.

The boss saw that Jian Yi was a little weird, but he didn't ask too much. After all, when Jian Yi came over, he ordered several bottles of good wine, otherwise he wouldn't have come out to stop Brother Ye and the others.

Seeing that Jian Yi ignored him, he also turned around and waved his hand, telling the other men who followed him to go back.

on the van.

"Brother Ye, why don't we just deal with that old man? What are you doing with him?"

The short-haired man asked with a frown.

"You are stupid. I didn't see the people brought out by the boss. They all have tattoos on their bodies. They must not be easy to mess with. There are only three of us. If you mess with these local people, it will definitely cause trouble for Old Ji."

The short-haired man rolled his eyes at the short-haired man.

"Okay, old Wei, old eight, stop arguing. Hmph, when the old man leaves, we will go up and block him and clean him up."

Brother Ye snorted coldly, waved to the two of them, and looked through the car window at Jian Yi, who was still drinking alone.

The two looked at each other without saying a word, but they knew that the old man was dead.

Twelve midnight.

The snack bar was closed, and Jian Yi also checked out and left smelling of alcohol, with a wine jug in his hand.

Walking to a secluded alleyway, he heard footsteps and knew that Brother Ye and the others were chasing him, so he deliberately stood still in the alleyway.

But he took out his phone and sent a message.

"Old man, how do you settle the score just now? I've been very angry recently, or you let me break your hand and forget it."

Brother Ye approached and said in a dark voice.

Jian Yi squinted his eyes at Brother Ye, shook his head and said, "You are not worthy! I remember that there is a sign in the Drunken Scripture Hall, which says the words 'Benevolent People Live Longevity', but I don't think you are benevolent people."

"What is the Drunken Scripture Hall, the Benevolent Shou? Smelly old man, let me tell you, immediately kneel down and apologize to me, otherwise, I will break your legs."

Ye Ge shouted sharply.

"If you are people of benevolence and righteousness, then I may still be polite to you. But since you are not, then naturally I will not be polite to you."

Jian Yi snorted coldly, and glanced at Ye Ge and the others with disdain.

"Hehe, just you old man, you still want to be rude to us?"

Brother Ye looked at Jian Yi with a look of disdain, and then waved to the two old Wei who followed.

Old Wei and the two rushed forward immediately, trying to capture Jian Yi.

But Jianyi struck out with both palms, and instantly knocked their hands away, and at the same time, he struck out one palm respectively, hitting their hearts.

With a bang, they were instantly sent flying by Jian Yi.

Brother Ye's expression froze.

He never imagined that Jian Yi would be so powerful.

But he felt that he shouldn't be afraid of Jian Yi, just an old man.

So he immediately took out a dagger and stabbed at Jian Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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