Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 393 Where To Send It 2 ​​More

Chapter 393
Qin Feng sighed, and looked at Huan Wei and the others indifferently as they drove the other tourists out of the third hall, and forbade them from entering the third hall.

Afterwards, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number: "Order everyone to prepare, don't let any killer go, wait for my order."

Yuan Zihan and others knelt in front of the Guanyin statue, and even Musashi Ziyuan and the women from the Eastern Sang Kingdom showed respect.

In front of the statue, besides the golden altar, there is also a merit box. When Yuan Zihan and the others came over, they directly asked the female bodyguard or female assistant to donate the money.

Except for Yuan Zihan who was kneeling side by side, the other female bodyguards stood guarded in the back.

Especially after Huan Wei gave the order, their expressions also looked extremely dignified.

In front of the temple.

A large group of muscular gray short-sleeved men walked in aggressively.

When the tourists saw these gray short-sleeved men, their expressions changed in shock and they hurriedly backed away.

"Who are these people? They look very fierce!"

"This is a temple, what do these people want to do?"

"Anyway, let's not mess with them, it's terrible."

Not to mention the tourists, even the tourist guides and temple administrators on the temple side dare not speak up.

Soon, the tourists in the first hall and the second hall were taken out by the temple administrators.

The gray short-sleeved men walked all the way in, but saw Qin Feng standing alone in front of the Guanyin Hall in the third hall.

"Good boy, he didn't run away, very good! Brothers, block these exits."

A burly curly-haired man among the gray short-sleeved men sneered, then waved his hand and strode forward.

Seeing the gesture of the curly-haired man, the gray short-sleeved men also rushed forward.

Qin Feng waved to Huan Wei and the others behind him.

Huan Wei and the others also followed Qin Feng's instructions, retreated into the Guanyin Hall, and closed the gate.

The gray short-sleeved men had already seen Yuan Zihan and other women in the Guanyin Hall, and their faces were all excited in an instant, as if they could kidnap Yuan Zihan and other women in the next second.

The curly-haired man saw the gray short-sleeved men separate, and the stone pillars on both sides of the Guanyin Hall leading to the other two halls were blocked, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the front yard of Guanyin Hall, in addition to the peach trees planted on both sides of the hall, with green leaves, there are also two square canopy-shaped incense candlesticks, and two round glazed gourd-shaped incense bottles.

Qin Feng stepped forward, stood in the middle, and looked coldly at the gray short-sleeved men who suddenly barged in.

"Boy, yes, you didn't run away! Tell me, where did you take my two brothers?"

The curly-haired man stepped forward and asked sharply.

At the same time, with a wave of his right hand, the gray short-sleeved men immediately surrounded Qin Feng.

Qin Feng stood motionless, watched the curly-haired man approach, and said flatly: "I have already sent them away."

"Where are you going?"

The curly-haired man asked, he naturally knew that his two confidantes were sent away for pretending to be Porcelain, but he didn't know where they were sent.

"Sent to the underworld."

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and responded with a cold voice.

"What did you say?"

The curly-haired man's face darkened instantly, and he shouted sharply: "Boy, it seems that you are looking for death! How dare you kill me, Cheng Hui? Do you know who we are?"

"If you kneel down now, I can consider leaving you a whole corpse."

Qin Feng looked at the curly-haired man Cheng Hui with calm eyes, and his voice was gloomy as if from hell.

"Boy, you are alone now, and you still tell us to keep the whole body? Kneel down immediately and knock your head nine times, or we will immediately destroy your limbs."

Cheng Hui was very annoyed, and in turn asked Qin Feng to kneel down immediately.

"It seems that you really want to court death."

Qin Feng said quietly.

"Hundan! The bull's head is wrong with the horse's mouth! Brothers, kill him for me!"

Cheng Hui roared and waved his hand.

The gray short-sleeved men were ordered to swing their daggers and slashed at Qin Feng.

Seeing the gray short-sleeved men attack, the corners of Cheng Hui's mouth twitched instantly, how dare this Hundan dare to yell at him?
Thinking of his two confidantes being killed, he felt even more hatred in his heart.

However, to Cheng Hui's astonishment, the imagined scene of Qin Feng being knocked down in a pool of blood by gray short-sleeved men did not appear.

Instead, there were gray short-sleeved men who were knocked into the air by Qin Feng, and flew around, or hit under the peach tree, or on the incense bottle.

Immediately afterwards, a few strong men in white at the entrances of the three stone pillars rushed in like a gust of wind, and all the short-sleeved men stationed at the entrances of the stone pillars were also knocked away.

Cheng Hui's face suddenly changed, he waved his hands quickly, and roared: "Disperse, be on guard, be on guard!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately took out his dagger and stabbed Qin Feng in the back.

The burly man in white who rushed in through the openings of the three stone pillars made amazing moves, and immediately started fighting with the short-sleeved men.

Sensing Cheng Hui's approach, Qin Feng tilted his body, avoided Cheng Hui's stab, and hit Cheng Hui's heart with his backhand.

Cheng Hui was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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