Chapter 391
Coming out of the Ming and Qing Wood Sculpture Exhibition Hall, Yuan Zihan and the others were led by Wang Xinman and wandered around Shaoxiang Lane North Street.

Burning Incense Alley is a bustling area in Xitang. The river between Lujiaqiao and Wufu Bridge is called Burning Incense Alley.

A group of people came out to North Street, walking very slowly, and Wang Xinman immediately took Miyata Kimiko to eat pastries.

Musashi Ziyuan pulled Yuan Zihan to walk in the middle, but Qin Feng walked at the end.

Guan Laotai stinky tofu, Lu's small wontons, Qian's tofu flower, Gorgon fruit cake, Jiuniangyuanzi and other delicacies, Wang Xinman took several people to taste them.

The North Street on the North Bank side of the lane is also very crowded and bustling on this day.

Those killers who were trying to attack and kill appeared one after another, but they didn't encircle Qin Feng in large groups, but approached Qin Feng in small groups.

Qin Feng didn't make any big moves, but avoided them.

The killers found that they couldn't stop Qin Feng, so one of them slammed into Qin Feng on purpose, and then pretended to be hit, lying on the ground.

"Oh, my hand, my hand, why are you like this?"

A short-haired man on the ground shouted sharply.

A bald man next to him immediately glared at Qin Feng, and said coldly: "Boy, you must come with us immediately."

"You still have time to leave now. If you want to take me away, it won't be that easy."

Qin Feng looked at the two of them coldly, shook his head and said.

"Boy, are you going to send my brother to the hospital? Is it unreasonable for you to bump into someone?"

The bald man shouted sharply.

Yuan Zihan and others were planning to go to the Shengtang Temple on the east side of North Street, but suddenly found that Qin Feng was stopped by someone.

"How is this going?"

Yuan Zihan wanted to get rid of Musashi Ziyuan and walk over, but Musashi Ziyuan held her arm tightly.

"Sister Zihan, don't go there. Those two are killers. They have special tattoos on their hands. They must have intercepted Mr. on purpose."

Musashi Ziyuan whispered in Yuan Zihan's ear.

"Are they actually killers?"

Yuan Zihan's pretty face changed slightly, because she felt that the two interceptors were not very tall.

But hearing what Musashi Ziyuan said, she naturally didn't go to Qin Feng again, because if she went there, she would be Qin Feng's burden.

The bald man was still yelling at Qin Feng, and even wanted to push Qin Feng with his hands.

Because the street was narrow and there were so many tourists, he didn't think Qin Feng could go anywhere.

But he forgot, otherwise, he couldn't go anywhere by himself.

With a flash of Qin Feng's body, he dodged lightly. The bald man's arm snorted softly, "I advise you to not touch your feet, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

" bumped into my brother, are you arrogant with me? You come with me immediately, otherwise, I will never forgive you. "

The bald man continued to grab Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was naturally blunt, and kicked the bald man's abdomen with one kick.

"It's okay to come out to play, if you come to seek death, I can only help you."

Passers-by on the street saw the bald man falling into the air, and they all dodged away.

The short-haired man originally planned to continue selling miserably on the ground, but he didn't expect Qin Feng to attack the bald man in the street.

In an instant, he was also very annoyed, and wanted to get up and deal with Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng threw the silver needles in his hand, and threw more than a dozen silver needles on the bodies of the two men.

The bald man wanted to get up, but after Qin Feng threw the silver needle, he found that he couldn't move his body.

"What's going on here? What have you done to us?"

Qin Feng did not directly respond to the bald man, but gestured towards the void.

Soon, four strong men in white came over and grabbed the two bald men in an instant.

"What do you mean? Why arrest us?"

The bald man roared at the strong man in white.

The four strong men in white clothes didn't listen to what the bald man said at all, they held the bald man and walked towards the west exit.

"let me go……"

The bald man struggled and roared angrily.

However, when the two daggers rested on his neck, the bald man finally didn't dare to yell anymore.

Passers-by stepped aside one after another, they didn't know what the situation was.

Qin Feng walked towards Yuan Zihan and the others, and said with a faint smile, "It's all right, keep going, don't worry about anything."

Although he was still worried, Yuan Zihan nodded quickly when he saw what Qin Feng said.

A group of people continued to walk towards the temple.

When we arrived at Shengtang Temple, many people came in and out, and Yuan Zihan and the others also walked in. This Shengtang Temple is a three-entry courtyard with peach trees planted in the courtyard.

Wang Xinman also told Yuan Zihan and the others about it again, and took Yuan Zihan and the others into the holy hall temple three times, looking at the enshrined characters in the holy hall temple, and sighing all the way.

After entering here, Qin Feng didn't find the killer again, he felt much more relaxed and enjoyed the journey.

(End of this chapter)

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