Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 379 Is Old Ji 5 more

Chapter 379 It's Old Ji Wugeng
Jian Yi's complexion was slightly gloomy, his eyes were sharp, but the person was like a clay sculpture, motionless, and had no intention of dodging at all.

Seeing Jian Yi like this, Brother Ye was overjoyed and thought he could kill Jian Yi with one blow.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden sound of footsteps, Brother Ye paused, and turned his head to look, only to see four men in white robes rushing towards this side.

This situation made him a little confused, because he didn't know who these four men in white robes were, but he knew that the other party might not be kind.

Before Brother Ye could ask anything, a white-robed man spun around and kicked the dagger in his hand away.

Another white-robed man punched him in the heart, knocking him flying.

The other two men in white robes ran straight over and grabbed Lao Wei and Lao Ba.

Lao Wei and Lao Bazheng had their hearts hurting, and were wailing on the ground, when they were suddenly picked up, and a short knife was tied around their necks, so they didn't even dare to breathe.

Brother Ye fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood instantly, and looked extremely embarrassed.

Jian Yi walked over, squatted down, and looked at Brother Ye coldly: "I said, you are not worthy! Tell me honestly, why are you working hard and why are you dealing with Qin Feng?"

"You... are you from Qin Feng?"

Brother Ye looked at Jianyi in astonishment, feeling that he was too unlucky tonight.

"I'm not from Qin Feng. But if you want to survive, you have to answer my questions honestly. Why are you dealing with Qin Feng?"

Jian Yi shouted sharply, and at the same time waved his right hand, and clasped Brother Ye's neck with an eagle claw gesture.

Brother Ye's eyes widened, his face flushed instantly, and he was so nervous that the tip of his nose was sweating.

Because he could feel the murderous aura on Jian Yi's body, especially the strength of Jian Yi's palm clasping his neck, which made him feel suffocated instantly.

"I, I was just sent out to search for Qin Feng. I didn't deal with Qin Feng. You made a mistake."

Brother Ye said in a difficult voice.

"Am I mistaken?"

Jian Yi chuckled, but his eyes were full of frost, and his right hand relaxed: "When you were in the shop just now, you said you wanted to kill Qin Feng, now you say I made a mistake?"

"This, I'm just joking. I'm a trash, how can I kill Qin Feng? It's just that Lao Ji, the intermediary, gave money, so we came out to search for Qin Feng."

Ye Ge explained in a trembling voice.

"That's true. You're a trash, and you're not qualified to touch Mr. Qin Feng. So, your contact person is Lao Ji, right?"

Jian Yi snorted lightly.

"That's right. It's Lao Ji. He gave the money. We usually come out to do things when we have money."

Brother Ye nodded and admitted that he no longer cared about betraying Lao Ji in order to survive.

"If you want to live, take us to find Lao Ji. Otherwise, I will tear you to pieces here. Don't think you can escape, you are no match for my disciples."

Jian Yi said arrogantly.

Afterwards, Jian Yi waved to the two men in white robes walking beside him, signaling them to arrest Brother Ye.

Brother Ye didn't dare to struggle, and let the two men in white robes grab him.

Then, Brother Ye and the three were taken to the Black Knight Business Hotel and the black van of the three, and went to find Lao Ji according to Jian Yi's instructions.

at this time.

Longmen Inn, in a VIP private room.

A dark-skinned, fat middle-aged man was lying on a large white flat couch, with a massage therapist standing on his back.

The female technician is a technician in the nearby Tiandi Massage Club for the Blind. After receiving the task, she came here to perform yoga massage for middle-aged men.

The middle-aged man was Lao Ji, and he kept screaming because the female technician served him very well.

"Comfortable! It's so comfortable!"

After the massage was over, Lao Ji got up and waved to the female technician.

The female technician was not blind, and when she saw Lao Ji waving, she immediately stepped forward.

As a result, the female technician was naturally held in Lao Ji's arms.

Soon, the two started fighting.

However, in the middle of the battle between the two, the door suddenly rang.

Old Ji didn't take it seriously at first, but the knock on the door kept coming.

This troubled Lao Ji very much, so he stopped immediately, let go of the female technician, wrapped up a bathrobe, and ran to the gate.


Old Ji leaned against the door, asked outside, and at the same time glanced outside through the cat's eye, but saw Ye Ge smoking.

"It's me, Old Ji, open the door quickly, I have news about Qin Feng."

Brother Ye took a few puffs of cigarettes and shouted sharply.

Lao Ji put down his guard and opened the door immediately.

But as soon as the gate was opened, two men in white robes rushed forward and grabbed Lao Ji.

Old Ji wanted to resist, but he couldn't, because the two men in white robes were too fast, and their strength was astonishing. Their hands were like pliers, tightly clamping his hands.

"Who are you?"

Old Ji roared angrily, then looked up at Brother Ye at the door, and shouted sharply, "You betrayed me?"

(End of this chapter)

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