Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 383 You Scumbag 4 More

Chapter 383 You Scumbag Fourth Watch
"What do you mean? They are sleeping soundly upstairs. Why are you arresting them?"

Zhang Shilong suppressed his smile and scolded in a deep voice.

"Whether what you said is true or not, I will only know if I ask them."

Qin Wenjie snorted coldly, don't even start, she didn't even look at Zhang Shilong.

Zhang Shilong looked embarrassed, didn't know what to say, and felt a little anxious for a moment.

Soon, Gao Bingyan and Kong Siyi were disheveled and were driven down by four men in blue suits.

"Gao Bingyan, you came out with Zhang Shilong last night, you should know what Zhang Shilong is doing here, right?"

Qin Wenjie asked coldly.

"I know. The chairman is just too tired and has a headache. He was afraid of disturbing your rest, so he came here to rest."

Gao Bingyan quickly explained.

"Yes, I have a headache now."

Zhang Shilong rubbed his forehead quickly, then leaned back and leaned against the sofa.

"You can keep pretending."

Qin Wenjie gave Zhang Shilong a blank look, then looked at Kong Siyi, and asked Gao Bingyan, "Assistant Gao, who is this woman?"

"Ma'am, this is my fiancée. Look at us, we didn't even have time to get dressed, and your people grabbed us down."

Gao Bingyan laughed, then squinted at Zhang Shilong.

Zhang Shilong winked with satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, Kong Siyi bowed his head to Qin Wenjie and said, "Ma'am, I am not Gao Bingyan's fiancée."

When Zhang Shilong and Gao Bingyan heard this, their faces changed. Is this Kong Siyi crazy?
Kong Siyi picked up a mobile phone, opened a recording, and handed it to Qin Wenjie.

Qin Wenjie turned on the recording and also turned on the hands-free, and the conversation between Zhang Shilong and Kong Siyi before the fight last night was instantly heard in it.

Hearing this recording, Zhang Shilong's expression became even darker. He never thought that Kong Siyi would choose to betray him.

"Zhang Shilong, what else do you have to say?"

Qin Wenjie looked at Zhang Shilong coldly, and asked sharply.

"Wife! Listen to my explanation. Yes, Kong Siyi is my woman, but I only come here occasionally. The person I love in my heart is actually you."

"Besides, we men are outside, which one can't play tricks or find a few women?"

"I really never thought about being sorry for you. You are still my wife, and no one can replace you."

Zhang Shilong hurriedly explained, talking a lot at once.

Kong Siyi's eyes turned red: "So what happened last night was all a lie to me!"

"Enough! Kong Siyi, I, Zhang Shilong, can have as many women as you want. Don't think that I love you because I slept with you a few times."

Zhang Shilong said coldly.

"You scumbag!"

Kong Siyi scolded angrily, with a look of extreme resentment, then she picked up a fruit knife placed on the tea table, and rushed towards Zhang Shilong.

Everyone was startled, as if they didn't expect Kong Siyi to be so crazy, but no one stepped forward to stop Kong Siyi.

Zhang Shilong's face changed, and he wanted to dodge, but suddenly his body froze, unable to dodge Kong Siyi's knife.

Kong Siyi stabbed Zhang Shilong in the right abdomen, and then stepped back immediately, but she put the fruit knife back on the tea table.

"You...you dare to stab me?"

Zhang Shilong looked at Kong Siyi in astonishment, he never imagined that the woman who slept with him last night would stab him severely.

Covering the wound, he was in pain immediately, watching the blood gurgling down the gap between his fingers.

"How is it? How does it feel to be betrayed?"

Qin Wenjie chuckled, but looked at Zhang Shilong sharply, she had no intention of going forward to save Zhang Shilong at all.

Zhang Shilong covered his stomach, looked at Qin Wenjie in shock, and then hurriedly shouted at Gao Bingyan: "What are you still doing? Let the bodyguards come in immediately and take me to the hospital!"

However, Gao Bingyan did not look at Zhang Shilong, but bowed his head to Qin Wenjie.

Zhang Shilong was startled, what's going on?
You know, Gao Bingyan is his assistant and his most loyal confidant, but now, Gao Bingyan actually bowed to Qin Wenjie?

Could it be that Gao Bingyan has betrayed him?
"Mom, how about stabbing him to death?"

Gao Bingyan sighed to Qin Wenjie.

"What... what is this situation? Assistant Gao, what do you call my wife?"

Zhang Shilong's eyes widened. He felt as if he was dreaming. The assistant beside him actually called his wife a mother?
Could it be that when did my wife recognize Gao Bingyan as her godson?

"It's easy to stab him to death, but I don't want him to die so quickly."

Qin Wenjie said coldly.

"What's the matter with you guys?"

The more Zhang Shilong looked at it, the more confused he felt, but he felt that these people who were very familiar with him suddenly became very strange.

"Don't understand? Kong Siyi is my man, Gao Bingyan is my son. And you, Zhang Shilong, are my enemy."

Qin Wenjie looked at Zhang Shilong with squinted eyes, the corners of her mouth curled up, and said with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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