Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 384 Waiting After You Die 5 Updates

Chapter 384
"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Shilong looked terrified, he felt that the scene in front of him was too unbelievable for him.

"I'm talking about people when I see people. When I see you, you bastard, it's natural that you're talking about bastards."

Qin Wenjie raised her chin high, domineering.

"Qin Wenjie, I've treated you well. What do you mean by this? Poach people around me, what's your plan?"

Zhang Shilong gritted his teeth and asked.

At this time, he felt that his abdomen was getting more and more painful.

"It seems that you are really confused. What I said just now is so straightforward. Do you want me to repeat it? That's fine. Kong Siyi is my man, my carefully cultivated apprentice."

Qin Wenjie said with a cold snort.

"Kong Siyi is your apprentice?"

Zhang Shilong looked at Qin Wenjie in surprise. He had never heard of Qin Wenjie's apprentices. Today was the first time he heard Qin Wenjie say that.

Standing beside Qin Wenjie, Kong Siyi looked at Zhang Shilong coldly, acquiescing to Qin Wenjie's words.

"As for when and how many apprentices I have, there is no need to report to you one by one. In short, she is mine."

Qin Wenjie said with a proud face.

"Okay! Kong Siyi is your man, so what happened to Gao Bingyan? Why did Gao Bingyan suddenly become your son again?"

Zhang Shilong asked in a trembling voice, and his eyes instantly turned to Gao Bingyan.

Gao Bingyan changed from his usual bowed and nervous look, and instantly became grim.

"Gao Bingyan was originally my son. Back then, I personally sent my son to study abroad, so after he succeeded in his studies, I was the one who let him come back here to work for me."

Qin Wenjie explained in a cold voice.

"You mean, Gao Bingyan is your son born to another man?"

Zhang Shilong asked excitedly.

"Of course. It's just that you killed Gao Bingyan's father, who is also my husband. It was Qin Chunqiu who helped me and made me look like your wife. It's a pity that you are so romantic that you don't recognize me and your wife at all. .”

Qin Wenjie sneered and shook her head.

"Plastic surgery? Could it be that you killed my former wife?"

Zhang Shilong looked at Qin Wenjie in horror, he was a little stunned for a moment, but still felt unbelievable.

The Qin Wenjie in front of him is not his original wife?When did this start, his original wife was replaced?

"That's right! Your original wife was killed by us a long time ago. I am the closest in size to your wife among all the people, so I was chosen. Maybe this is already destined in the dark, so I have countless revenges Chance."

"For 15 years, I have been bearing the burden of humiliation. I really wanted to kill you several times, but I know that I must never let you die so cheaply."

"It's just that I didn't expect that you would come here foolishly last night. You have been on guard all these years, and you were also on guard last night, but you ran away and gave me a chance."

Qin Wenjie spoke slowly, tears welling up in her eyes, obviously recalling something.

"Year 15?"

Zhang Shilong's face changed in shock. He never thought that Qin Wenjie had been lying in ambush by his side for 15 years. Who is this Qin Wenjie?

"That's right, it's been 15 years, and I can't wait to tear you to pieces every day. And I never imagined that 12 years ago, your Zhang family joined forces with the Fan family and the Zhu family to kill sister Qin Chunqiu." , you bastards!"

Qin Wenjie cried bitterly while cursing angrily.

"Who are you? What is the relationship between Qin Chunqiu and you?"

Zhang Shilong frowned and asked, but at this moment, his face was already pale.

"You should be very uncomfortable right now? I can tell you that your breakfast is made by the servants here, and all the servants here are arranged by me. Even the servants of Zhang's villa are all My people. And unfortunately, the dim sum you ate was poisonous."

Qin Wenjie laughed, and this smile also looked very strange and creepy.

"You put poison? Are you really going to poison me?"

Zhang Shilong was short of breath and looked at Qin Wenjie with horror on his face. He could clearly see that Qin Wenjie really wanted to kill him.

"You are already poisoned now, not to mention you were stabbed by Kong Siyi, and the outside is also my people. Don't expect to be able to escape, you can't escape."

Qin Wenjie said in a cold voice.

"No, I will never die here like this, Qin Wenjie, who are you?"

Zhang Shilong looked at Qin Wenjie, never as helpless as he is now. He never imagined that the person next to him came here for revenge.

And he didn't even know who he hit and killed 15 years ago.

"I'm here to take revenge. You don't have the right to know what my real name is. But don't worry, after you die, I will inherit everything from the Zhang family. As for your family, I will throw them to the sharks."

Qin Wenjie said sadly.

Zhang Shilong's body went limp.

(End of this chapter)

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