Chapter 394
Because Cheng Hui didn't expect that Qin Feng's shot was as fast as lightning, he didn't even have time to dodge, it was too fast.

The heart was hit, and the person instantly felt like being hit by a speeding sports car, and fell towards the pillar of the incense stick.

Cheng Hui spat out a mouthful of blood, then continued to fall to the ground.

The incense sticks were also knocked to the ground.

The whole front yard was howling, because it was not only Cheng Hui who was knocked into the air, but also these gray short-sleeved men.

Relatively speaking, Qin Feng's moves were much more gentle, but the strong man in white made all his moves with fatal moves.

Cheng Hui was lying on the ground, trying to get up, but seeing the gray short-sleeved men fall down one by one, he was instantly terrified.

He thought that there was no one on Qin Feng's side, but he didn't expect that there were so many experts on Qin Feng's side.

These strong men in white clothes are all superior to him in skill, and the gray short-sleeved men are all his, so naturally they are not even as good as him, so how can they be the opponents of the strong men in white clothes?
"How could this be?"

Cheng Hui gritted his teeth, then spat out a mouthful of blood, quickly took out his mobile phone, and dialed the number: "Old Sun, quickly bring someone over, and tell Lao Ji to send someone over to help, hurry up."

"Yes, Brother Hui."

A strong man answered immediately on the other end of the phone.

Cheng Hui was short of breath, watching the phone hang up with horrified eyes, and his heart became more and more flustered.

He thought that bringing more than 100 people here would be more than enough to clean up Qin Feng, but he didn't expect Qin Feng to be so skillful.

Moreover, they also secretly ambushed these strong men in white clothes, obviously knowing that someone would come to attack them.

At this time, no one came to help Cheng Hui, so Cheng Hui could only get up by himself.

As for the dagger in Cheng Hui's hand, he no longer knew where it was thrown.

As a large group of gray short-sleeved men fell down, the more than 30 gray short-sleeved men in the middle did not dare to continue to attack Qin Feng, but moved closer to Cheng Hui.

When the strong men in white saw that the gray short-sleeved men flinched, they all stopped and looked up at Qin Feng.

Cheng Hui also looked at Qin Feng, but he couldn't say anything, because these strong men in white were too powerful.

He could even foresee that if Qin Feng continued to let the strong man in white make a move, then he would definitely die.

Therefore, he is now very much looking forward to the arrival of his supporter Sun Chao, who is the second batch of people he arranged to prevent Qin Feng from escaping over the wall, but he never thought that it might be the people who helped him escape now.

Of course, this was all Cheng Hui's delusion, because since Cheng Hui and the others came here, Qin Feng never thought of letting Cheng Hui and the others escape.

Qin Feng didn't say anything, but turned around and walked towards the platform in front of the Guanyin Hall.

Cheng Hui and the others immediately shifted their bodies to get out of the way, not daring to intercept Qin Feng at all.

Looking at the gray short-sleeved men who were killed on the ground, Cheng Hui's heart felt like bleeding. He suddenly realized that Fan Mingcai must have lied to him.

"Fan Mingcai, the second generation ancestor, if I can get out alive, I will definitely kill him."

Cheng Hui spat angrily in a low voice.

However, the strong men in white were stationed at the openings of the three stone pillars, and they couldn't go out unless they crossed the wall.

The other gray short-sleeved men could cross the wall, but Cheng Hui couldn't cross the wall at all after being hit by Qin Feng's palm.

The two sides were deadlocked like this.

"Brother Hui!"

A cry came suddenly.

Afterwards, Cheng Hui saw a man with a tight cut head leading someone in, but was stopped by two strong men in white clothes.

The man with a flat-cut head is Cheng Hui's team brother, Sun Chao.

Sun Chao glanced at it, and suddenly felt that the front yard of the Guanyin Hall was very strange. The people lying on the ground were all their people, and Cheng Hui and the others retreated together?
"Brothers, come on!"

Regardless of 21, Sun Chao decided to support Cheng Hui and the others first.

Seeing Qin Feng's gesture, the two white-clothed strong men who intercepted him deliberately moved out of the way to let Sun Chao and the others in.

In an instant, Sun Chao and the others were also fighting with the strong men in white.

Cheng Hui didn't make a move. He was injured and couldn't do it now, so he waved to Sun Chao and signaled Sun Chao to kill Qin Feng first.

After all, if you kill Qin Feng, you can get a reward.

Sun Chao swung two daggers and rushed towards Qin Feng with a murderous look.

With his hands behind his back, Qin Feng didn't even look at Sun Chao who was rushing behind him.

Suddenly, a dagger was thrown towards Sun Chao, forcing Sun Chao to retreat quickly.

Then, several white figures leaped up the yellow wall, crossed the wall in the blink of an eye, and killed Sun Chao and the others.

In an instant, there was a fight in the front yard of Guanyin Hall.

Mutual exchange!

Shot quickly!

There was a sound of mourning, one after another.

Cheng Hui watched Sun Chao's throat being directly slashed by a strong man in white. Only then did he fully understand how naive it was to want to intercept and kill Qin Feng.

Even so, Cheng Hui actually wanted to slip through a stone pillar.

It's a pity that Qin Feng has already ordered that none of the killers here can escape.

When Cheng Hui approached the opening of the stone pillar, a dagger stabbed at him.

(End of this chapter)

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