Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 389 Locked Position 5 More

Chapter 389
"You? You don't need to do anything, just keep busy with your career. I'm afraid you won't be able to help you with the matter of Toshiro Iga."

Shion Musashi shook her head at Kimiko Miyata.

Miyata Kimiko pouted and looked at Musashi Shion with some grievances.

But she also understands that she really can't help with this matter, after all, she doesn't know martial arts either.

"If you want to help, it's not impossible. Even if you go to play with Xinman, your bodyguard team will also be handed over to me until Iga Toshiro is killed."

Musashi Shion said calmly.


Miyata Kimiko was a little taken aback, she didn't expect Musashi Shion to transfer her bodyguards.

But her bodyguards were transferred by her family. What if something happened to her?
"That's no problem. If Simiko is with me, then I will definitely guarantee her safety. At least, here in Xitang, I still have the confidence to protect her."

When Wang Xinman heard Musashi Ziyuan's words, she immediately agreed.

"Since that's the case, let's arrange it all by you, sister Musashi!"

Miyata Kimiko looked at Wang Xinman, she did not dare to lag behind, and decided to support Musashi Shion.

She doesn't know what others are like, but if she goes back to Dongsang Country, she will definitely cooperate with the Musashi family. Once the Musashi family completely suppresses the Iga family, she will of course have to make friends with Musashi Shion in advance.

Otherwise, the relationship will be lost here, and the loss will not be worth the gain.

Musashi Shion deployed Kimiko Miyata's people, and the manpower was instantly sufficient, because there were more than 30 male bodyguards on Kimiko Miyata's side, and she just took away the male bodyguards.

Then, Musashi Shion also discussed with Qin Feng how to deal with Toshiro Iga.

After talking about all this, Musashi Shion asked Qin Feng: "Sir, I would like to ask, where did you arrange for Ooka Kotaro to go? Ooka Kotaro is not weak, if you can..."

"No! His strength is not enough. And he is injured. I arranged for him to go to the Fan family in Donghai City. I have enmity with the three families of Fan, Zhang and Zhu in Donghai City. Fan Mingcai of the Fan family has found me now." Here it comes."

Qin Feng waved his hand at Musashi Ziyuan and said in a deep voice.

Musashi Ziyuan was stunned, but immediately smiled and said: "If you need my help with this Fan Mingcai, sir, I can also help now."

"No. I can deal with Fan Mingcai. If you're okay, just go shopping in Xitang with my wife. After all, she's too boring alone."

Qin Feng rejected Musashi Ziyuan, and then looked at Yuan Zihan.

"not me……"

Yuan Zihan smiled awkwardly, she did not expect Qin Fengfeng to ask Musashi Ziyuan and the others to accompany her.

But she also soon understood that Qin Feng was worried about her. After all, no one knew what crazy things Fan Mingcai would do.

"Madam, if you don't mind, let me accompany you. Can I call you sister Zihan?"

Wang Xinman hurriedly asked Yuan Zihan.

"You can call it whatever you want, I don't care too much."

Yuan Zihan waved to Wang Xinman.

"Now we have lunch too, so let's go out and play."

Wang Xinman quickly suggested.

"it is good."

Yuan Zihan nodded and got up immediately.

Musashi Ziyuan and Miyata Kimiko naturally kept up with Yuan Zihan and Wang Xinman.

at this time.

Fan Mingcai's motorcade has left Hongding Holiday Hotel and is on the way to Xitang.

"You are sure that Qin Feng is over there. Don't let us Cai Shao pass by without finding Qin Feng's people. In that case, you will have no good fruit to eat."

Wei Lu was on the phone, and said coldly to Old Ji on the other end of the phone.

"How dare I lie to Cai Shao, people on my side have already captured Qin Feng's car, I..."

Old Ji was reporting at the other end, and then excitedly shouted: "What did you say?"

"What's the situation?" Vilu suddenly felt something was wrong and asked quickly.

"Our people have found Qin Feng, and now we have locked the location. Qin Feng is at Xiyu Inn in Xitang. I will send the video to you right now."

Old Ji said happily, then hung up the phone.

Soon, Wei Lu received a video about Qin Feng. After a glance, she immediately handed the phone to Fan Mingcai.

Fan Mingcai took a glance and nodded: "That's right. It's Qin Feng. This Qin Feng is really good. There are so many beauties, it makes people jealous."

"Cai Shao, don't you still have me!"

Seeing Fan Mingcai like that, Wei Lu was a little jealous, and acted like a baby on purpose.

"Of course, you are mine. But you have to help me. I want all these beauties from Qin Feng. Immediately let the killers go to Qin Feng's side. As long as they kill Qin Feng, the bounty will be credited immediately .”

Fan Mingcai narrowed his eyes, squeezed Weilu's chin, and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, I will notify them right away. Now lock the location, Qin Feng can't escape."

Wei Lu nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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