Chapter 388
Ooka Kotarou turned his head and glanced at Takayanagi Keita, but shook his head.

"What do you mean by shaking your head?"

Gao Liuqitai continued to speak angrily.

"For a short-sighted person like you, I have nothing to say. If you like to follow Toshiro Iga, you can continue. There is an old saying in the Xia Kingdom: A good bird breaks a tree to live, and a virtuous minister chooses the master to serve."

Ooka Kotaro immediately retorted.

" must have been brainwashed by them. Ooka Kotaro, I can tell you that if you follow them, it is impossible to make progress. Only those who follow my mentor can shine on the road of martial arts. Get to the top."

Gao Liu Qitai immediately laughed teasingly.

"If your mentor is so powerful, then you must be too. If you are so powerful, then why were you arrested?"

Wang Xinman sneered.

"soy Mujer!"

Gao Liu Qitai saw that the person who interrupted was Wang Xinman, and immediately reprimanded him angrily.

"Presumptuous! Friends of my Musashi family can also be scolded by you?"

Musashi Shion hummed lightly.

"Wait, your Musashi family will come to an end soon, and our Iga family will definitely kill all of your Musashi family."

Keita Takayanagi glanced at Musashi Shion with his eyes, and said arrogantly.

"Really? That's a pity, because you don't have such a long life to see our Musashi family slaughtered. I hope you can have such a long life in your next life."

Musashi Shion sneered, looked at Keita Takayanagi with disdainful eyes, shook her head, showing a look of regret.

Keita Takayanagi gritted his teeth, turned his head to look at Kotarou Ooka, and shouted sharply: "Koutarou Ooka, if Master Iga finds out about your defection to Qin Feng, he should know what will happen to you."

Ooka Kotaro didn't say anything, but looked up at Qin Feng.

"If Iga Toshiro can be caught within a day today, then Iga Toshiro won't survive today."

Qin Feng said lightly.

Kotaro Ooka nodded, if Toshiro Iga died, he would naturally not be afraid of Toshiro Iga.

Qin Feng waved to a burly man in white: "Prepare the tracking tool immediately, and lock the location of Iga Toshiro for me."

"Yes, sir."

The burly man in white nodded, then took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Qin Feng looked at Kotarou Ooka again, and said in a deep voice, "Since you choose to stay, then help me deal with the Fan family. I don't need you to deal with Toshiro Iga."

As he said that, Qin Feng gestured to Huan Wei: "Let Lin Xuezhi come over and bring Kotaro Ooka."

"Yes, sir, I will notify Lin Xuezhi to come up."

Huan Wei nodded, took out her mobile phone to make a call, and said to Ooka Kotaro: "Lin Xuezhi is your former Hasegawa Yuue."

"is her?"

Kotaro Ooka had some impressions, but he was not impressed, after all, the two were not in the same group.

Gao Liuqitai's face changed in surprise, because he didn't expect that Hasegawa Xuezhi was also working for Qin Feng.

At the same time, he was a little apprehensive, because the more Qin Feng let him know, it proved that Qin Feng would not let him continue to live, and he would be killed.

Of course, he still has one hope, that is, he feels that his mentor Jin Chengyingming will come and rescue him.

2 minute later.

Lin Xuezhi walked in. Although she knew that Gao Liuqitai was arrested last night, she didn't go to see it in the car. Now that even Gao Liuqitai, the Martial King, was arrested, she was a little shocked.

Huan Wei explained to Lin Xuezhi, and then signaled Lin Xuezhi to take Kotaro Ooka out.

"Ooka-kun, come out with me."

Lin Xuezhi nodded to Kotaro Ooka.

"Ooka Kotaro! Do you really want to rely on Qin Feng? Qin Feng is just a son-in-law of the little Yuan family in Donghai City. What do you think this kind of person will have in the future?"

Koyanagi Keita saw that Ooka Kotarou was about to leave, so he yelled sharply.

He also tried to get Kotaro Ooka to change his mind and help rescue him.

Unfortunately, Ooka Kotaro didn't turn to look at Gao Liuqita at all, but followed Lin Xuezhi out.

Gao Liu Qitai looked disappointed, and then cursed angrily.

But soon, Gao Liu Qitai was also taken out.

Seeing the door being closed, Musashi Shion frowned at Qin Feng and said, "If Mister can really catch Iga Toshiro today, then it seems that I also have to prepare to kill Iga Toshiro by hand today."

"Then you should prepare early and let people wait in Donghai City. After all, opportunities come for those who are prepared. If I found Toshiro Iga here, but you dare not even make a move, then That's the only impression I have of you."

Qin Feng said lightly, but his eyes glanced coldly at Musashi Ziyuan.

Musashi Shion nodded, and then waved to a woman in black who was waiting next to her, "Mayumi Kitano, notify immediately and ask Kyoka Fujisaki to pick [-] experts to go to Donghai City."

"Yes, Miss."

Kitano Mayumi nodded quickly and stepped aside to make a call.

"Sister Musashi, what about me?"

Miyata Kimiko asked with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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