Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 395 The Entire Army Annihilated 4 More

Chapter 395
In the theme hotel, in the supreme box, Fan Mingcai is taking a bath with Wei Lu.

He didn't know that Cheng Hui and the others had missed.

The two pushed and shoved each other in the bathtub, never hearing the phone ring.

Until Wei Lu heard the phone ring, she was wrapped in a big bathrobe and ran out with bare feet.

But picking up the phone, seeing that it was Lao Ji calling, she hesitated for a while, but did not answer. After all, Fan Mingcai didn't want to talk to Lao Ji before.

"Whose phone number?"

Seeing Wei Lu walking back to the bathtub, Fan Mingcai asked with a frown.

"It's Lao Ji calling, does he want to ask you for money again?"

Wei Lu said in a deep voice.

"This soul is weak! I think Cheng Hui and the others should kill Qin Feng, so Lao Ji is afraid that I won't know the mantissa. I am about to inherit all the property of the Fan family. It is only one or two million yuan. How can I lose his?"

Fan Mingcai said impatiently.

"Then ignore Lao Ji for the time being, and let Lao Ji go first."

Wei Lu quickly suggested.

"Okay, then it's up to you, delay Lao Ji for a while, lest he think I'm too easy to earn money."

Fan Mingcai nodded in agreement.

Dragon Inn.

Old Ji hated to smash the phone, he didn't expect that Fan Mingcai would deliberately not answer the call.

"Master, Fan Mingcai won't answer my call, or I'll send more people out to look for him. Fan Mingcai usually stays in big hotels when he comes out. I believe my people will find him soon."

Seeing Jian Yi, Lao Ji pleaded.

"Hurry up, you can't find anyone, if you are so useless, I will kill you with one knife."

Jian Yi snorted coldly.

"Yes, Master, I'll call right away."

Seeing that Jian Yi was about to lose his temper, Lao Ji quickly picked up his cell phone and continued to make calls.

When Lao Ji finished making the phone call, the door of the private room was pushed open, and Ye Ge and the others walked back with nervous expressions.

"what happened?"

Jian Yi frowned and asked, because he was here, so he didn't know what was going on with Qin Feng.

"Master, two groups of people were slaughtered by Qin Feng's people. If they were people with little money, the whole army might have been wiped out."

Brother Ye said out of breath.

"What? Annihilation of the whole army? How is this possible?"

When Lao Ji heard Ye Ge's report, he immediately looked suspicious.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, Qin Feng is fine. But those killers in the past have all been killed by Qin Feng's bodyguards in white, and none of them can come out alive."

Ye Ge glanced at Old Ji and snorted coldly.


Seeing Ye Ge's serious face, Lao Ji knew that Ye Ge was not lying either.

But, how could Qin Feng's bodyguard be so powerful?To be able to clean up all the killers sent by Fan Mingcai?
Jian Yi's face darkened, he glared at Old Ji, and shouted sharply: "What are you still doing in a daze? Contact Fan Mingcai quickly, tell Fan Mingcai what happened, and find out where Fan Mingcai is."

Old Ji turned his head to look at Jian Yi, nodded again and again, then immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed Fan Mingcai.

Unfortunately, there was no one answering Fan Mingcai.

"Master, there is no one answering Fan Mingcai."

Seeing that Lao Ji really couldn't get through, Jian Yi could only snort coldly and sit quietly on the sofa.

Old Ji saw that Jian Yi was silent, so he didn't dare to say anything, after all, he hadn't found Fan Mingcai yet.

Brother Ye and the others were not arranged to go out, so they all stayed here to rest.

After half an hour.

Old Ji's cell phone rang suddenly, he quickly picked up the cell phone and connected the call.

When he learned that Fan Mingcai was in the nearby Xitang Yulong Cultural Theme Hotel, he instantly became overjoyed, and quickly looked at Jian Yi who was meditating with his eyes closed.

"Master, I found it! Fan Mingcai is in the Yulong Cultural Theme Hotel in Xitang near us. It's only a few hundred meters away from us. You can get there in about 5 minutes."

"In that case, what are you waiting for? Take me there immediately."

Jian Yi opened his eyes instantly and stood up.

"Yes, Master."

Old Ji nodded quickly, but felt a little depressed, because Jian Yi said before that if he introduced Fan Mingcai, Jian Yi would give him 1000 million.

Of course, this is based on killing Qin Feng. Now that Qin Feng is not dead, he doesn't know whether Jian Yi will give him 1000 million.

Or did you wait until Qin Feng was finally killed before giving him 1000 million?

Brother Ye didn't know about Lao Ji's affairs, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He waved to Lao Wei and Lao Ba, and then followed Jian Yi and the others to go out.

5 minute later.

The convoy arrived at the Xitang Yulong Cultural Theme Hotel.

When Lao Ji walked in, he immediately connected with a bald man in a suit to determine which floor Fan Mingcai was on.

"Master, Fan Mingcai is in the supreme box."

Old Ji turned his head and reported to Jian Yi.

"In that case, let's go up."

Jian Yi nodded, but waved to the man in white robe beside him.

The white-robed man hurriedly ran to press the elevator door, then stood beside him respectfully, letting Jian Yi and the others go in first.

After Jian Yi and the others went in, the man in white robe immediately led a group of people into another elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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