Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 390 Start Hunting 6 More

Chapter 390 Start Hunting Six Watches
Fan Mingcai looked at Yuan Zihan in the mobile phone video, and glanced at Musashi Ziyuan and the others. He gritted his teeth and looked wretched.

Wei Lu quickly took the mobile phone from Fan Mingcai's hand and dialed the number.

However, Fan Mingcai leveled the seat, then pulled Weilu to lie down, hugging Weilu's delicate body.

But the phone call had already been made, and Wei Lu quickly ordered what Fan Mingcai had explained, trying not to let herself utter an awkward murmur.

Fan Mingde watched Wei Lu finish the phone call, immediately took away the phone, and started fighting with Wei Lu directly.

From time to time, the black RV also made a noise.

Even the female driver sitting in the front could not help trembling, but the female driver dared not say anything about Fan Mingcai's profligate life.

After half an hour.

Fan Mingcai's motorcade arrived at Xitang Ancient Town Scenic Area.

Wei Lu hurriedly put on her clothes, picked up her phone again, and made a call.

Fan Mingcai asked Wei Lu to take out the cigar, lit the cigar for him and put it in his mouth, and then smoked the cigar.

After Wei Lu made the phone call, she quickly reported to Fan Mingcai: "We are short of money, and the manpower has been arranged. Now Qin Feng and the others are in the Ming and Qing Wood Sculpture Exhibition Hall."

"Very good, tell the killer to go to ambush immediately, and start hunting today. As long as they can kill Qin Feng, I will reward you a lot."

Fan Mingcai said with pride.

"Yes, less money."

Wei Lu nodded, picked up the phone and sent a message.

After sending several messages in a row, she asked, "Then where are we going now?"

"Find a place that is close, and when Qin Feng is killed, I want to see if this Yuan Zihan is really that beautiful."

Fan Mingcai said with a chuckle, seeing Wei Lu's complexion changed slightly, and immediately said: "Of course, I just want to play for a while, don't worry, the only woman I really want to marry is you."

Wei Lu's face softened, and she immediately arranged for it.

at this time.

Longmen Inn is still the VIP private room.

Jian Yi watched Lao Ji finish the phone call, then nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, Fan Mingcai must have sent someone to deal with Qin Feng, right?"

Old Ji smiled awkwardly and nodded, "That's right. Those killers were directly contacted by Fan Mingcai, so he was the one who notified me. I'm just investigating Qin Feng's whereabouts."

"So, Fan Mingcai also came to Xitang?"

Jian Yi asked coldly.

"I didn't ask in detail, but according to the female secretary Fan Mingcai, Fan Mingcai should have come to Xitang now."

Old Ji frowned and responded, feeling a little puzzled, didn't Jian Yi want to deal with Qin Feng?Why do you always ask Fan Mingcai how he is?
Jian Yi saw what was going on in Old Ji's mind, gritted his teeth and said, "If Fan Mingcai came here in person, then he is really determined to kill Qin Feng. In this way, I will be much more relaxed."

"Old man, Fan Mingcai should have sent out killers to hunt Qin Feng by now. So, can you let me go?"

Old Ji hurriedly begged.

"That won't work. What if you lied to me? If Fan Mingcai didn't come over and Qin Feng wasn't killed, why don't I send someone to do it? I'm a Han countryman, and if I do it here, I'm easy to get caught by your Xia country." Investigators are watching, so I have to confirm whether Fan Mingcai really killed Qin Feng before I can let you go."

Jian Yi snorted lightly.

When Lao Ji heard what Jian Yi said, he had no choice but to pray that Qin Feng could be killed as soon as possible.

But Lao Ji didn't know that a man in white robe standing beside Jian Yi had already passed the news to Qin Feng.

Ming and Qing Wood Sculpture Exhibition Hall.

When Qin Feng received the news, he immediately asked Huan Wei to notify all the female bodyguards here, and immediately reported to Li Nian and the others.

And Yuan Zihan and the others are watching the woodcarving exhibition hall, a private collection, which displays more than 300 residential building woodcarvings. The carvings are elegant, exquisite and beautiful, with a soft, delicate, fresh and gorgeous style.

Wang Xinman completely acted as a guide this time, because she is also very clear about these things.

Listening to Wang Xinman's narration, Yuan Zihan marveled at the woodcarving art of the ancients.

But she didn't know that Qin Feng had already arranged manpower to take down several groups of assassins who tried to lurk in.

"Check the neighborhood thoroughly, they won't stay here for long."

Qin Feng was sure that the captured killer had been taken out, so he immediately called Baihu.

"Living and working in peace and contentment, thinking about etiquette, every year there is more than enough to celebrate the harvest. Xia Guo culture is really good, and these pastry molds are so cute! Is there a store in Xitang where I can buy these pastry molds?"

Miyata Kimiko was asking Wang Xinman.

"Of course, not only pastry molds, if you want to make pastry, I can also teach you personally."

Wang Xinman nodded to Miyata Kimiko.

"Okay. After watching here, let's go and see the pastries. I like pastries so much."

Miyata Kimiko giggled.

"Then just wait, I guarantee you will be full, because the pastries here in Xitang are very delicious."

Wang Xinman said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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