Chapter 392

Xitang Yulong Cultural Theme Hotel.

After Fan Mingcai and Wei Lu came to the hotel, they directly opened a supreme box.

This hotel is very close to Shaoxiangxiang North Street, Shaoxiangxiang North Street is in the north, and this hotel is in the south of South Street.

"What? Haven't killed Qin Feng yet?"

When Wei Lu received the news, her pretty face was instantly annoyed. She thought that Qin Feng should have been killed by the time they came here.

Unexpectedly, after traveling thousands of miles, Qin Feng is still alive?

Fan Mingcai's face darkened, and he snorted softly: "Idiots! They are all idiots! Let them find a way to kill Qin Feng immediately."

"Yes, less money."

Wei Lu nodded quickly, and then conveyed Fan Mingcai's words.

Fan Mingcai looked at the latest video received in his mobile phone, and suddenly felt unbearable, it was so beautiful, I must grab Yuan Zihan.

"Young Master Cai, I have already given orders. This time, Qin Feng is doomed."

Seeing Fan Mingcai looking at his mobile phone, Wei Lu immediately stepped forward to report on purpose.

"Of course I'm going to die. I spent so much money to hire a killer. He is just a mere son-in-law of the Yuan family, and Young Master Rong is not here. He must die."

Fan Mingcai sneered, but a sentence flashed in his mind, I must snatch Yuan Zihan and the others over.

The mobile phone rang suddenly, he glanced at it and found that it was Lao Ji calling, so he immediately connected.

Old Ji laughed from the other end of the phone: "Young Master Cai, where are you now? I'm at the Longmen Inn. Give me your address, and I'll come to see you now?"

"What did you come to me for? No need!"

Fan Mingcai hung up the phone directly, he didn't bother to pay attention to Lao Ji now, after all, he had already found Qin Feng.

Dragon Inn.

The atmosphere in the VIP room was a little tense.

"Old man, Young Master Cai refused to tell me his address, and I don't know where he went. If you plan to cooperate, you can call him yourself."

Old Ji looked at Jian Yi with a frightened face, and said with an embarrassed smile.

Jian Yi frowned slightly, but did not respond to Lao Ji's words.

half an hour.

Jian Yi looked at Brother Ye who was waiting beside him, waved his hand and said, "You take someone to watch Qin Feng, I want to know what's going on with Qin Feng at any time."

"Yes, Master."

Brother Ye got the order and immediately took Old Wei and Lao Ba to leave.

Old Ji saw it, and quickly asked Jian Yi: "Old man, what am I doing?"

"You find a way by yourself and find out where Fan Mingcai is. After Qin Feng is killed, I will go to Fan Mingcai in person and give him a surprise. Of course, as an intermediary, I will compensate you 1000 million .”

Jian Yi said coldly.


Old Ji was immediately excited, because even Fan Mingcai was not so generous, if he could get 1000 million, then he could rest for a long time.

"That's right. 1000 million. Can I still lie to you?"

Jian Yi frowned, staring at Lao Ji coldly.

Old Ji laughed awkwardly, quickly waved his hands and said, "No, old man, how could you lie to me?"

"Don't call me old man, call me master. You all call me master here in Xiaguo, so you should also be called master. Don't worry, if things are done well, you will be indispensable for 1000 million yuan."

Jian Yi continued to fool around.

"Okay, Master."

Lao Ji nodded, quickly took out his mobile phone, and dialed the phone with his hands trembling with excitement.

He only needs 20 yuan to send out 1000 people, and there is still money left over from the money Fan Mingcai gave before, so once the matter is completed, he can take the [-] million bounty all to himself.

Thinking of being free in the future, Lao Ji was always happy.

Sanctuary Temple.

It was very lively, and tourists kept pouring in.

Under the leadership of Wang Xinman, Yuan Zihan and the others entered the third hall, the Guanyin Hall.

The first hall is dedicated to Zhao Gongming, the God of Wealth. Zhao Gongming is recognized as the number one God of Wealth in the Xia Kingdom. He holds a gold ingot in his right hand.

The second main hall enshrines Guan Yu, a martial sage, who holds not the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, but a scroll of books. The statue is also a golden statue, with its back against a white wall, and a plaque inscribed "Loyalty is unrivaled" hanging above its head.

There are also golden statues of Zhou Chang, Wang Hu, Guan Ping and Zhao Lei on both sides.

The middle hall of the third hall is the Avalokitesvara Hall. The Avalokitesvara standing tall and the golden boy and jade girl on both sides are also golden statues.

Compared with the statues of Wusheng Guan Yu and other gods in green robes, the three Guanyins are dressed in red robes, with a yellow curtain embroidered with dragons and phoenixes hanging behind them.

On both sides of Guanyin Hall, there are Wenchang Hall and Sanguan Hall. The statues inside are also golden statues. Among them, Sanguan Hall is dedicated to the three officials of heaven, earth and water. Er.

As soon as Yuan Zihan came over, he went straight into the Guanyin Hall.

Qin Feng didn't go in because he had just received the news that Fan Mingcai had dispatched killers.

Therefore, Qin Feng gestured to Huan Wei and the others, and then waited at the door.

"It seems that Fan Mingcai really wants to seek death! If that's the case, then I can't be merciful."

"Ambassador Guanyin, don't blame me."

(End of this chapter)

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